Would you rather be Amerimutt or Slav?

Would you rather be Amerimutt or Slav?

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It's the same fucking thing

pic related

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im both ama

I'm both.

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Daily Reminder that she is half Polish

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same shit, different asshole.

La Kurwatura

But God, what is the other half? German?


nas mnogo!

But look at this European culture!!

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if you aint american you have no rights.

You wish. S(he)'s 100% Germanic, hence such a troglodite.

Pic related is avarage slavic man and women

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whats going on here

Slav. They have culture, mutts don't except for getting obese.

Can I suggest a third option?

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slav diaspora

Post face

slavs are scum

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Slav mix >>> pure german

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I bet this girl grew up to fuck a black guy

Wouldn't know but definitely looks better than Miss Germany 2019

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your PM is cuck

>German governmet has official racemixing programs

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It's some American car show in Poland and it looks like its bumfuck Ohio or some shit.

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>American lifestyle attracts the lowest of the low

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Slav but not Polish

I wonder (((who))) is paying for all this....

Stop watching porn you weirdo.

in polish that kurwatura literally means curved top of a crosier

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I'm impressed they even knew what to search for desu.



I am lucky, I got to be both.

does that negate the effects of both?


SLAV, even we live in shithole, its good shithole.


Amerimutt meme is forced as fuck.

Slavs are white. Americans are white. kys op.

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