Is eating other Mammals morally wrong?

Is eating other Mammals morally wrong?

All Mammals including humans share same ancestors and same genes from them.

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Sample size: your mother

as long as you cook them it is fine.


Stop eating animals


Something Something Something

Muslims and jews descended from pigs. That's why they wont eat them. Cannibalism. But eating gentile children is kosher.

Vegans only want to save the cute animals because vegans are easily manipulated through their emotions. Planting a field with crops removes all of the wildlife that once lived their, such as insects, rodents, birds, and any birds of prey or snakes that were at the top of the food chain


A major rule of this simulation universe is kill or be killed, everything eats everything else to survive.

mix of monkeys and pigs ... nice

if i were a nigger i'd probably eat monkeys as well

Niggers and humans share like 99% of their DNA, yet you would never want to live near one and you would kill them if you had the chance. If you would kill a nigger who is so similar to you genetically, why should you care about pigs?
The eternal vegan can't answer this question.

These pics remind me of the average Jow Forums user
It reminds me of the wh*teskins

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Jews eat children, what's your point, gook?

Do you know who doesn't eat pigs? Shitskins.

Do you want to be a shitskin, user?

Pigs are delicious. So are cows.

I have no regard for their feelings. A turkey has never offered me help in my life. No lamb has mowed my lawn. They are useless playthings for my enjoyment, whether it's a meal or just sex.

No. What's morally wrong is the raising and killing methods used, if all cattle was raised like Kobe beef the world would be a better place.

It's impossible to be morally pure and continue to exist on this plane of existence at the same time.
This world is inherently evil.

Naturally; Animals eat one another, so I think it's in the coding of our genetics as an a-o.k.

>a real life ganon will be engineered in your life time

cut off a finger and id eat you as well

True, but when you have options that changes the game. I went vegan because I never liked eating meat. It seemed stupid that animals bulk up on a plant based diet, and then I eat them. Why not just eat the plants and cut out the middle man? We live in a time where a vegetarian diet is accessible. Everyone should consider what they put in their body and why, eating meat just because you're hungry let's your stomach take the place of your brain. It's impulsive. Now if you said you're trying to hit your macros and really there is no better way than chicken and broccoli six times a day, then I would understand, but you would have put thought into it.

Green houses, home gardens and homesteading could make this a moot point. Vegans are trying to not cause harm, harm will be caused but limiting it to as little as necessary is the goal. Plants are highly complex life forms, yet we eat them and cause them pain. I am working on a product now that is a non-lab grown meat alternative, that is not onions, which is a complete protein. If I can get it to market then I would have made a 'deathless" meal replacement.

to be fair, sheep will mow your lawn if you let them

No, if eating meat was wrong then all animals would be herbivores. Notice how only the weak and defenseless ones are plant eaters while the stronger and more dominant ones eat meat? Having a plant based diet is synonymous with being weak. Humans need meat in their bodies, otherwise they’ll become sick and eventually get poisoned from all of the plant shit they shove down their throats. It’s also worth noting that vegans age faster than meat eaters due to them not getting the enough nutrition and vitamins that animal products have.

>B-But Hitler was a vegan
Hitler was a vegetarian, while he didn’t eat meat, he still consumed other animal products like Milk and Eggs.

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>implying pol is white

Is that trump?

Is eating other humans morally wrong?

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The Legend says in ancient times a pig a monkey generated a hybrid. It was the first jew.

>retards actually think we came from pigs and apes because we have eyes and legs and sheeeiiiiit

Do you know who eats humans? Niggers and kikes.

Are you a nigger? Are you a kike? Do you want to be a nigger, user?

>Is eating other Mammals morally wrong?
Do you believe in god?

Yes it is

It's an abomination

How long have you been a vegan?

Everyone knows it

Pig has the eyelashes of Boris Johnson

*air horn noises*

stop eating banana

Of course. Consuming their lactation is pretty fucked up as well.

I am no longer vegan (a chicken would eat me if he were bigger) but I avoid mammals and their by-products.

digestive tract is the bottomless pit of hell

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Milk is not fucked up. It's amazing to turn grass into animal protein and fat.

Wont it be great when all the goyim are attempting to survive on the most basic of vegetables, processed seed oils, and attempting to collect just enough pea protein isolate to attempt to preserve enough muscle to even stand?
And then all the jews and muslims will preserve meat eating thru kosher and halal slaughter being religious rites that are protected by the slave goyim, and will thus be able to sexually dominate the slave goyim's daughters whenever they feel?

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>average Jow Forums user

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eating meat is not morally wrong but the way that we treat animals certainly is. it will be a much better world when we learn how to grow steaks and chicken breasts using some type of cell proliferation technology.

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Morals are irrelevant

if that was the case then society would not exist. without systems to guide our behavior we could never become civilized. regardless of whether you believe that there could be a "true" morality imposed by some ethereal force, or just see it as a result of natural selection favoring cooperative organisms, this basic fact is undeniable.

Humans are the result of alien genetic engineering combining monkeys and pigs and then back breeding the successful results with monkeys, in order to build a labor force. Presumably they needed gold for their electronics and were trapped on the surface of the planet. Gold is quite common in space, or at least it's easier to find than on Earth. Quite probably, this crashed vessel had an expert geneticist, a small and desperate crew and a need for gold. Humans have filled in all the rest of the gaps with sensationalism.

But they left us behind long ago. Who knows if they even survived.

Meatcucks today are babby tier faggots. They talk about being a carnivore yet won't eat organ meat. A cat will eat a bird as easily as I will eat fruit, and to be fair a chink will eat anything. But a western meatcuck is a wasteful parasite and probably loves thinking about eating hard cocks.

I would never eat a nigger. Too dirty.

daily reminder that white people evolved form pigs and blacks from apes

Not a vegan fag but come on user pigs are way better then niggers

>Is eating other Mammals morally wrong?
Source: God

>Is eating other humans morally wrong?
Source: God

You do realize you could cut out the middleman here and stop asking retarded questions, right?

Evolution isn’t real

It's unnatural for most animals to eat their own.

Surprisingly untrue on average.
If it were not legal to kill them, wild hogs would do more property da,age than niggers on average.
When both are imprisoned, niggers have a mild advantage.

Based and off-topic.

And without energy and health you're nothing. But nice philosophy lesson.

Get the fuck off this board nigger lover your really trying to argue that hogs would cost more property damage then yard apes? Did you even see what happened when they chimped out in Ferguson? How about the la riots no the nigger when left to its own devices is far more destructive and dangerous then any beast.

Ask me how I know you rent an apartment

If you stopped eating dogs that would be a nice start.

Nigger I own a house

Are you dumb mate? Did you just realise that we are mammals too?

This is not anything new. I was taught this in primary school.

Celebrities will almost always have higher attractiveness potential due to access to money and the professionals money can buy.

while this one hasn't had surgeries done she clearly has godly genetics and injections/good makeup.

How many inches is it away from your neighbor?

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No, what is morally wrong is wasting the food that animal provided you.
Even if we made the food chain our bitch. We must have respect towards the gifts nature provides.

Of curse not. Life is any information that is able to self-perpetuate in a medium.
Cows are not endangered by any means. They are actual success stories of life. Their genes will never be extinguished by us, unless the vegans win and cows, pigs and chickens will go on the way of the donkey.

humans are the only species that cannibalize for more than extreme necessity, or extreme trauma/some genetic freak incident.

there have been cults built around cannibalism for humans throughout our history, even among isolated communities.

i take care of newborn pigs sometimes for a project going on in my lab.

they can use a litter box at 2 days old which surprised me.

>fat fuckin jew

long pig

Is human meat vegan?

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this, pol demographics are like us irl, just under half white, the rest are asians, nogs, and a palette of mystery meat browns.

I've heard bullshit like that, except that pigs are a genetic hybrid between humans and wild boar. It's why pig skin is the closet to human skin, and why organ transplants from engineered pigs to humans may be possible one day. Anyway, It's more likely that humans were engineered to be a workforce for an alien civilization than just to mine gold to fix a space ship. Who knows?

apparently, he doesn't

The true question on everybody's mind. Is eating the fat liposuction-ed form an obese pig vegan?
I mean you did not hurt the animal, it is not dead, it fits all the emotional standards.
You could make a killing selling this to unsalted malnourished vegans.

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and so yeah pigs are smarter than dogs but more tasty and a lot bigger.

It's exactly as if I was looking at a white person.

I'm not a fan of pork. Red meat from time to time is ok, but fish and turkey/chicken/goose etc would be enough for me tbqh.

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Probably about 20 feet away. If your ur wondering yes I live in a city I’m assuming you think I have no experience with hogs that I can confirm for you but I have plenty of experience with niggers I can assure you they are far more destructive. A hog can’t start a fire and burn down a whole neighborhood a hog can’t rape your family a hog can’t steal and crash your car a hog can’t bring society down but the fucking nigger menace absolutely can and it has proven to do so. Look at what happened to places like Rhodesia or the Ivory Coast. Hell anywhere they are they become a plague. I’m sure it’s nice away from the groids where you live but trust me I’d take a fucking hog problem over a nog problem anyday of the week

you're still eating animal flesh that was held in captivity. brainlet.

The pig could be obese in the wild. You are basically improving it's life expectancy and survival chances.


if you would fucking stuff dogs with food like we do with pigs, they would also be massive.

Look how wild pigs- boars, look. In nature animals don't grow that fat, except for things like seals etc. But them, like bears do that diring one season and they gather fat to survive winter etc.

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The fake humans were made from pigs by the Devil. The Bible confirms this.

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there is a reason farmers will only enter a pig or chicken shed as a pair: if one of them faints, loses consciousness for whatever reason, he will literally be eaten alive until nothing, not even the clothes, are left.

==> other mammals clearly answer "no".
also FUCK your satanic vegan agenda, satanbot.

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>All Mammals including humans share same ancestors
We also share a common ancestor with fish, reptiles, birds and pretty much all other vertebrates though

Animal-tier logic.

A half dozen hogs can do thousands of dollars of damage in a night if they are lazy. And they

Do it every night or worse until they die.

Niggers aren’t as destructive per capita.

People think that what you eat makes you manly or not, which is false. It is a matter of spirit. Magnetics. Treating lesser animals brutally results in higher animals treating us brutally. Quid pro quo. They associated eating plants with leftists so you would hate it.

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eat garbage, then, you massive faggot


>please stop eating pigs
>posted by: your dear jew
No, fuck off

Nothing that cannot be fixed with pic related.
While the EU imposed the merciful killing laws. This wonderful implement is still used in backyard killings around Christmas.
It is fast though.

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Devour it's flesh after roasting it on a fire.


Myth. The actual cases are true but you have a bigger chance of getting hit by lightning.