Asian man here

We work our asses off in higher education, then we work hard at our jobs, save and invest our money. Let's compare that to white men:

White men:
>Ignore college and higher education
>Get shitty trade job because they're risk-averse, and don't care about investing in their future
>Get the minimum necessary income to afford a modest lifestyle
>Instead of furthering education or investing, the white men gets a couple of pointless hobbies, like video games or woodworking, because he's so fucking stupid he thinks the world is actually going to collapse overnight, and that his meager woodworking schools will save his race.
>Never invests in real investments.
>Instead, invests in bullshit like Classic Cars, boats, and Harley Davidson motorcycles.
>Get in a shitload of debt with Rabbi Shekelberg's Payday Loans, (((VISA))), and (((American Express)))
>Marries some borderline retard of a white women with a lower IQ than Koko the Gorilla, all because she has nice tits.
>Wife is a whore who fucks niggers, and is a terrible mother.
>Together they raise a couple of stupid, useless white children, and then hamper them even further with the bullshit Christian religion and it's dogma.
>Then the cycle repeats and the next generation of whites is even dumber and more pathetic than the last.

I give it 80 years tops and the white race will be virtually extinct. I can't wait.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Ignore college and higher education
Considering the (((higher education))) in the west is literally just a fucking commie/degenerate factory at this point, can you really blame us? They're even starting to put the bullshit into STEM.
The rest of your post can be explained by boomers and the people raised by the boomers.

> Fantasy literature
> Education

Did the hive allow you to give that opinion bug man

what the fuck yellow man I though we were a team here.

Dear asian man.
You are referring to what we in Europe call "the anglomutt". This hellish spawn of the Anglo (european version of the middle eastern juden) is devoted to reach peak retardation while still mantaining some characteristic human behaviours. Even if the best, no pun intended, specimen is the North American one, the Oceanic mutt is still renowed for his terrific bant and for being the proud descendant of inmates and whores (that's why they call you "m8", from "inmate"). You should really consider to take over those useless lands.

Wow, having a small penis must make you THAT angry you literally have to go on a racist rant against white people.

>All this fantasy
>No WoT

Stay pleb

Came here to say the same thing. Probably a bunch of books written by white people too

>"Asian" guy
>Hates white people
>Doesn't mention he hates niggers
>Secretly a nigger pretending he's an Asian to justify his white hate.

What a little jealous manlet. :) Seething at lack of sexual opportunity

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I'm a Gook and I'm very happy in my trade job. No debt, no shitty useless degree, and no commie jews around my workplace

True to a degree, the euros are definitely a bit more enlightened than their anglo counterparts. I think the germs might be the best subspecies followed by italians, all other whites are inferior.

It's common knowledge that Asians despise the negro

>envy western academia for 100 years, triad father sends me to australian uni to cheat my way through
>work for dad's communist party friends "construction" front company on the goldcoast
>get weekly stipend from dad and live in commie friends 2-bed sub-penthouse 2 streets back from burleigh heads
>Instead of furthering education, fap to are you the one hotties on SBS
>never invest in dad's pseudoephedrine imports, just act as bag man because I'm the retarded son
>instead invest in BMW M3s only to lower them and scrape the skirts on speed bumps all day
>Get in shitload of debt with rival triads because dad will kill me if he found out i was on the gear
>marry some plateface
>wife is a whore who fucks niggers and is a terrible mother
>together we raise a couple of stupid useless squinties, then hamper them with whinnie the pooh dogma
>then dad dies and the whole operation turns to shit and some other communist sleeper family replaces us to launder some mid tier officials money.

Give it 80 years and you cunts will be platted pony tils and shave foreheads again, cant wait

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hi zipperhead. chad here, i fuck all your yellow hoes on the daily. shit is so cash.

who's this thot

If aussie culture is anything like us culture, then I can fully understand your frustration. The psyop against asian men is america is so ubiquitous most don't even notice, it would be like noticing air. But now the shoe is on the other foot, and (((they're))) coming for white men. I regularly hear young women say things about white men that they used to only say about asians, (whites have small dicks, whites are masculine, etc) and the frustration at hearing this for a couple years is demoralizing. So I can only imagine the frustration of being asian and hearing this shit your whole life.
Basically, once whites are gone, kill all the jews, do what we couldn't, or wouldn't.

>Asian man here

>bot here with the same thread that gets posted every few days

>1 poast by this ID

Sage and report automated threads.

And even with all that, our countries are efortlessly better than yours, so you had to immigrate here.


let me explain: its the genes, Chang.
You can be as smart as you want, study absurdly hard, meticulously plan your finances etc etc..

And a 6'4 blue eyed Chad stumbling his way through life will efortlessly have everything you've ever wanted and more.

You were cursed by nature, theres nothing you can do about it.

Now while you're in our country, why don't you shut up, work your tedious robot job, and move the fuck out of my on the sidewalk like a good little gook.

Look mates this nafri cunt wrote a good one here give it a squiz

Triggered af but nice digits

>not a single classic litterature, only fantasy writen garbage

KEK I love how you aussies masturbate english. It takes some genius.

You're not wrong, I've never heard a sensical white person say "Asians are stupid" or "Asians are lazy and unproductive". You guys are killing it, probably could use some work on humans rights issues here or there but I have no problem with your assessment. Dont let whatever race of Asian you are disappear, the same I'd wish to any race on the planet but especially whites.

Like anyone on Earth cares what a chink thinks. Kek

We would go to college if the education system in the u.s. wasnt a joke but please go fuck yourself faggot shill.

White man here.

Modern college is for good goyim. Mr. Shekelberg's School of Student Loans is not going to land you a job or make you look smart.

By the way, I took one of your women. Stop bringing them here if you don't like it.

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It's funny aswell out of all other races we probably respect chink bastards the most.

Your wealth consists of the money you saved by not tipping waitresses.

>Asians are great!
>I couldn't succeed in Asia though, needed the white man's land to succeed!
>lol dum whyepeepoo

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are you the nut that was literally begging Jow Forums to house you because your parents wanted to send you to live with your grandparents in china a couple of years back? then you finally went and came back a chinese supremacist taunting everyone because they own property? then proceeded to post your passport non stop because people kept IDing your obviously crazy ass? Because you sound like that guy.

jake is such a good lad, can't help but like him.

but you have small peties, ja

Ching Chong math ching Chong small pp make me squinty angry lol

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You're not wrong user, dysgenetics are rampant in the western world. Even the so called 'white nationalists' are often into drug use, alcoholism, and are utter brainlets

Continental Europeans are godless snowniggers. Germany is the furfaggot capitol of the world.

Op is telling truth while you yell bs

>the white race will be virtually extinct. I can't wait.
I can't wait either, because you'll be next.

Lmao, he is fake asian plant. He is white

The yellow man will have the whip hand over the white man. You will be our slaves. Pic related.

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>adolescent fantasy "literature"

an even bigger waste of time than videogames

>muh dik
Anyone saying this to Asians comes off as a literal nigger

They already own your country, and the chinks are delving into gene editing. Once the West gets a hold of it then the entire argument on genetic differences between races will be rendered mute. It'll be a race of eugenics, and we both know who has little moral qualms about that.

Hating orcs is a given, it doesn't need to be mentioned often times

Asians will do it first sadly the west is held back by "morality" while asians have already made a gene edited baby

>muh dick!
nigger tier arguments, lol. When it comes to whites vs. asians, whites suddenly forget about IQ and all that knowledge, development arguments, devolving into "my pee pee is bigger than yours" shittalk
even though it may be not true and your white dick could be smaller than average and cut on top of that by some jew

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>yellow men are going to dress up like white women and sexy yellow men
white men BTFO

Fuck niggers.

Yes, but how do you feel about niggers?

>people living how they want angers me
>*wall of chink shit*
Yeah yeah that's great. Get what you need and go back to china, you sniveling little fuck. Nobody is fooled.


Why don't you compare it to jews. They seem to own everything other than have a culture and a stable country.

Sadly a lot of the Asian populace were bred to be slaves. That is why you are so neurotic and think your value in life is academic success. Of course this is generalities. There are Asian idiots all over the place along with whites.

Ooooo, the arrogance. This is why college was,so fun, chinks like yourself and gooks would go absolutely ballistic once I shattered your 'middle kingdom' delusions of grandeur by raping the grading curve. I loved watching you come to me for help after being arrogant. I loved giving the women a cock they will never be able to forget, as I fucked their mind body and spirits senseless.

A shame that instagram post was deleted.

It's posts like that we need more of to keep the hate and conflicts going, and sharpen our borders, and keeping people apart.

With stolen technology. With the sheer number of people in China you would think they would revolutionize at least something.

If you ask a westerner, silly gook

I think you chose the wrong memeflag ya faggot

Dicklette cope

>all whites people are the same
Funny coming from a bugman.

Threads like these makes me believe that "they" really want to divide us. So obvious at this point. Real Asians work hard but we never complain or blame the white men for our misfortunes.

you know i could take a photo in front of my book stack and it would destroy your tiny dicked slant eyed world

t big white roman bull


They literally do NOTHING to stop our conquest. They can't even be bothered to get off their xboxs and vote for nationalists lol

Attached: Based Unapologetic Third World Conquest (2% native drop per annum!).png (720x966, 229K)

>Checks flags
Ah the chink real estate agent? Selling any good houses my friend?

You look like some philipinos i know of.

>asian man here
post small penis with timestamp

Ignorant reddit fuckwit nigger faggot moron. There aren't that many phenotypic traits CRISPR and Zinc Finger can work on, it's only being tested with SNPs right now, virtually all phenotypic traits are polygenic, that's without getting into epigenetics and proteomics and the practically brand new field of RNA research. Gene editing is next to irrelevant to eugenic for the foreseeable future. We already have the knowledge and means to practice far less expensive and more reliable form of eugenics, but no one is even talking about it, anywhere - artificial mate selection, enforced reproduction of superior types, and embryo screening. This last technique, requiring little more than a lot of genome sequencing, which is trivially cheap now, could raise a subpopulation's IQ 5-10 points per generation, up to the genius threshold, AND YET NO ONE IS EVEN ATTEMPTING IT. Truthfully you don't even need the genome screening, all you need to do is evaluate the desirability of the parents and grandparents and apply the breeder's equation. We are still far, far away from germLINE editing that is the key to true eugenics. Read a goddamn book for once in your pathetic life.

Dear retarded asian person.
You personally have accomplished nothing of value in real life. So shut the fuck up.
From another asian person.

Only kin can judge kin. Go bully and improve your own race before you try to pick on white trash they are for us to bully chink.

>my people and culture sucks so much that I go to white counties to get an education

You mean you cheat your asses off in education then get taken on as a diversity hire that has no fucking clue what their doing.

Have sex

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There's plenty of Poles bolstering those white numbers.

so you want to suck a white mans cock? cuz thats what i hear you say


Just wanted to mention a couple things:
1) Have been taking classes at summer semester. FINALLY got this qt Chinese girl to come over so I could help her study for our physics final. She is good at the arithmetic, but she has a hard time mentally visualizing physics problems. Anyways, she was super flirty. We studied for two hours and then she ended up taking my cock out. We fucked for like 30min, made her cum twice. She told me her “box” is small and she was getting sore. She ended up blowing me and let me cum on her face. She looked so cute with her money shot, was her first time too.
2) Do not forget that leftists/marxists are actively trying to repress Asian-Americans in the US. Look at how Harvard is being sued for discrimination against them (trying to replace hard-working gooks with nigger quotas). I don’t mind bugmen filling academic seats. It is at least one benefit of having a dimmly-lit soul.
3) Go to google and type in “greatest inventors of all time”. Then try “greatest scientists of all time”. Notice anything? You see, civilization acts as a selective breeder for its respective population. Shitty bugmen philosophy hammered out the individualism and eccentricity necessary to invent new things. You people are great at soullessly hammering away at work/study to perfect white inventions, but you people do not have the mental faculty to “create”. This dawned on me last night as the Chinese cutie was looking up at me with my cum on her face. She cannot “see” the physics problems because that part of her brain does not exist. Just like for any Asian.

You’re going to have to face the fact, Chang. We’re going to need to co-exist. Just be wise and help us weed out the niggers and all will be well.

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