Sup losers

Chad here, this is my friend Brad. We're about to knock up our girlfriends and make the white race bigger and better. What are you going to do?

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jokes on you

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Having sex is not an accomplishment
Fuck off and die

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applaud you

Funny thing is they probably aren't even banging them. The girls uses them as status propeller while banging the actual Chad, a 6'3 skinnyfat jobless good looking drug dealer.

How about making a white baby?

h h hello chad
d d do you want to play d&d with us
we have an opening for a paladin

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first give us proof that this is really your friend and next do another thread in 2 weeks about how yours " girlfriend" got blacked and show flag


jack off to sum futa (balls included) while i smoke weed then passout

having a family and raising a child is one
fuck off and have sex

Sorry bro I don't watch cuck porn.

How is your chlamydia treatments going?

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Statistically that is not true

>implying these normalfags will do anything but have vapid sex until the women turn into hags
>implying i can't ohp those twinks' max bench

post a real chad next time if you want me to take your thread seriously

k thats cool chad
pretty rad having you around dude
h h hi stacy
remember me we are in poetry class
i sit behind you
your conditioner always smells good

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Probably bust a fat nut in my wife and raise a stable family. Creating children out of wedlock is nigger tier

High five you and go back to gym


blocks your path

i fucked your bitch chad... enjoy raising my kid

>What are you going to do?
Become a divorce lawyer.

Jack off to anime.

how much nigger jizz have they swallowed?

Hey stop hitting on my girlfriend you neckbeard. I'm warning you.

my eyes are up here sir if you could please quit staring at my balls it would be nice

Eat a a bunch of delicious carbs and masticate to brunettes.

Im gonna fuck your Dad

based and red beard

Didn't his balls kill him?


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Im 6'5." I'm a giant worthless douchebag. I dont know what the fuck is wrong with women, because they still let me put my dick in them. I think they just have mental problems because there are so many better looking men who make more money they could cheat with, yet choose to slum it in the back of my dirty trailer.

>having white children in 2019


Good work but having white children is not enough

Don't post stuff like this anymore.

You've got something they want/need

That's ok

Two flat chested skanks with dyed hair, bleached teeth and fake tans. Whores are overrated.

based and redpilled

He's dead yeah. As he should be.

>flat chested
pregnancy fixes that

with your wife
having sex with your gf is degenerate