Any teachers here on /pol? Have you ever dropped redpills in your lessons/

The company I teach for have recently purchased a new curriculum from (((national geographic)) I teach Chinese kids English. The old curriculum was fine it had enough material to work with, this new shit is so basic but funnily enough the re are NO images of white or Asian families or people. Just Africans and Arabs. Today we were learning about good communities and Rwanda came up in the lesson. I could not bare it any longer and began to explain the Rwandan genocide. Fuck this propaganda, Do any fellow teachers/students have similar stories where you have just had enough of the bullshit they are feeding the youth?

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I teach hs social studies; I refuse to talk about the holocaust. If a student asks, I tell them to do their own research on their own time. I go into WW2 battles and explain Hitler's rise to power. The main message is that banks are the central issue.

I teach national socialism as a viable alternative to democracy.

There is absolutely zero chance you "get away" with this at an american teaching institution. home schooling your parakeet to say nigger doesn't count

How do your students receive this? I though US public education was pushing all that bullshit.

*thought. (sorry been drinking the demons away)

the best way is to let a very interested student drop the redpills as an answer to the narrative you lay out. worked in my school and nobody got in trouble.

implying anyone pays attention to your shit lessons

Anyone I know who knows history learned it from grand strategy games

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Teachers aren't aloud to talk about this stuff. They will get fired.

>let a very interested student drop the redpills as an answer to the narrative you lay out
Can you give an example?

oh no what ever will i do

Teachers aren’t fired that easily.

How much do American schools talk about the holocaust? I've seen memes of entire school terms being dedicated to the topic but is this true? Over here they just mentioned is briefly but mostly talked about the bombing of London and rationing and stuff.

I teach at a normal school in Beijing. I'm subversive as fuck against Chinese. They're so fucking useless. A state school even pays me in to my Hong Kong bank account to avoid paying taxes.

Pretty easy. Exclusion. Rumors. Forced out of subjects or grade levels. One kid can get you escorted off the premise. One uber liberal principal can ruin your reputation if they don't like you. Yes, there is a process. But, it can be done.

my lesson plan for WWII by the state is about 30-40% about the holocaust

i teach maybe 2%. I also point out the fraud in Anne Frank's journal.

you sound like my students

most kids don't mind hearing about battles rather than a sob fest for jews

I had to quit because I was getting too turned on and had a serious problem sniffing chairs and sports clothes of my students.

That, or you can just be subjected to a 5 minutes of hate campaign like that one black principle who the jews were heckling about more holocaust classes, and he said they wont since people of all viewpoints are in the class.

Not all teachers are perverts, just the ones you hear about on TV, junior.

Can confirm that in Canada (at least in British Columbia) it's a full term for grade 11 and 12 history classes
Just fucking glass us already

That guy is pretty cool, I read about him

SA schools have an entire term dedicated to the holocaust as well. But no one pays attention. Ive seen a teacher stabbed by a student in front of me. Imagine going through school in the ape section of a Zoo.

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>most kids don't mind hearing about battles rather than a sob fest for jews
Grew up in a small Texas town right across from a liberal hell hole and I can agree.
No one taught it in High School and no one gave a shit about it not being taught, hell half of them were edgy enough to go and crack real edgy jokes about the holocaust.

axis and allies
panzer general
panzer general 2


I taught at a literal nigger school for four years right out of university.
The little bastards redpilled me more than I ever got the chance to redpill them.
You Americans should be grateful that the nigger bloodlines in your country has been diluted a bit, the purebloods are much worse.

i teach chemistry, not much room for ideology

Utilize sacred geometry, fibonacci sequence, historical art pill zoomers that when someone is talking that they shouldn't be, because life is not a fucking youtube video game commentary.

More children are sexually abused in schools than even in catholic church tho.

kek nah I learned this while still being a student. God its like a room of Animals (Northern Cape). The black girls are worse than the men. Glad I have never taught in SA. Mostly in China and Online.

Adjunct faculty at community college (fine art). I showed them the john calhoun rat utopia video. Never successful though, as mostly they think I'm just an eccentric goof plus I can't be too overt or I'll get fired. I will say, the girls are all shameless whores. If one of them fucked a black dude that weekend, the next weekend they're all fucking black dudes. If one of them fucks a dude with a tattoo on his dick, the next weekend that's what they look for. It's like contagious promiscuity among the retarded.

it's rare that teachers get fired on the spot, but not rehiring is super common

I teach English at a language school in Russia. I drop redpills all the time, since they don't get all butthurt when you suggest that maybe you shouldn't welcome every single muslim into your country. Say what you want about Russia but they aren't degenerating at the same rate as the US.

Yes the fuck they are! You dont two the line, you are out.

>How much do American schools talk about the holocaust?
We read 3 books on da shoah and watched schindlers list.
Number the stars. Anne Frank and one other that I forget the title. More an English class thing than a history one.
Probably about 1 semester class total scattered throughout k-12.
We also read 2 hiroshima books though.
>Over here they just mentioned is briefly but mostly talked about the bombing of London and rationing and stuff.
Doesn't even get a mention here.

Yes. Exclusion. Shifting people around. Admin can be bullies esp if you are openly Republican. Or even in the center.

The key is to use questions. Never make statements. As an English teacher, a few times I've had to "teach" a shit new novel by a nigress or shitskin. These works are invariably garbage and without telling my colleagues I make the driving language of the study something like "what can we learn from the study of bad writing?"

My mother is also a teacher. She teaches Maths and Biology to kids from grade 8 to 12. She frequently comments on the bullshit her colluegues are supposed to teach in History. Who the fuck cares what the San and Khoi did? Yet we had to get force fed this bullshit (For 9 years!) about Africans actually being civilised before the evil white monster arrived in africa. Fuck that. Ww1 and 2 get barely a couple of chapters, and there is no mention of the SAs who went to go fight, nothing really except how evil Hitler and Germany was and how blacks suffered after world war 2. Then the Apartheid debacle bullshit focusing on only their peaceful marches to free South Africans. Nothing about the brutal violence and ANC actually being terrorists. Nothing at all pretty much about the Border War, except to briefly mention the conflict.

Our teacher was fantastic though. She understood that alot of the textbook was bullshit so she made it interesting for us.

this is spot on

lol, are you a teacher? what did you see? my power level is buried under solid steel

I do private tutoring, and I talk about the federal reserve and corporate jews whenever the topic comes up

Watch your "bias" there, bud. The other commie teachers might get wind. Pretty soon you'll be transferred to the poorest school with the worst students that no one wants to work at, in the county.

Lol, got into history due to playing the Total War, Civilization and Anno games.
Followed up by i.e. Paradox games.
When I got older I started watching documentaries and reading actual history books.
History lessons in school were basically just me and my teacher chatting.
My teacher was happybecause somebody was into it, my peers were happy cause they could relax and do their own thing and I was happy cause I could stroke my ego

I let it show once and learned my lesson. Never have again. Literally, I had don't tred on me license plates. Was a borrowed vehicle so wasn't mine. Didn't put 2 and 2 together until much later. You live, you learn.

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I was going to be a teacher but dropped out of uni. Being forced to teach shit history that is verifiably false because "muh abo" turned me off the whole thing.

my 9th grade teacher was a raging old lesbian. ahhh public school.

All the fucking time. They beat it into your brain from kindergarten. And all the bullshit lies too, like hitler wanted to kill everyone without blond hair and blue eyes

>slept through schindler's list
>something something diary of Anne Frank
>hitler bad, soviets bad, USA #1

Thankfully I never had to take a literal "holocaust class"

And then you were like " but but hitler had brown hair...shouldn't he then kill himself too?" Kek.

"Hello kids. Today after the wex ed teacher comes in to tell us about stuff like that, were going to have the traveling holocaust teacher come in and teach her lesson." This literally WILL happen. Oh well. More planning I guess.

You son of a bitch.

it seems like this thread may be geared more towards the softer subjects and classes. like i posted earlier, there is not much room for ideology in sciences. however, i will note that students will ask your opinion on current events

>in SA
Nigga unless you're in a private school, what the fuck are you doing?
To answer the question though, when I was in school we got fed a lot of Apartheid and Rainbow Nation bullshit. When I got to European history in highschool it went over WW1 first, then everything that followed. I don't know if my teacher was based or if the syllabus wasn't pozzed yet, but by the time we got to WW2 and muh holocaust, there was a ton of information that allowed most of the students to see the situation for what it was. Just providing enough information and an understanding of the bigger picture was enough to let us come to our own conclusions.
Basically just your typical white school in Gauteng.

Every history class hour for 4 years in high school is dedicated to the holohoax, it's true.

Not a teacher here but my friend is and he dropped that we are most likely living in a simulation because the randomness in this universe is more like guided randomness.
He gives them some examples here and there.
Sometimes (((coincidence))) is just a coincidence but seriously, these happen way too often to be just random events.

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i have heard two stories from this past year where two separate teachers have gone on rants on the subject of climate change and # of genders respectively. the edgy kids will be militant about things like there being only 2 genders and,"if she breathe, she a thot". most kids don't care about ideologies and politics outside of blanket sentiments like how caring about the environment is good and you shouldn't be a racist

This is what my history teacher did too.
He got so upset when we did Sieg Heil and threw us out of classroom once or twice.
But he never pushed holocaust and always taught us to think for ourselves.

I have been teaching in China for four years and now online for two. I am not stupid enough to teach South African kids like I said one of our teachers was stabbed in front of me, it would be a nightmare,

Aww fuck. I remember this exact conversation.
Now I'm remembering elementary school.
Double the time that I said here.

I would bet money OP is white. Or is the nigga bit a low IQ greeting?

Our current school system doesn't even work

we might as well be teaching kids how to grill hamburgers

in my old school scissors and sharpeners were banned because the blacks kept stabbing each other with it poor white kids just wanted to do cut and paste projects in peace

In 8th grade english class becomes Holocaust class for 3-6 months

what makes you think so?

Rwanda was not a genocide. Numbers are always highly inflated by the Jewish owned media.

you sound fucking retarded
>just play games lmao you'll learn history

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Yup I figure this is a response they know they'll get. And they go Uhuh that's right children he wasn't even blonde and blue eyed! He was just a smelly hypocrite who was crazy.

Many get sick from ecoli bacteria from improperly cooked hamberger

like what?

Glad they only mentioned some bullshit about human skin lampshades before moving onto eight years of the TudorCaust, never forget Henry's 6 million wives

you kid, but i think culinary classes would do us better than some electives

Thanks for the snek.

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how can you be sure that you seeing coincidences is not texas sharpshooter fallacy?

the fact that homeschooled kids absolutely shit on public schooled kids in academics

of course proper homeschooling is superior, but i think its unfair to compare outcomes when the attention and resources given is so different between two drastically different environments

Teachers are scum. If they had a higher IQ they would have picked a higher paying career, but their nigger-tier brains drove them to the easiest (while still poverty level) path to a wage they could find. They are the reason public school is so trash. They blame muh kids and muh parents and muh administration but the main issue is the teachers dont know what the fuck they are doing and are not even qualified to flip burgers in the real world.

Sounds like you went to a public school .

That's why I mentioned public you fucking retard third worlder. I dont know the quality of private school teachers but I assume they are held to some sort of standard.

i did have a higher-paying career, but my nigger-tier brain valued the work and time off of the occupation that allows me to reply to your shitpost. i don't know why you would consider it poverty-level or that i don't know what i'm doing in my field when you need a college degree and multiple state exams. i also don't know what you imagine i blame others for

>More an English class thing than a history one.
Good, it belongs with the rest of the fiction

and that's part of the problem

even with all the technological progress we've made, public schools have largely remained the same for the past century. nobody is really looking at ways to innovate the learning structure of public schooling or even offer curriculum geared toward people that want to deviate from higher ed

Lol in middle school our dumb english teacher was forcing to learn about the jolocuast because we were reading diarrhea of ann franks weiners we all haf to make a butterfly oh yeah it was every english clas up until highschool also we watched a doc where survivors of Auschwitz complained how the nazis would put their makeup and clothes in soups because ran of rations or some shit lol most of the students wouldn't take the doc serious after on of the old jews saif the seen their lipstick floating in their soup and the bread was made of their leather shoes

thankfully, i can say that your two worries are not true. i guarantee a modern classroom has resources that would be unrecognizable from decades ago and research is being constantly done on teaching methods. there are also plenty of programs in high school where you can graduate ready to go into trade positions

I've never had a history class until college get past the Holocaust and devoted the entirety of WW2 to the Holocaust. This is done so intensely most Americans probably don't know that WW2 started because of Poland and thinks it started over gasing Jews (just like our civil war with slaves). ENTIRE terms for English class was devoted to the Holocaust. This may actually be one reason why most Americans don't understand history or use proper grammar.

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We did a schoolwide field trip to the Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles. Two years later, we went to the Museum of the Holocaust. We’re a small public school.


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My friend wasn’t smart enough to be in a real English class so they dumped him in a 2 hour English block class with nothing but niggers and all they did was teach about the holocaust and desecrate the graves of Vietnam war veterans

I have attended public and private over here. Same same.

>two the line
lmoa, don't you mean throw the line?

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if there is a complaint the admin will tell you to not do it again unless you are a dick about then admin might write you up.

repeated violations otoh will get you in deep shit

>black kid sits in front of my class
>takes notes and asks questions sometimes
>gets a B on a test

most prep schools don't talk about the holocaust at all. not enough time to prepare for AP courses, hell when I was in high school US history ended with WWII and anything past that was offered as a separate in depth course

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My hs world history teacher collected flags and whenever he got around to the unit on WWII he would hang a big Nazi flag in his classroom. It was pretty lulzy.

> Be white
> Show up to school one morning
> large group of blacks singing shoot the Boer kill the farmer while making gun hand gestures pointed towards me.
>average day

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Had a lot of based teachers in California. I was shocked I somehow missed out on the California brain washing. Turns out I grew up in literally the only Red district in southern California.

Based government class teacher in in highschool.

>Teacher was straight up libertarian. >Gave us a box of donuts and said we had to decide how to spit them among us if we were starving.
>12 students, 8 donuts.
>One girl got mad and said we should share them evenly.
>Teacher said bluntly then everyone would starve equally.
>showed us a documentary about how shitty China is

Based teacher was Spanish from European descent. Mexican kid got confused and said he was Spanish like him.
>teacher just shook his head and sighed at idiot Mexican kid.

>stupid ass, class clown got mad one day when I managed to make the teacher laugh with a joke in my essay.
>Class clown asked what was so funny. The teacher said that's called real comedy.

Based college professor of human sexuality.

>not a single lesson about weird shit.
>class embraced differences between two genders.
>went over psychological and physical differences between two genders so both could understand each other better.

Based Environmental science teacher

>believed in the scientific method and actually taught to look at multiple sources.
>taught us how statistics can be fucked with and skewed for a preferred result.
>showed us Al Gores global warming movie and a rarely known about counter video made by 5 different resesrchers who called his claims crazy.

>I also point out the fraud in Anne Frank's journal

Who you callin' soft?

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>Little sister is in an all girls school
>only 3 whites in the school
>black girls wont let her sit on benches and does not let her enter the toilets because she is white
>teacher keeps mocking her because of her race
>in history class everyone stares her down and blames her when learning about apartheid.
>They laugh when they show footage of whites being killed by ANC terrorists.
>I do not like my sister , but this just gets to me.