Always renember the word "Renember" being spelled with an n

>Always renember the word "Renember" being spelled with an n
>Suddenly its "Remember" now
What the fuck, is this some Mandela Effect shit? If so why did i get warped to a different unniverse with such a fucking inane change like this but not to a universe where i get fucked and femdommed by anime girls? This sucks

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Nah, your'e just stupid. The world is safe from this particular conspiracy.

Australia was a mistake

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>Always remember the word "Retard" being spelled with an Australia
>Suddenly its "Retard" now
What the fuck, is this some Mandela Effect shit? If so why did i get warped to a different unniverse with such a fucking inane change like this but not to a universe where i get fucked and femdommed by anime girls? This sucks

hmmm yes, also desember is now deCember? is it happening?

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No you're just retarded


Ok retart

Bye retard

Wtf? I always thought it was aluminium, but now my coworkers are telling me it's aluminum

Fuck you it was always renember not remember, you are nigger daggots or some other tired peepee poopoo

1) You calling the joke man when they have real
2) How to I be funny

ople don't laugh at your jokes (blase ople), fucking change your asshole
mean don't fucking get I then change yourself THE WHOLE WORLD start lalalalala I hate NIGGERS
comedians like Gary Gulman, Brian Regan, Mulaney, etc will gaga on peepee Step your NIG up you gay

>Wensday is now Wednesday

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December has always been December because at the time it was named it was the 10th month ergo the Dec. Same for the Nov, Oct, Sept, prefixes. Piss poor troll effort not even worthy of /b/. Which is telling of the caliber of /nupol/ posters. Not to mention that this is a shit tier thread that doesn't belong here.

>tfw it's not Fryday anymore

Holy crap user! You might be onto something?

No way! It's Renember!
No way! It's Nember!
No way! It's Nemory!
>Can't into how words actually work

>Based Aussie poster takes the letter [m] and advances it by one letter, to become [n]
>Based /polack/ takes [a] and advances one letter.

Hello fellow Bussie poster.

Either or a poor shitpost or an abo

Some shitty aussie coder has apparently made an even shittier aussie shitposter. This grammar is bad even for a bogan. This has got to be the first online appearance of a Rouge Bogan A.I.

AKA: RBAI (pronounced Rabbi)

>>Always renember the word "Renember" being spelled with an n
literal autist fuck

the "mandela effect" is just people being forgetful and fucking retarded

Our attractor field has become extremely unstable since Trump was elected. The worldline is changing almost every week. I know it used to be spelled free, but now everyone spells it three. I don't just remember this from first grade, but from Fallout 3. It was a real shock to me learning that Freedog was actually 3dog. Freedog seemed like this heroic freedom fighter type against the tyranny of the wasteland, but you meet him and he's just a stupid nigger who somehow thinks 3dog is a cool name, but not played for laughs like Phaserface in Guardians 2. Unless the joke was that niggers are retarded, but that seems too edgy even for Bethesda.

Fuck you, retard. The Mandela Effect is real.

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Always rember...

Wtf, i thought it was called froot loops

No you're just retarded.
Best case scenario for you, is that you come from a retarded dimension, but no matter what you're still retarded.

nah sorry pal youre just dyslexic

High quality thread, thanks anons

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>always thought it was ballyball
>apparantly now its volleyball
They're going after me hard

Nowdays is apparently Nowadays

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this is top tier autism, you should wear a crown

it's cuckumber

Is this a new form of australian shitbosting? What the fuck?

>always say "benis"
>apparently it's "penis" now


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you people are retarded