>Watch the news: Drumpf is a Jew puppet
Don't bother voting. Just let the election happen
>Meanwhile in the real world
6 more years of shilling sweetie, keep it up
Zion Don strikes again
>I warned everyone about Epstein when I called him a great guy!
>Shills attack Jow Forums calling Trump a jew with some success
>Decides to bring those shilling tactics to the MSM leaving out the jew parts
It all makes sense now.
Thats why he banned him from his golf course and ratted him out dumb donkey fucker
he banned him because jeff got his prime underage piece like a jew bastard, keep up.
Looks like the media and the shills finally started working together. How long before CNN calls him Zion Don and a kike shill?
Ah yes, the old tactic of shilling against the most openly jewish President in American history. Aren’t chinks smart?
Did Q let you in on that, fellow pede?
So admit that he is not the most openly jewish president in American history.