Better will virgin all life, than have asianblackbrown girlfriend

Better will virgin all life, than have asian\black\brown girlfriend.

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((Greenberg)).I agree with you but chink women are pretty hot.Wouldn't breed one though You should know Boris we're mongrels.

>chink women are pretty hot
no, no, no, NO

Just extinct you race

I saved my self for marriage to my virgin Asian wife. Better to have a good wife and happy family than some godless white slut that divorces at the drop of a hat and has a dead womb from all the abortions and niggers she fornicated with.

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Yes. They actually care about their weight and wear clothing that is feminine. My wife has bigger boobs than most white women. Asian girl's faces are more attractive than the average white woman's face, especially over 25, when white women have partied and smoked their youth away.

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bulgarians arent slavs tho

Smart man.

Another smart man.

I’d much rather have my children look like me than some mongoloid. Besides whites in Asia is the same concept of blacks in Europe.

I fucking hate civic nationalists

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>being christian
>wanting children more than european women
>caring about children in general
>sodomite who enjoyes recreational sex

We actually are or at least real Bulgarians are .Slavic Bulgarians have had very bad birth rates ever since the 1940's.

>united stated
in us live white people?

The only Bulgarians I’ve seen were on a documentary about Bulgaria, and most of them looked like Romanian Gypsies

>the last hope for a white incel
It's all so tiresome

Boomer posts like this are obvious. When someone says there are no Asian Christians, you know they're living in the past. There will be more Christians in China by 2030 than there is people in the USA.

i don't watch american movies. who is greenberg? actor?

I'd rather have children that are biologically mine, and stay mine through the entire duration of my life.

And the only Americans I've seen are Race-mixing sluts.The other day I saw an American woman with a Chink and another American woman with a Nigger and a nigglet.So go give your tax dollars to Israel or something.

Berg like Stein is a Jewish last name

>I saved my self
My fucking sides, this board of incels never cease to amuse me.

end -berg it's by german surname. I was so taught at school

cкaжи этoмy бyйнoмy peднeкy в тpeдe, чтo oн ёбaный лeфeйc, ёaный нoвиoп. и пoпpocи peквeт пикчи фeйcec oф юнaйтeд cтeйтc.

Tы чё бpo, этo cлишкoм cлoжнo) Haзoви eгo мaттoм дa и вcё.

White languages only, faggots

No get a mail-order bride from Russia or Ukraine.

>white language
>this flag
please, somebody, post the pick "faces of united states" i want see white people living in us

>implying sex is hard to get if you're tall and attractive
Philandering cucks like you worship pussy.