Why don't we do this?

>a large portion of america
>or even a small portion
>of the citizens
>dislike the laws/government
>why don't they all move to one state
>and influence the state laws
>you could literally
>mass immigrate to a single state
>buy all the land
>you could like
>form the reich
>in a state
>and take over the local government
>i guess the feds would come fuck it up, but still
>could the feds take on an entire state?
>it would be like a war

Attached: 4OKv1D1.png (558x371, 248K)

Other urls found in this thread:


l2 greentext

a large portion of america
or even a small portion
of the citizens
dislike the laws/government
why don't they all move to one state
and influence the state laws
you could literally
mass immigrate to a single state
buy all the land
you could like
form the reich
in a state
and take over the local government
i guess the feds would come fuck it up, but still
could the feds take on an entire state?
it would be like a war

>why don't they all move to one state and influence the state laws
because they have jobs in their home state.

Don't you have to go mow the lawn or something?

not a bad idea, but you need money to do this, or instead of being a faggot and buying in fiat, you buy in bitcoins.

a large group of people with similar ideas/ideologies could form their own jobs/business to further their dreams.

your government went bankrupt in 1933 and it only exists in name, the only thing that can change that fact is an armed rebellion that will never happen because you're slaves

but try telling a stockholm syndrome sufferer that they are in hell.

Because when we do we get called racist and are accused of white flight. Then California sends a bunch of minorities and turns the state into a blue shit hole. See: Oregon, Colorado, Washington.

Libertarians have been trying to do just this in New Hampshire for years. They call it the Free State Project. Convincing people to do something like this in large enough numbers is nearly impossible.

that's why you buy all the land, and don't sell it to minorities. ive seen this done on smaller scales by ukranians and other euro immigrants. they buy up neighborhoods and blacklist people who won't sell, or people who try to buy.

Isn't this exactly what Ilhan Omar did? Congregate all the Somalis in one area, they all vote for one of their own, start influencing the laws.

That's basically the concept of the northwest front. I think their approach is reasonable and the most realistic one we got. But it's simply something that's gonna take a lot of time.

The North West imperative essentially.


Attached: Cascadia, thw white ethnostate.png (346x216, 84K)

That's literally illegal on a federal level.

Do you have plans to go over there?


of course the (((feds))) are gonna have a problem with it. that's why war, or some sort of rebellion is necessary in minecraft (the videogame).

Mass immigration spikes land prices.

> Why don't we do this?
Because then you'll be first in line for the gas chamber. Stupid AfroAraboAmerikan.

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Are you retarded? If your plan was "well just go to war with the federal government" then why would they need to all move to the same state and buy all the land? This is some middle school level thinking you idiot.

not if we share

Now learn to type

Yes, moving everyone (racially conscious whites only) to pic related here and voting as a block for our racial preferences and then claiming independence and having the weapons to defend ourselves against the (((retaliation))) to this is going to fuck with the (((feds))).
All of which only a recreation of " future fictional events" in the game Minecraft of course...

It gets broken up long before. America does not have freedom of association. This is what Jared taylor is working for. It’s the first barrier, and no one ever comments on it. The closest was the bakery that wouldn’t do the cake, and look how they got curbstomped. America is doomed as long as those laws exist.

nigger the laws would need to be set in place in order to form any sort of well established resistance. america is a clusterfuck of "you're not allowed to do-dats"
also, fuck off russia, you'd probably join in on the fun for a free bottle of sewer vodka.

redpill me on this. who is jared taylor? i'm assuming the bakery you referenced was the one that wouldnt bake a cake for a gay wedding?

Not alone I guess. Let's say I find a decent partner then I would consider it a long term goal.
But that's getting less likely by the day.

All that's left for us is dying a hero's death in the upcoming racewar. And it probably is our reliability to initiate it as well.

Funny dreams, but then we just stop all relations with a bunch of Nazis - a good example situation of Ukraine. We'll just watch the faggots, Arabs, cucolds and Negroes be to kill each other.

>in minecraft

Thx for reminding me. I should clarify that in my post I was referring to the game Minecraft as well:

it seems some anons are confused, we're all talking about our american roleplay minecraft server in this thread.

You're actually fucking stupid. Fuck off with this retarded rhetoric. How do you think America was stopped during the Vietnam war? Was it because the enemy congregated in one place? No, you zoomer retard. It's because the resistance was spread across the entire country. Anyone could be NVA. In fact, most NVA were rice farmers during the day and then at night, they would go out, set up traps, kill some Americans and then run home. Putting the entirety of the resistance into one place and then declaring war is a sure fire way to lose. I hate how stupid you are, yet for some reason you're pretending as if you've got some kind of million dollar idea. Jesus christ, hang yourself. We don't want your 85 IQ ass anyway.

No, there are fundamental differences between a state or a province and a country
>you can't get in debt like a country
>you don't have your own (proper) military
>you don't have the bargaining power of a country
>you can't emit your own currency
>you don't dispose of natural resources as a country
>can't make your own laws
Even if you got enough people for this (very unlikely a lot of people would just leave it all behind for this) you simply don't have the sovereignty for anything like a Reich. If you start ignoring - important - laws the feds will go after you, if you start a war the military will go after you, before you even got to that point the government would probably fuck with you in some way
It would be easier to overthrow some small country than doing this honestly.
At most what you can do is have a small closed community of like minded people, that's all

>american roleplay minecraft server in this thread
LOL SYKA. I thought you were serious about rebuilding this useless Reich.

Look him up, he's an exceptionally eloquent white nationalist. American renaissance/amren is his organization

true lets jsut find some fucking island

>spread across the entire country

fuck off minecraft nigger, this is Vietnam in minecraft compared to the United States Of Minecraft. it's like the size of two minecraft maps at most.

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Exactly, you retarded fuck. You missed the entire point. You're fucking retarded. The United states military could not occupy all 50 states while fighting a population with more guns than people. They could however occupy one state if we all just up and moved there. You are just one absolute unit of down syndrome.

isnt that the point of my original post? that we all up and move to a single area in minecraft (with more bows and arrows than minecraft players)?

this "single area" would be twice or three times the size of vietnam, so your point is invalid.

sorry im drunk, i'm just trying to throw out ideas for my new minecraft server.

Yes, but when every single person who moves to that area has the literal goal of over throwing the government, it makes it pretty obvious who's going to be in that area. Again, you are thinking about this on such a basic level it's actually retarded.
>Hey if you hate the United States government and want to start a war so we can refuse to sell land to minorities, come to this location!
Makes it pretty obvious who is going to be gathered in that location.

That's not really the goal, we're just assuming the outcome would be war. The goal would be freedom.. you know.. like how americans were meant to be.

which is why the area must not be confined to the North West in the US but expand North into Canada and into Alaska. The fictional recreations of said places in minecraft of course.

What the fuck kind of fagoot retard greentext is that holy fuck painful.

It doesn't matter if it's the goal. It's literally the only way it can happen. As stated before, not selling to minorities based on race is against federal law. Period. The supremacy clause states that federal law trumps state law. Period. This is literally how the civil war started, states rights vs federal rights. The United states government is not going to just let a bunch of people ignore federal law, especially when it's based on discrimination. There is no other possible way it would go.
Well now you're talking about invading another country. So instead of just fighting the United States, now you're fighting Canada too.

>Because when we do we get called racist and are accused of white flight.
Sums it up pretty well, whites are cucks and afraid of words.

what about bundy ranch? this was minuscule in comparison to an actual movement.

Attached: bundy_ranch_protestor_militia_rtr_img_2.jpg (632x431, 30K)

Lets access
>thats expensive
>fed took on like 15 states in the civil war
>we lose power in other states

> So instead of just fighting the United States, now you're fighting Canada too.
Fortunately for us, modern governments don't see the legal flooding of their lands with foreigners as an invasion. In minecraft

Because that was a case of the federal government taking away from private citizens based on some arbitrary tax laws. It was a noble cause. When you're talk about taking away stuff based solely on discrimination of race, you're not the good guy. If you don't understand that, you don't understand how the real world works. You spend far too much time screaming into the Jow Forums echo chamber.

It's not soley about race, it's about freedom. Most laws being passed nowadays are anti-constitutional.

No they're not, that's not for you to decide. That for the supreme court to decide. You can't discriminate based on race. Full stop. It's not about true freedom because you're saying minorities aren't free to move there and life among you. You don't actually care about freedom because you're restricting freedom from other people based on race. You're only framing it that way because it suits your narrative.
That only applies to 3rd worlders though.

i feel like you're indirectly trying to frame me as a racist. i pointed out that certain groups of europeans have bought up land and gained control of it in the past to point out the fact that a group of like minded people in a community have formed bases of power (similar to gangs). also the reich reference in my original minecraft post wasn't meant to be "edgy skinheads take over da world" i was refering to the idealogies and governing tactics.

>do feds
>to greentext?

I'm not trying to frame you as anything. We're on Jow Forums, me calling you a racist means absolutely nothing. My entire point is that you saying "white people should all move here and not let minorities live among us." Is stupid for many reasons. The federal government wouldn't allow it, it's against federal law and hiding behind "but it's freedom" is stupid because it's only freedom to a group of people that you have chosen. It's not true freedom.

>could the feds take on an entire state?
>it would be like a war
Yes, indeed. A very short war, of which you'd be on the losing side. Obliterated, and used as example of the consequences of hate, intolerance and racism.

Dude its cold there.

t. Mississippi

Why won't I just go to New Siberia and take the Islands for myself? It's not like you'd give a shit, and there are only two guys there.

Actually I'll do it

What if we make it super authoritarian and anti welfare to make it unappealing to certain Minecraft minority groups.

Just saying I like the gist of the guys idea. Get a bunch of people in one state to influence the laws to something more sustainable and practical. My vote doesn't even matter in my current Minecraft state.
Tbh I always wanted to turn Minecraft Montana into a libertarian state this way.

Right? Can't we get a 2nd chapter the south?

>what is california and the Left

Because organization doesn't happen spontaneously. Think of it like a chain gang. You need everyone to move together, but they just end up tripping over each other. The best way to get everyone to move together is a combination of incentives motivating the people towards the same goal and a leader for them to follow to be better coordinated. No incentives, no movement. No leader, no coordination.

It's not happening because the incentive isn't properly presented, and there are no real leaders to follow. Simple as that.

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i can see your point
this is what i was getting at.. i've just had too many minecraft ales and im getting emotional.

stop saying "like" all the time. It makes you sound like 14 year old girl

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Welfare is a federal program. You can't make a law that eliminates federal programs.

reminder nazi germany started as a mystical fantasy roleplay club


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we should make an actual Minecraft server

You mean the original point of Oregon?

All of the West are slaves

Finish colonizing alaska. Niggers and spics can't handle the cold. Ideal white land. Also waging war there would be disastrous.

based latvia

This is worrying tho. Anyway, it has all the resources and less people. Colonize it en masse and if ya need import cheap labour from russia. Better than spics and pinoys. Politically active local populace and constant display of propoganda. Then spin the whole "they are taking our money" i.e catalonia. Actual independence won't happen in nearest 100 years unless usa goes to shit during some calamity. Another sidenote. You want to be that far up in the north 'cuz of climate change.

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google free state project

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honestly friend, I want nothing more than to see the south returned to its former glory and see the people returned to something respectable as well.
t. louisianian