Do we support Marianne Williamson, Jow Forums?
Do we support Marianne Williamson, Jow Forums?
she's a subhuman and psychotic jew
I do. She reminds me of my mother. God she turns me on so much.
>a woman
hell no
The absolute weakest message the US could possibly send the world would be the election of any of the democrat party candidates and dick daddy Michael Obama lurking in the shadows.
2020 is a lock for Trump. You'll see in 2 days.
wow, cool
I'm not regretting it
We probably should, just for keks. It would really fuck with liberal minds if places like Jow Forums had /marianneislove/ generals
she supports reparations for niggers, why would we?
Two days, huh. Can't wait.
Trump does kind of remind me of Spicoli.
>Aloha, Mr. Mueller!
Good idea
You Can
with Marianne.
You Are A Powerful Light Being ascending through the spectrum of God's mind.
I radiate healing good will, to you today.
She's hot and I like her accent.
“Now, love is not always associated with the presidency… would you be able to order other people to go kill our enemies?” asked Colbert—a question that seemed mildly sexist when posed to a woman candidate.
“Absolutely,” Williamson replied.
I support her right to get into the oven like the rest of the kikes
“There’s this almost Wizard of Oz idea that—this idea of this political class and something’s going on behind the curtain and they know what to do in the ways that the rest of us don’t. I think when we think of political qualifications today, we should expand our sense of what those qualifications are,” she continued. “A political qualification today should include political vision; it should include moral certitude; it should include the capacity to move groups of people—large groups of people—toward a common goal, a common vision, a common democracy, a love for our world and a love for our planet.”
(It’s rather unclear what Williamson’s “political vision” is.)
You'll see.
I have a strong psychic foreboding that some epic shit is about to welcome many new types to pol that wouldn't dare venture here on their own.
Pizzagate was some crazy shit when it went viral... This will be the evidence or aftershock of that wave in the timeline.
I agree