Eric Weinsteins new podcast is pretty good. Recommending more intelligent anons to check this shit out...

Eric Weinsteins new podcast is pretty good. Recommending more intelligent anons to check this shit out. Lot of red pills being dropped in a way that normies can process. Add this to your arsenal.

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Le based Yid man

What exactly is he dropping?

>t. Not-Eric-Weinstein

When just one ein isn't enough

Hop in an oven

I'll get right on it, my fellow white man.

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I was about to listen but his first guest is that faggot Thiel

>more intelligent
jews are not smart, that urban myth was started by hollywood jews who live in fantasy land.

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He speaks gibberish. No substance just words stringed together in a different way.

Israel Firster.

Subtle, but very, very detectable. He hates you, your heritage and wants your family and country dead to increase his peoples wealth. He hates you.

>When just one ein isn't enough
One is never enough. You need three.
Ein Reich, ein volk, ein fuhrer!

this is the great jewish deception. they don't even discover whatever it is they "talk" about... instead, they "put on a show" for the public to watch, while they talk about how "intelligent" they are.

it's ALL jewish showmanship & entertainment non-sense

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>listen to a joo

wow this hedge fund kike is totally based!

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Trust /pol to think Eric Weinstein is based

>liberal math professor complains about the culture he helped to create

>the "jewish boy genius" trope
>100% hollywood propaganda

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It's not bad. I think jewtube put it in my feed to deradicalize me.

This spastic heeb screeches about how Trump can't have the "nuclear codes". I can't take him seriously. Also apparently he solved some fancy math problem but he doesn't want to share his results with any other nerds because it could be used for evil. Get the fuck out of here.

>Jewish showmanship

You mean deceptive snake oil sales tactics used by cunning merchants.

Wasn't he kvetching at Jordan Peterson for not wanting open borders a couple months ago? And subtly threatening his family?

What the hell are you talkin about? Anyone with a pus 50 IQ can understand what he is saying. He mentions how higher education is essentially a scam. He talks about how the left is worse than communists because even Communists acknowledge people have differences. He also says how we're being fed a lie when it comes to the advancement of Technology in order to keep us complacent. This guy is full of real knowledge.

>This spastic heeb screeches about how Trump can't have the "nuclear codes".
this. can't take people this stupid.

Source? Sounds interesting

Based Jew hates orange Jew

You could argue that practices like nepotism are smart, though

This is the default setting of mankind, not at all a Jewish phenomenon.

>communicate like a lazy hoodlum
Meh, your "style" of communication is limited to a smaller section of society. I prefer a higher level of productivity by communicating to a larger section of society. I used to communicate like you in my introductory years when I was a little more hysterical and angry.

To a veteran like myself, opposing international Jewry is just daily work. The hysteria of discovering Jews "fucked me over" is long gone.

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I like Peter Thiel, I don't like (( Weinstein ))... What do? Should I watch the first episode?

>Listen to this kike, goy. He's one of the"good" ones
Yeah, no.

Watched his JRE appearence. Even spineless Joe called him out on some shit..

This podcast will be 80% truth with 20% propaganda. Thats why I don't feel like watching it.

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> not being smart enough to differentiate the two for yourself

Sounds like you have bigger issues my friend.

>Just listen to the propaganda, goy

If you haven't realized by this point that everything in society contains some amount of propaganda then I don't know what to tell you friend.

I am smart enough, doesn't mean that others are. If I watch this, it will be in feeds of people that like similar things as I due to youtube algorithms.

Now, will they be able to filter out the propaganda? Doubt it, its just safer to completely ignore every youtuber ending with STEIN or BERG

it astonished me my entire life (and still does) that the position like 'Hungary should stay Hungarian' is framed as a "extreme right" position.

Literally a communist scum bag

>Why aren't you listening to MY propaganda, goy?

That faggot is calling for google to be charged with treason. He's a degenerate, sure, but still useful to us.

added to the archive

t's only good for (((Americans))) to attack the American people. Fuck Thiel, he opposes China doing the shit he literally does to his own countrymen himself.

he literally defended antifa on rogan


Peter thiel all but told him to shut his jew mouth. Hasn’t gone one podcast without mentioning the holocost. Compares himself to Einstein. Not a bad listen but he is lame

Fuck that kike.

>listening to Jew podcasts

Civ Nat memes designed to keep the goy cattle in their pens.