Are there anymore memes of that style? If yes, post em, if no, create them

Are there anymore memes of that style? If yes, post em, if no, create them.

Attached: IMG-20190723-WA0008.jpg (784x547, 57K)

Other urls found in this thread: Cole/328/

Got one for ya

Attached: FB_IMG_1563877760298.jpg (576x653, 37K)


They had home improvement in Germany?

Of course, most sitcoms were dubbed in German

The skinhead "muh wudden doorz" -theory was Debunked long ago

as far as gass chamber stories go you have to keep in mind the gasslighting issues. For example in modern lithuania they have all kinds of chambers of commerce established for foreign embassies, chambers specializing in businesses similar to guilds and livery companies in UK, they even renamed courts as chambers.
So in this regard you have to think about one instance of gassing that we all had luxury to "witness". Sort of. You know it's still fake news. I'm talking about Moscow Theater Hostage Crisis. Now you have to understand that your house is your gas chamber since NATO has in stock and issues silent drills to special forces to drill tiny holes through any wall. They claim it's for surveillance, but i guess it's also could be used for gassing people.

Attached: screenshot-from-2015-05-05-175714-1.png (1000x751, 629K)

Attached: 1560427463319.jpg (618x828, 47K)

The Sopranos ones are also really good.

Everyone says this but no one ever states how