Are tatoos still degenerate in 2019?
Are tatoos still degenerate in 2019?
Yes, tatoos are are degenerate, god created you perfectly and you should not modify your body.
>lets all look like cooks and sailors
yeah its gross unless you are one of the above and even then i dont want you to donate blood
Tatoos always have been and always will be degenerate. A woman with even a single tatoo belongs in the trash.
It's even worse now. It's especially bad when it's cute girl ruining her looks.
a hidden tat or small one thing that means something for life .. I can't argue with.
But anything visible and more than a couple inches wide .. and more than one is degenerate.
Undignified body mutiilation.
On women yes, on guys it depends
They are for cattle,jews and degenerates
>Are tatoos still degenerate in 2019?
Always were in my opinion
There is no God you fucking primitive but yeas, tats suck.
Yes. Besides, they look like shit when you get older.
Vc acha q isso é coisa importante, cara?
Vc realmente não tem NADA mais o q fazer?
There is nothing hotter than a girl with a face tat.
Even without the religious implications I still fucking hate them. There's nothing worse that looking at a girl, liking what you see, but then immediately getting visually slammed by some shitty fucking design forever branded into a large chunk of their body (god forbid they get it on their chest).
Humans of every race have modified their body since literally forever.
I hate tattoos. People want tattoos to make them feel special and then they start whoring status in social media. Every cute girl i used to know was debt free, tattooles. Not any more. I want to go back when social media wasn't a thing.
Yes. Don't get them.
I got a few when I was younger, I'm about to turn 26. I wish I never got any tattoos
Depends where you have the tattoos and of what.
Upper arms and back are fine.
Arms legs face are literally going to cripple your job prospects
Chest is going to shrivel up or bloat out as you become a fucking slob with age
Chinese characters/popular cartoons = 100% fucktard the world laughs at you
...said my grandmother.
You sound like a boomer.
>Satanic degenerates of every race have modified their body since literally forever.
Fixed that for you.
Nao entendo brasileiro desculpa
Don't you circumcise in Jordan? That's infinitely worse. At least tattoos don't destroy your ability to have the best sex
scribbling nonsense on your skin is extremely childish
They show a critical lack of foresight.
Although it is funny now to watch girls that look like they fell asleep at a party now always wear long sleeves as they get older, even when it is in the 90s here currently.
getting a tattoo to do with anything from games/films/books is cringe too
Show them so Jow Forums can judge
fuck off fedorafag
degenerate subhuman, modifying your body is like saying i dont like how god made me and i want to add something to my body, its a sin.
Born in 1981 baby.
That is a matter of hygiene and health, tatoos have no benefit but removing your foreskin is healthy and cleaner for you.
Boring and gross, usually sign of far left views and dull hobbies
Are you in your 80s or something?
>hygiene & health
AHAHAHA cope harder. Wash your penis.
tattoos are pure garbage. They scar your body forever with retarded symbols
Not an argument.
why did your god make abraham cut off parts of his dick then dummy
More than ever.
What do you mean with 'still'?
Let's not forget, Prisoners.
Vc entende muito bem amigão
I was starting to give you some feedback but then i saw your flag. Consider kys.
your preference aren't virtuous simply because they're your own
>Humans of every race have molested children since literally forever.
>Humans of every race have committed suicide since literally forever.
>Humans of every race have betrayed their people since literally forever.
I just got this piece done yesterday, I don't really give a fuck if you like it or not.
>cover yourself in bad decisions to show everyone else just how unique you are
>just like everyone else
Fucking moron NPCs
Vai pa puta da favela seu cor de merda
Ok well you still sound like a boomer.
You need to understand most people wjo get tats (not me i thjnk bbn its retarded but i have friends) dont give a fuck how it will look when older. Some of my friends don't plan on getting older at all.
You sound like you have tattoos
>Triforce tattoos
I know 5 people with these. One is in his 30s. You can see people pointing and laughing at them when they walk around town.
degenerate atheist amerimutts
Which mental illness do you have?
Lol mutilated penis guy coping
Its almost as if they are trying to make up for a lack of personality by having some shit scrawled on their body.
The irony that you now are part of the underground culture by not having one. I wanted one until I realised I didn't really know why.
Probably because some women dig them
fair point. now justify why tattoos are degenerate.
Implying the rest of the body doesn't look like shit regardless of the tattoos
As soon as I get enough money, I'll remove the two I have.
Only Jews are required to circumcise for religious reasons
How are tattoos still a thing? Usually when soccer moms are getting in on a trend, the youth will have moved on.
The one where I get my cock sucked every night
Disgusting piggies, you have no sense of cleanliness.
All true.
Wait are you trying to refute something?
Muslims too, idiot.
Jesus christ you sound like such a faggot when you talk like that
Maybe not degenerate, but definitely stupid. Imagine the coolest t-shirt design you ever saw. Now imagine wearing that t-shirt every day for the rest of your life.
Now for my confession, I got tattoos when I was a teenager in the 1980s because I thought it would make me look like a badass. Back then only bikers and sailors had tattoos. Now any time I go to Walmart I see all these obese housewives covered in tattoos. How anyone still thinks that looks cool is beyond my comprehension.
but you said god created us perfect. we cant be bother perfect and come prepackaged with a significant health and hygiene issue
You can call me a faggot but we all know I would have bullied you in high school
user IF there is no God what causes people's to do good and evil...? Why has evil started then..?
Where did the better ideas of civilisations not do whatever they want since there is no God..?
user please look into the ski at night at the stars and tell me there is no nothing but chaos in the ski and no form..?
user IF we are a big bang why hasn't the night ski and stars changed in your or my lifetimes..?
>literally forever
Estou no Texas, amigão. Não tem favela aqui.
cultural norms of body modification is different to just picking out the odd people who molest children lol
Tattoo ink is something you're putting inside of your body. It does not stay in just one place. It migrates thru your body. It's not a smart thing to do.
If you want something meaningful, instead of getting a tattoo, why not make a pendant carved in wood, bone, antler or stone. That is something you can wear, and maybe even one day pass it on to someone you care about.
I also notice the women at work all constantly try to talk shit about the one girl at work that doesn't have tattoos or retarded piercings and laughs at the idea.
It's the same thing with being in good shape or chaste I guess, their natural instincts are to tear everyone down to their level instead of raising themself.
I find that nearly all tattoos on women make them uglier. It's even sadder if they're good looking
It's to show your devotion and trust to god
I do not. Always hated them.
Yoj know you can gave an opinion about something indirect, right? Like, I'm not a child molester, but I think its wrong anyway?
Its not in your Quran.
they look really ugly on women, especially the 'skin poets' (words only)
It's in the hadith&sunnah, retard.
Lol yes that cope will certainly work this time
Islam is basically a shoddy plagiarism of Judaism and Christianity.
No and anyone that says yes is an incel cuck
Look at the kind of people who get tattoos. Look at the kind of places you have to go to get tattoos.
Dad isn't bringing the kiddies down to the ol' tattoo parlor on Sunday afternoon after church.
This excludes cultural tattoos like Samoans, etc. Those are more primative than degenerate.
Lol the cope is palpable
This isnt reddit faggot.
Like FGM is in a hadith?
Yes, anything that's "cool" - 80% of those who participate, 10 years later, will be completely disgusting fat housewives, cat ladies, bald creeps. So unless the young generation and trend setters constantly keep liking a thing each successive generation, that thing is necessarily going to become disgusting. Imagine something that was permanent on your body.
Still, props to you for doing something that was actually unpopular, because you wanted to. Tragically, your counter-social decision somehow ended up becoming popular. Which definitely ruined it. I admit, that would have been hard to predict so at a minimum you have it right - doing something permanent just isn't wise.
Not an argument
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Tfw girl goes to tat parlor, and removes shirt for her NEW tat......nothing but a good mother in the making.
Do you realize how much angry 12 year old justice ejaculate would be in my mouth if I said something like that on Reddit