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Other urls found in this thread:


Coin and pawn shops

Im not a Jew

From my local ((merchant)).

Ive used Goldcore and Bullionvault, was wondering if you guys know a better place

Nowhere this days , this days you buy bitcoin user , gold places have taxes on the gold you sell and will control you for capital taxes when you sell.

The game is rigged against you on precious metals since central banks decided to fuck everyone, also you can't move it between countries easily.

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>buying gold
>in the current century

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Don't buy gold, retard. It's too expensive and has limited use
Silver is cheap and valuable for actual manufacturing work. In a crisis, people are more likely to buy silver than gold simply because the demand will be higher.

You steal it from niggers after pepperspraying them.

A variety of places, but I don't know what to recommend for a Spaniard.

space isnt real

They'll yank the cords before they let you control your own currency. You ought to consider that.


Rosland capital like the rest of the idiot boomers who should be investing in food and bullets.

Rosland Capital, of course.

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>Believing the space jew

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as if space merchants will allow us to get it

Not going to happen without fusion energy allowing powerful ion engines.

Silver has an even lower stock to flow ratio than bitcoin atm and litecoin in two weeks.
Basically lot's of silver is produced per year , gold is better than silver no matter what silverfags tell.

The only reason precious metals are "precious" is because little is produced per year compared to the existing stock thus have low inflation.
This is the reason why silver has been less worthy than gold and will continue to be and is also the reason why cryptos following satoshi nakamoto game theory are also worthy.

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Through an ETF for trading, you can't make money on the 5-10% dealer premiums each way.

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14353 Broadway, there's a little fencing operation that melts shit they snatch from Manhattan elites. They're always the best price for bars.

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Buy lead instead. Bought a fairly old fishing boat just so I could chop the fucker up to get to the keel where the lead weights were embedded. If someone knocks on my door pist global meltdown attemtping to trade gold for a sack of beans. I'll have to tell them to fuck right off. Gold is useless. Lead and silver is what you need.

BTW ask away, I'm Silver Professor user.

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>implying you can only buy one thing
Hahahaha this is classic fiat shill behaviour.

>buy gold
why buy? I already have lifetime supply of bars stamped with German eagle and text Deutsche Reichsbank

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I literally say silver on the op

No one controls bitcoin , that's the beauty of it also if they push for bitcoin there are alternatives like monero that are not only more advanced and have more capacity but they are fully anoymous.

They can push all they want , crypto will evolve , gold meanwhile was banned for 50 years in the united states and completely destroyed.

You bought gold before they seized it in 1933?Then you would have only been able to legally sold them in 1975.
They don't teach you this shit at schools.

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My local coin shop(search around for best rates) and apmex.

I didn't say anything about buying one thing. But on the list of priorities, lead comes first. Amd silver next. Nothing wrong with having scrap gold or buillion around, I just don't intend to be trading anything for it post meltdown. It's still useful as a store of value while the present economy is functional.



>fully anoymous
>fully accessible public ledger of all transactions since dawn of time
pick one

We've argued about this before, you're a bit of a faggot. Silver's a better investment than lead right now. You can even eat it.

Must have been some other guy. Really. Almost never talk about preps on /pol. But ok.


Even as a cryptofag i would not want monero to become the main crypto.
The potential for destruction would be too great as even politicians could be bribed without proofs.

But if central banks push too far then people using cryptos will be forced into monero.



Romans used to sweeten their food with lead since they didn't have access to sugar

>DURRRRR me fownd da Nawtzee gold!!!

Come on man.

I sluice it out of the streams around my home. Roughly 2oz a year in my spare time. All I need is a shovel, bucket, and my sluice box. If you're located where glaciers used to be I highly suggest taking up this hobby to find placer gold. It's literally everywhere around here.

Attached: sluice1.jpg (650x354, 132K)

From jews, obviously.

Why buy when you can find it? Spend a couple days camping. Tune everyone out.

Obfuscation is not same as invisible

>DURRRRR me fownd da Nawtzee gold!!!
>Come on man.
I swear, I fished them out of a lake between swiss-german border myself



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Schizo here. This is a metaphor in a sense.
There'll be a bank crash this year and fiat will finally die. Following this will be around 2 years of crisis with ever more declining availability of services (electricity, water, etc.), breakdown of government and politics, breakdown of security (police, many armies, etc.), with a worldwide revolution in the beginning of the year of 2022 almost directly followed by WW3 being ended by none other than God himself. Roughly 2 thirds of humanity will die (ca. 5 billion (supposedly)). A renaissance of monarchy will take place. Now for the article:
The "comet" is the rebirth of the gold standard for currency. Gold and some other precious metals will be worth a lot more than today. Some estimate a value increase of 20x, some even go as far to say that value will increase more than 40x fold.
Schizo out.

Cool, I actually find gold for free in my backyard. Pans look like this, every time I go.

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>gold holds its value if you increase supply tenfold
You're all idiots

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Nowhere because I'm not retarded. There is no point in buying gold when there is no gold standard anymore.

Noice. If you can do that even just once a week then that's not a shabby supplemental income for an inexpensive lifestyle.

Nice Pyrite faggot

I use apmex. Good service, quick shipping, decent price, great selection of gold, silver, platinum, palladium, even copper.

I've invested heavily into silver, what do you like it?

I buy local, usually thrift stores or auctions, I buy at or below melt prices. Old used jewelry, calculate melt by weight and purity.

I store it in an old coffee can and don't pay attention to it really. Been doing it for a decade.

Birch gold group

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You should sell it to a refinery or sell it to apmex or something and get some proper coins or rounds or whatever. That'll be a lot more liquid if you ever do anything other than leave it in the basement until your children inherit it.

Pfff nigga please

Gold panning is illegal in your country. Your Queen owns all undiscovered gold/silver, hence why the Viking hoardes when discovered, were confiscated by the state and the discoverers only "rewarded". That sucks man.

From who ever you can get for the least.

Gold is a meme by shizos you retard. Buy index funds. There's too many people and entities on the stock market. If it fails, bullets will be worth more than gold.

i cant recall the last time i bought coffee in a can. not sure i ever have

Both are worthless, like diamonds.

So? We have a monarch and we are proud of it, unlike your cultureless 56% mutthole. Also, Kindereggs and dodgeball is illegal in your pathetic country lmao how sad

Why can't you do the same thing? I'm curious. Are you restricted by law to search, claim and keep wealth in your Nation?

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>d-dont buy the gold goyim, just leave it to (((us)))
dipshit shill, anyway gold is retarded right now, silver is what has potential

What does your rageposting have to do with gold or prescious metals?

JM. They're usually the cheapest, especially considering they have E-checks now so you can get a cash discount without using a literal check. I keep Provident and APMEX bookmarked because sometimes they will have better deals but that's kind of rare. Some local coin shops will beat internet prices as well so it's worth checking in your area, especially considering you aren't a burger so US based sites might rape you on shipping, if they ship internationally at all.

If you have a costco membership or anything like that, you can use #10 cans. Your grocery story might even sell some things in #10 cans. They're bigger than coffee cans, but they're still pretty good.

If it's gold, I'd think about an ammo can from the army surplus store instead. Those are sturdy enough to be filled with lead, water tight, and have convenient handles.

Jesus. You weigh it?

I pull teeth for my gold.

“Enough to make everyone a billionaire.” So there’s so much it’s now worthless.

583.333 troy ounces as of yesterday.

That's the better part of $1M even at shot prices, depending on purity. That's a really nice insurance plan. I'd split that up into multiple locations if I were you.

next up, latinum

$750k-ish. 10 years of stream panning and sluicing in local streams. I highly recommend the hobby.

local burglers

>The only reason precious metals are "precious" is because little is produced per year compared to the existing stock thus have low inflation.

>The only reason something is valuable is because we don’t insanely produce it’s value to nothing

Fucking retarded spic. It’s worth more than fiat printed to nothingness via a central bank.

How much did the land and house cost you? It almost sounds like a way to move to Idao for free if you find the right place and you can pay things off over time.

Before you partake in the purchase of anything of this special metallic nature..
You must..
>and I really mean this
>Believe in your Soul
You've got the power to know
>You're indestructible

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Obama is nothing but a fucking nigger

He's a mulatto. He's not even our first black president.

post coffee can

It's basic economics dude supply and demand , PMs have low production thus low inflation thus are worthy to protect yourself from inflation , same thing with housing.

>The only reason something is valuable is because we don’t insanely produce it’s value to nothing

Yes if you increase supply the price decreases basic economics dude.

The 1929 crisis literally happened because things were produced to the point that their value was reduced to nothing due to industrialization to the point that was so much stuff that the companies had to stop producing , thus firing people , thus people had less income to buy , thus the companies kept the stock until everything went to shit.

If gold or silver could be mass produced somehow their value would be near 0.

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i got some open /gc short option contracts.
(it's probably going over 1500 but might dip below 1400 in the very near term)

>d-don't buy gold goyim, (((we))) have determined that it's worthless
>s-space is r-r-real o-ok?

It's never been cheaper since the dawn of civilization and it's also historically at it's lowest ratio per unit of gold, well, since ever.

It's also rarer than gold and most uses are no longer recycled.

You're getting ripped off.

Would it still be valuable in a dystopian scenario?

To some extent. It would tend to be more useful after things stabilize back into some semblance of an economy rather than a mass die-off situation.

I dont i only pay debts

Why buy it when you can take it by force

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too late user

now you are already on the top of the ... bubble

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yeah but so will cash, so what's the point? even if the dollar fails, do you think average people who are basically indoctrinated to kill each other over money would just all of a sudden stop accepting it?

hatton garden oy vey

silver was over $30 about 8 years ago.
t. failed 2012 prepper.

It's why any intelligent Brit would just secretly keep their discoveries to themselves. It will be useful for paying the dhimmi in the future.

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From a guy on the internet who only does cash dealings and doesn't record who is buying or selling. Only way to do it

It was trying to test $50 for a while there. That was a pretty great opportunity if you were looking at it like trading paper.

>paying a 10-15% premium