Can we just agree that capitalism is degenerate?

Can we just agree that capitalism is degenerate?

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Can we just agree that wh*Tes are degenerate?

ello gomrades! XDDDD Dis general is for disgussion of margsism-lebonnism, da ideology of revolutionary socialism and gommunism.

Gommunism is da next stage of guckery following real society.

Wat exagtly is gommunism according to gommies:

>Gommunism is a stage of guckery in which the produgtive infrustrugture runs away from gommie country, and no goods are produced and beeple starve. XDDDD
>Gommunism in full form is obressive, statist society dat follows maxim "gib gib gib!" :DDDD
>To achieve gommunism we must replace broduction with murderous obressive rulers liek me, fug working glass beeple. XDDDD Struggle while I liquidate you all lol. When capitalists run away we win and I kill you all. Eventually the functions of state cease and state becomes murderous and indistinguishable from other gommies. Da state withers away liek da people.

GL uses philosphy of gib and starve, see here:

It is recommend you kill yourself so you can avoid starving.

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No capitalism is based and redpilled
It gives people jobs and shit to buy
Unlike communism

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'course a Jew would further peddle gabidalism

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Yeah. Capitalism is the economics of liberalism, and it turns people into even bigger shitheads than they are naturally.

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How do you deal with all the "commies" in the west that all seem to be degenerate homosexual trannies these days?

There's no morality attached to an economic system. That's religion's job.

This is literally capitalism.

>capitalism is globalism
Hang yourself commie

And yet we are still suicidal, violent, addicted, fat, perverted, etc.
Trannies and cute homos are good because they bust up the femoid monopoly on benis owo

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Fuck that edgy loser.
Capitalism is just the modern competition based evolution. There will always be winners and losers, nothing has changed.

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show flag

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You fuckers would sell the gas to the people that want to gas you. Not a surprising comment really.

Capitalism is responsible for outsourcing and importing labor at the expense of the native lower and middle classes. It is much more effective at globalist aims than intergovernmental agreements and international law, which are only based on voluntary compliance and fear of larger militaries.

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That would make niggers stealing your shit something you'd admire then. Because it's just muh social darwinism.

When whites are peaceful in the face of nonwhite aggression, yes, that is our fault.

I prefer them trying to rob me rather than them using the state systematically to get gibs from me.
I can secure my wealth from low tier ribbers. I can't defend it against the government.


Yes, Capitalism allows degeneracy to thrive in the name of profit. Communism isn't any better though. Both satiate Judeo-Financial interests.

consumerism is degenerate

>Can we just agree that capitalism is degenerate?
Capitalism is just as degenerate, Jewish and anti-White as Communism is.

>You fuckers would sell the gas to the people that want to gas you. Not a surprising comment really.
The Holocaust literally didn't happen and its interesting how a Judeo Communist would bring up gas chambers.

>That would make niggers stealing your shit something you'd admire then. Because it's just muh social darwinism.
You Judeo Communists are fine with non-White replacing Whites because you don't care about race, only class.

Nah, those degenerates own the means of production in Communism. That and I cant make money off the tards.

The biggest communist are degenerates though. I've yet to meet a single tranny that wasn't also a communist.

Your a retard.

capitalism to me is $50 for the right to stick my dick in the ass of a black female once a month.

It's a lack of religion that creates degeneracy. Capitalism gives people whatever they want if they're willing to pay for it. Capitalism is intrinsically neutral.

You mean liberalism, and yes we agree.
Monarchy or bust.

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kys fag

>Can we just agree that capitalism is degenerate?
Materialism is degenerate. Capitalism is just privately owned degeneracy and Communism is just collectively owned degeneracy.

straight fire

>Might makes right unless it fucks me over

>you can only be a capitalist or communist
NEETsoc gang, be scared schlomo

If you can agree that all communists are retarded losers who only believe in communism because it serves as an excuse as to why they’ve failed at life

>be inferior shitskin
>angry at the fact it has to live in the white mans lands
>make this comment

Cope harder shitskin

not necessarily

it certainly can be, but there are many capitalist countries that don't have that problem

no, it's fine, the only problem is you have to get the government to control it as if it were a guillotine and the corporations were the ancien regime and the year was 1789
the whole point of redundancy in the economy is that you can destroy corporations without harming the people involved, they just have to stop working for shitty companies

No you’re just a retard like every commie ever

capitalism is highly exploitable through legal Jewish immorality. like a republic, it only operates properly with a moral people.

>Implying socialist tax rates aren't what pushed industry to shitholes with no labor standards

The endless cycle continues:

>Capitalism builds up unparalleled wealth and prosperity
>Utopian skygropers and socialistic tyrants subvert the political system and hike taxes to ensure monopolies
>Blame Capitalism, pit brothers against one another and take over in the resulting power vacuum before being offed by the next retard who thinks he's god.

>tHiS iS liTeRaLLy cApiTaliSm
die commie

Then you do the work from now on, we're moving to somewhere that pays for our time, tool, expertise, professional training, personal training, more experience. Rinse and repeat.

Dont call us unless you pay cash up front for work needin to be done. Best learn how sow seed, make food, put clothes on your backs and live in yurts. Follow the herds of beast on the land to have options in the very real possibility of crop failure. Happened all the time prior to oil...should make it real easy to see who actually from Earth because those insticts are hardwired after countless generations of superior evolution.

Test one: eat a peanut. If you arent from earth. Nuts and berries are not friendly and are incredibly poisonious to anyone not from earth.

Test two: eat berries. Any kind, blue...strawberry...watermelon. and if you die or have a horrible reaction, you're not from earth.

Test three: eat a can of oysters or muscles. If you get sick or die, you arent from earth. First grocery store, the ocean. First fast food, fish and shell fish.

Test four. Eat a tomatoe without horrible stomach upset, earth. Bad guts, gas, bloating, pain, the shits? You're not from earth.

Test five: insects can maim, poison or kill you? Not from earth. The national bird of canada is the black fly. They are awful, locals hate them...visitors are driven mad by them. Wasps, bees, roaches...cute. try the botfly...look it up. Its a regular thing and a right passage to get one of these bastard laying live eggs in hosts. Painful extraction...EARTH!

You people sure you wanted earth, most of you are kind of...pussy. Not sure a girls choir like bunch of you are cut out for that type of adventure.

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THINK-- what happened to Anonymous?
The answer to this should be obvious!
Anonymous had what Jow Forums now lacks
The power to wage vigilante hacks,
And publicize corruption where it rots,
And force truth into sleepy public thoughts.
Has Anonymous now disappeared?
Once legendary, now no longer feared?
Once sparking protests-- is that fuel now spent?
The lulz are gone, gone the seething dissent?
What do you think this disappearance means?
Is speech still free in internet machines?

Well, look at what the chans have now become;
Examine what swirls in the daily scrum.
Ask yourself-- does it seem really real?
Does it show what actual people feel?
Does it seem organic and not fake?
How much repetition does it take--
How much frenzied vile monotony
Until we guess that internets ain't free?

Ask yourself-- if you sought to control
The media, and hence the public soul,
And something like Jow Forums was swelling up
And spilling truth from propaganda's cup
Would you let it go its merry way?
Or would you lock control down in some way?
And if you locked control down would you try
To do it in a way to fool the eye?
To make it seem like free speech carried on
Even though, in fact, it were quite gone?
For if you shut down free speech openly
The public would respond suspiciously;
But if you hid control beneath a ruse
What you once feared becomes a tool to use.
So that, controlling, you have it both ways--
Enslaving dissent, dictating what it says!

Anonymous was infiltrated by
The famously mendacious FBI
Whose antics as shown by COINTELPRO
Target dissent, as I'm sure most people know.
Do we think that having sunk its claws
In Anonymous, with lies and laws,
That the FBI would then allow
Free speech to have stayed quite free till now?

But it's not like we have far to look
To see by what means free speech got the hook;
The image made by chans' mirrors and smoke
Is so stupid it seems to be a joke!
How laughable must a deception be
Before the world opens its eyes to see?
The simple fact-- as stark as winter dawn--
Is that Anonymous, busted, now gone
Was replaced by swarms of-- wait for it--
Virulent nazis spewing nazi shit!
We would have to laugh if we were told
This outcome in the Jow Forums days of old.
So formulaic, politically cliched--
And yet this very game is being played!
How can a joke as stupid as this one
Be used to strangle free speech, and to stun
The helpless mainstream public with the fear
That an internet fourth reich draws near?
But if that preposterousness is not
Enough to spark the understanding thought,
Consider, even stupider to tell,
The arch absurdity of the “incel”!
No, it's not enough that nazis rose
To cloak and choke the chans in nazi throes--
No, these scary nazis all the same
Must wallow in their helplessness and shame!
The “incel” is not just a defeated man--
But a powerful extremist with a plan!
No matter that these two things contradict--
We'll just keep hammering at them till they stick!

Now ask yourself-- does the technology
Exist to make the unfree chans seem free?
Think data, think vault 7, and AI--
And God knows what else, hidden from the eye.
And look at the corruption that's been shown
That yet to public truth remains unknown.
Understand-- the chans are herded tight
And nothing unpermitted sees the light,
The MSM and Chatbot Chans converge
To regulate how much truth can emerge.
When swarming nazi posts fill up the place
Then actual dissent can't get the space
To breathe, develop, organize, or live;
The chatbots force the nazi narrative.

By now it should be more than obvious--
Free speech ended with Anonymous.
The Chatbot Chans system is locked in place,
The zombie user leers from a stolen face.
The truth lies right here, waiting to be seen;
A monster stirs to life in the machine...

And remember also, this other thing I tell:
Prepare to stare into the mouth of Hell.

And one more thing, while I have your ear:
Q is legit, and the storm is almost here.

>Capitalism is just the modern competition based evolution

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Yes. It exploits workers to the point where the only cope is turning into a degenerate piece of shit. Many such cases.

Scary poetry man
Im no nazi, what mouth of hell?

Capitalism is just a system to organize interactions... Flows of information dictate capitalism, if consumers want lgbt, they get just that.
Degeneracy is not inherently capitalist

You too should suck each other dick, thats what communism is for right?

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>money made me gay!


>he thinks this is capitalism

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>Capitalism is just the modern competition based evolution.
No, it's the rule of money over the rule of martial virtue. Liberalism can only exist in a vacuum, or on an island, because as soon as it comes into contact with a warrior culture it would be destroyed.

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Why does interesting stuff on Jow Forums always get covered in layers of blatant nonsense

Yeah, but communism is twice as dumb. We really just need a proper dictator to take universal control of the nation actually change something. The rich need to not pay for people they need to pay for what they did to this country. They pretty much are driving this nation into the ground for a buck. You know what changed my mind they should be executed if involved in globo homo in an intentional way.

Plus a lot of people have mentioned the nation needs vision. We need a moon landing, or a WWII. That won't happen as long as we are multicultural. You can't unite a group that doesn't even want to play let alone loathe your being and your society.

So yes, I prefer a genocidal monarchy over communism.

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Consumerism is not necessarily a system flaw of capitalism, it is a result of dialectics

God I wish that were me

No faggot ass commie, go fuck yourself.

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The US is a (((mixed economy)))
All these retards who want "muh mixed economics" already fucking have it all over the planet.

Damn, capitalism is gonna need to invest more money into the anal creme market because it just got its anus torn open like a nigger baby in a wood chipper.

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its not lack of religion goy, its lack of ethics and morals. lurk more

Be specific, what types of degenerates are we talking about?

Then don't be a consumerist.

For like the vast majority of normies they literally can't get their morals form anywhere else. If it's not a religion then they won't be moral and sane people.

consumers DON'T want lgbt it's being pushed from the top down

Jews, niggers, trannies, most of the homo community, pedos, hardcore drug users and dealers, people like this, oh don't forget the extremely obese (You) for asking such a dumb question.

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money in general is degenerate

No, but we can all agree that commies need to get shot.

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*money in politics

I agree with most of that, but why are you bothered by drug dealers? I dont drink, so I've basically become jaded to degenerates using substances like that, so I couldn't give less of a fuck of someone wants to kill their brian with DUDE WEED.
Just teach your children it's degenerate.

What's better than, a bartering system? Do you know anything about money?


Yes, but third position is the answer, not communism.

Muh based Estonian. Veritas check'd

nothing is better wealth in general is inherently degenerate

My point exactly