Is Russia dead at this point?

Russia's non white population is over 35%
Can't be ethnostate because we're a multi racial, multi ethnic shithole


Tyumen, the oldest Russian city in Siberia
9 May 2013, Victory Day

Attached: 63364_3.jpg (800x480, 95K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Russia never was an ethnostate though, it was an empire. You want an ethnostate you're gonna have to abandon the Caucasus, Siberia, Crimea, Karelia... You need to embrace Eurasianism and Sovereignist thought

50 shekels have been deposited into your iShill account. Keep it up.

No such thing as "white"
Have sex, Ivancel

Attached: glo.jpg (1836x1080, 295K)

fuck off with your daily retarded threads you traitor bot

How shills work.

Attached: shills.png (749x409, 84K)

>you're gonna have to abandon the Caucasus, Siberia, Crimea, Karelia.
Good. Russian ethnostate now! Fuck churkas!

Caucasians are white. Volga Tatars/Bulgarians are white as well. I sincerely doubt that the non-white groups like Buryats and Chuchkis are 35 %.

Attached: caucasus.jpg (602x336, 93K)

Neo-Russian Empire when?

Attached: tass_re146fc7_0.jpg (900x865, 60K)

I used to date an ossetian girl back in school, she was so fucking perfect.

Lezgin 10/10 would smash all the Lezgins

It's time the great empire of Gengis khan be restored, albeit with a Slavic khan - Putin khan/khagan.

Attached: bulgared.png (255x285, 136K)


That Alan Indo-European blood....
I would fuck all of them. Caucasian people are pretty cool, both physically and culturally.

Yeah dude, she moved far away but we still keep in contact, she was trad as fuck and her family loved me too. Why the fuck is life so cruel?

>Caucasians are white

Attached: 5kkphnqevsoa-gusein-gasanov.jpg (450x600, 23K)

Have sex and don't bother so much about these things. White race is over anyway.

Get mad, kike!

Attached: meanwhile-in-mother-russia.png (500x617, 151K)

>Only 35% Mud
If only you knew how bad things can get....

Russia has been a shithole for more thana 100 years

Him raping drunk russian girl
Philochko is encouraging niggers from harlem to fuck Russian girls and leave them pregnant and go back to usa

What kind of life do you want, Rusanon? Do you want a good wife, do you want to raise a good family? Where is your current life leading you?

Maybe it’s worth moving far away, too, if that is the future you want.

t. kike

Just imagine how many Natashas he fucked...


The few remaining blonde blue eyed Russian girls left in Russia are getting BLACKED, CHINKED and BROWNED by the millions.

Saw a Russian couple in the grocery store yesterday. White girl and Mongoloid guy.

nothing wrong with any of those women. what's your fucking problem ivans?

Шeл бы ты нa cвoй лeвo-кyкoлдcкий двaч, тyт тaким кaк ты нe paды.

lol pic makes me laugh

The o only dead thing in russia is lgbt activists

>she moved far away
jesus ivan christ. you rusbros cant get around your country? i'd be chasing that shit.

The absolute state of Russian Natashas.

Well I just want a nice trad life, its not hard to find a good wife, contrary to whats being shilled so I'm not worried about that. But this girl was something else, we really had something together and we were thinking about having kids. I'd happily move but I have a good high paying job here so its not worth it right now.

I wish I didn't see that picture so I didn't get reminded.

yes. how pathetic the white male has become.

Russia isn't the JewSA.

Attached: cesspool.jpg (475x792, 71K)

Meanwhile in Russia...

Attached: dormitories.jpg (604x403, 49K)

Well, at least you live in a country where there are actual Ossetians. On the other hand all I have at disposal are Bulgarian, Russian and hohol women....
Azer? Cause this is not a Geogrian, Chechen or Ossetian for sure.
Some of the are Muslim and retarded Muscovite pro-Navalny LARPers and soros agents shill that Russia is going to become a Muslim country...
Me as well. not to mention that I like to LARP about the steppe stuff.

Well, if you think it will turn out fine then best of luck friend. If you had a special connection though, then that’s something different. You may not find that again even with girls that should be a good fit. You have remained in contact, afterall. Just something to keep in mind. Live well user.

Can I unsee this? x x

But for some reason it still lives in your head recent free. Thanks for spending all the effort to inform us though.

Why does every Russian woman look like a disgusting 3rd world turbo slut?

The American army


Attached: photo1.jpg (427x240, 20K)

Because they are ?

You're right, I've dated a few other girls and didn't feel what we had. Have a good life USanon.

Russian Army

Attached: Russian_Army.jpg (3000x2173, 833K)

Of course we can, I've met up with her after she move away but I can't move permanently and neither can she.
Him raping drunk russian girl
Philochko is encouraging niggers from harlem to fuck Russian girls and leave them pregnant and go back to us.

>nothing wrong with any of those women. what's your fucking problem ivans?

The “problem” is that their woman will hang out with the man of her nation only. Exceptions are very rare.
And their men can do anything.

(This does not apply to Ossetians and Georgians)

Russia is just getting on it's feet again. Let go of the commie propaganda for once. You've got all Europe by the balls. They can't even heat in winter without you.

Fuck you shill

Weak cuck, you should be busy SLAVIFYING caucasus and tatar girls, lifting, making money, instead of crying on Jow Forums.

Maybe in that past pal, but kavkaz girls are westernised too now. I’ve dated an Ingush girl and know others who dated kavkaz girls.

Same exact threat every fucking day? MODS!!! Ban the this cunt NOW!
Philochko the nignog rapist gets Russian girl drunk and date rapes her
Philochko is encouraging niggers from harlem to fuck Russian girls and leave them pregnant and go back to us.

Attached: rapist.jpg (480x360, 34K)

> People like Philochko embrace this movement

I think I know why you like Russians so much... Russians look exactly like Brazilians!!

Attached: Russians.jpg (1200x1600, 522K)

this is what most people dont fucking get, i mean sure they aint aryan or something, but there is a reason why they are called caucasians.

and litterally the only bashkhirka i knew was a blonde, blue eyed.. muslim ahahah

you guysn need to cope, russia is pretty based

Attached: IMG_20190723_234330_240.jpg (480x720, 79K)

>but there is a reason why they are called caucasians.
Because they live in the Caucasus...

>you should be busy SLAVIFYING caucasus and tatar girls
We're already full of subhuman non-white mutts.

Everybody loves Russia.

That's why you're paid to derail conversation in behalf of your master Moshe.

Attached: Slaves_Sylvia_Saint.jpg (736x1125, 88K)

Was she a terrorist?

>and litterally the only bashkhirka i knew was a blonde, blue eyed.. muslim ahahah

She was half russian 100%

Here's the Muslim ''mudskin'' that's ''taking over'' Russia. A little bit different than jamal and mohammed in paris...

Attached: tatarwomen.jpg (1920x1080, 261K)

People in the Caucasus are part of the Caucasian race, they have pretty white complexion and are relatively civilised. As most Ruskies you've probably never travelled beyond Russia, Turkey or Bulgaria, but let me assure you that the situation in the West is like 25-30 times worse than in RF.