This is NZ 2019

This is NZ 2019

Attached: kiwicringe.jpg (374x571, 61K)

do something about it kiwicuck

>attending a degenerate convention

>attending a convention
There's your first mistake of many.

>>attending a degenerate convention
It is kinda the opposite, i went with my normie irl friends.
I met a guy from Jow Forums in the one in tauranga, guy was there with airsoft crew, he won't be there anymore.

Hunt: Showdown is the official Jow Forums vidya and the best one to cosplay, including real lever actions.

>Jow Forums
>not degenerate

imagine the smell

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seems like sum nerd shit. im a pathetic loser with no friends but at least im not a nerd

New Zealanders are the fucking leafs of Oceania