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terrible thread, i shouldn't be responding. all those were in office for 8 years cept trump, jesus bait thread, WHY !?!?

Can’t stop winning

Would be less than Clinton at this current rate event for eight years. Not to mention illegal immigration is at an ath

Obama didn’t deport 3,080,000 people, bush 43 didn’t depart 2.1 million. The illegal population grew from 5,000,000 in 2000 to 12,000,000 in 2011 and only fell because Obama opened legal paths of entry.

Attached: 4025E81C-3A24-4668-A877-D899097C7066.jpg (640x780, 169K)

This is all false though.
Trump did not deport that little
Obama didn’t deport that many
Bush didn’t either

How many has Trump deported?

Goddamn Trump

Attached: 783284728374826347823.jpg (1000x711, 160K)

Since July 2017? Probably closer to 550,000

woulda coulda shoulda, jesus stfu


>Economy is going better so illegals hide better
>Democrates also tell illegals when ice raids will happen
this is the 8th thread today

>Over 6 million deported.

Neber forget

How can you fall for blatant bullshit?
See ^^^
How can you straight up believe Obama deported 3,080,000 people???
After 2012 he didn’t even deport 1,000,000 people btw.

Where is the wall?

So you are telling me that Obama was personally down at the border, kicking out shitskins? Where did he find all that time?

obliviously not in your ass as you let many faggots in there.

We would litcherally be better off if Hillary were elected.

Ummmm and Trump hasnt even finished his first term
Ever here of 4d chess Kid???
Dumb@ss liberal...

Is Mexico paying for the wall?

never forget mi amigo, my granpapa was deported over 3000 times by Aryan monsters such as yourself

According to a leftist publication called axios Donald Trump had 226,500 in fiscal 2018 and 282,500 in fiscal 2018. As well as 210,000 interior removals. For some reason they say Obama was over 350,000 every year was false

>Muh 8d tic-tac-toe


yes, yes they are.


Prez Drumpstein is too busy kissing Israeli ass to worry bout some sill wall.

Attached: TrumpsJews.jpg (847x960, 155K)

We need fresh recruits for our Ponzi scheme

Attached: 1563829413034.png (482x427, 223K)

>no wall
>only billionaire cuts
>soon another war for israel
remind me again why Jow Forums shilled for trump

>every anti-Trump thread
>MAGA people call MIGAposters kikes
>MIGA people call MAGAposters kikes
>make new thread after 20 replies
no point in posting anything besides "lol u mad shill?" in these threads since nobody cares about making a point

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