This is fake news, right?

This is fake news, right?
Aren't the Demonrats the ones who waste money by giving it to poor people?
Shouldn't the numbers be the other way around?

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>Alex Cole: Financial Advisor.
And this is bullshit, look it up yourself you stupid lazy commie faggot.

How would anyone fall for this? You can literally google national debt and see obongo brought the debt up by 8 fucking trillion with all his nigger programs. The only reason it’s still increasing is because Trump can’t just delete all his nigger programs.

blatant lies

>presidents do everything
>presidents can control prior obligations to spending
>any one of those presidents having a problem with spending or deficits
Lot of things wrong with that one senpai

All you need to dispel this is to look at what the drug portion of medicare is estimated to cost after trump is out of office. Is the next president responsible for that?

This shit is in fact designed to redirect the blame for your spending to somebody else. Actually you can go as far as to say the vast majority of congressional action for a while now has been some kind of offshoring of responsibility. That includes the entire body of admin law

>be congress
>almost always controlled by party opposing president
>force dem presidents to cut spending to get his legislation passed.
>force repub presidents to increase spending to get his legislation passed

congress controls budgets and spending, not the president.

ask Nancy Pelosy why she hasnt cut spending or introduce new taxes to reduce the deficit.

You actually believe some random nigger on twitter?

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>Obama halved it
You know that one is bullshit

deficit vs debt, every goddamn thread
clinton used up the small aggregate of social security money to do a one-time budget balance because congress wouldn't let him do anything

Protip: they accomplish this by dramatically raising taxes on productive people, then force conservatives' hands by refusing to allow (via filibuster abuse) the dramatic cuts in social programs needed to pay for returning taxes to reasonable levels. Faced with such a catch 22, most Republican administrations have opted to just cut taxes anyway and hope the shitty sacred cow social programs go bankrupt and get de facto cut out of existence anyway.

But hey, it makes a good campaign talking point to claim otherwise.

it doesn't matter which wing of the uniparty is in control, they'll still spend outside of their means. the truest part of that pic is clinton, which should instead be labelled "web 1.0"

If you do some research, you'll find out very quickly two things...

One - that tweet is 100% correct

Two - Under Majority Democratic gov't the DJIA and other important financial trackers all grow much faster and with less debt increase than under Majority Republican gov't.

As usual, Republican voters are tricked into constantly voting against their own and the nations better interests.

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Do some fucking research cuck....that tweet is correct

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>the president completely controls the economy and neither congress nor the circumstances are relevant
Sure if you assume that they’re right

>lefty memes

Direct controls, not really. Budget priorities and changing taxes have some swing, but actual direct control doesn't exist.

However, the Asperger levels of tweeting do effect the markets and makes investors very skiddish which has already lead to several major swings for no reason. Also, Trump doesn't know shit about how international trade works which has effected things.

>facts and truth
kills the cuckservative every time

>lefty memes
>this much words

>taking credit for the fall of the soviet union which was completed by Republican policies.
ok then.

>their own interests
Here's something that's 100% correct. If we had no shitskins in the USA the federal debt would not exist at all.

Deficit =/= Spending

>facts and truth
>kills the cuckservative every time
Men have penises and women have vaginas since there's only 2 genders
Who's the denier of truth now? Leftist cucks like you

yeah...since white trash cucked faggots take more welfare gibs than niggers do.....

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Yes its fake news.
Clinton manipulated the definition of the metrics used to make things look good. do did Obama accumulate more debt than all the presidents that preceded him combined? That’s some common core level math you got there

It's congress that controls the budget

Clinton/Newt's budget is a myth and an accounting trick. Basically they borrowed against intergovernmental holdings, ie social security.


Learn the difference you fucking morons.....

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keep on huffin cuck.....

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>I'm stupid and what is a base rate fallacy?

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>Aren't the Demonrats the ones who waste money by giving it to poor people?

Republicans are always the big spenders.


>too dumb to know the difference between deficit and debt.

So republicans get the shit in order with all the Democrat debt and deficits on his hands, then democrats get to ruin everything again and blame it on the next republican

Deficit is driven by the senate, not the president. Look up who controlled the senate those years.

If you don't run a deficit the debt goes down or at least doesn't go up.

By inheriting a huge Bush deficit caused by the Iraq war and economic crash.

Why has Trump brought the deficit back to economic crisis levels?

Go back where you came from, nigger.

He's talking about how much it fell after Obama approved all of the bailouts. It's bullshit because he's picking high and low points within presidencies to make his assertions. Really though, the deficit is a meme argument, the economy has become too dependent on government spending, it doesn't really matter who's in office. This gravy train isn't stopping until it's forced off the rails.

dems: increase the welfare state, increase taxes
reps: maintain welfare state, decrease taxes

reps can't decrease the welfare state as that would be political suicide. The result is that deficit increases during republicans because they lower taxes without cutting spending.

>best economy in our history and we're still gaining debt
i lol'd

It takes a couple of years to fix Republican spendaholic deficits.
In the meantime debt accumulates.

Still like to know why Trump has to run a higher deficit than Bush did in 2008.

I don't know pretty much anything about economy and public spending, can someone explain to me how comes that according to there was $63 billion surplus during Clinton and at the same time debt rose by $1.4 trillion?

debt indicates expansion which indicates high confidence in economy


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>Clinton got it to zero
Seems legit.

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>1. Yes.
>2. It's gotta be true, I read a tweet

double bump

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shills are losing their fucking minds

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If you want to go with policy that caused the crash you'd be better blaming the Clinton administration than Bush. It was mostly the housing laws and removal of Glass Steagal under Clinton that played a bigger part so far as government policy is concerned. Our economic problems are much larger than simply who is in office so really blaming Presidents shows a lack of understanding. Monetary policy is the biggest issue as well as the position America has taken being the global stabilizer financially following WW2. Fiscal policy only enables these trends, and that's because the politician's only other option is destruction of the global economic system. No politician has the balls to allow that to happen.

They don't list unfunded liabilities from social programs in the official surplus/deficit count.

>ITT a bunch of retards that think a deficit is the same as debt and that Republicucks actually care about balancing the budget


Sometimes the tail wags the dog. Particularly over the last decade.

Who gives a fuck about the deficit anymore? Arguing over that was a luxury we had when we were a white country. The U.S. is on the ropes in so many ways as a society and we're not yet even at the worst point we're going to get to yet.

LOL the budget is set for the year, Dems can propose a new budget the next year that cuts spending and runs a surplus. That surplus can be applied to the debt and start reducing anytime they wish.

They don't wish, both sides run up the debt and run a deficit because no one wants to cut spending or raises taxes to levels that be needed to match the spending.

nice try thought faggot

>By inheriting a huge Bush deficit caused by the Iraq war and economic crash
So obama ended wars and controlled the federal reserve? Yeah ok. National debt is in federal reserve note. We have no obligation to pay back the federal reserve.

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They both waste money. Bush Jr. increased the debt by more than any other President (7 trillion) then Obama nearly doubled it with 12 trillion.

We had a major recession in the last year of Bush's presidency so he had a large deficit that year while Obama started with a large deficit and it went down as the economy recovered.

Attached: National Debt by Presidency.jpg (500x726, 128K)

Yes they give white people’s money to niggers whilst blaming white people

>both sides run up the debt and run a deficit because no one wants to cut spending or raises taxes to levels that be needed to match the spending.

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>the nations best interests
>destroying the nation

That’s pretty retarded even for a liberal cuck

>thinks about sucking the shut out of people’s arseholes

Definitely a liberal

If you issue a trillion dollars in tax cuts to billionaires the deficit goes up

because there are two debts held by the government, Public and Intragovernment holdings. What Clinton did was borrow against intragovernment to make the budget looked balanced. It was an accounting trick and those debts are still due.

>obama halved it after tripling it*

The economy always has ups and downs.

The trick is to save money during economic booms so you can spend more when the inevitable rescission hits.
Clinton understood this, Bush did not.

When the next recession hits Trump's $1 trillion deficit will grow to $2-3 trillion without working boomers to buy up all that new debt.
America will go bankrupt just like Argentina and Greece.

Translation: ima complete retard who can’t name anigger area is want to live in but support niggers anyway

yes it's fake news. he's black.
AF 1's, crack and chicken.

>twitter nigger

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Yes this is true but the theory is tax cuts increase economic activity that should bring in more tax receipts. Sometimes yes and sometimes no.

The real solution is to cut spending, but no one wants to give back their gibs

Free money to (((Big Banks))).

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>Clinton understood this

Stop being a cunt, clinton's surplus was a myth

Democrats cause debts.

It's likely that deficit didn't increase much under democrat administrations only because they financed budget spending with debt.

Do the same stats for each potus but with debt.

You will be shocked.

What I am most interested in is what this money had been spent on.

This will require some serious financial csi research. We know that this money didn't enter the US economy, so where did it go?

>The economy always has ups and downs.
It’s controlled by the federal reserve. Low interest means more money in circulation ie 90% of all loans are “printed money” because of fractional reserve banking system we have today

>The trick is to save money during economic booms
Yeah, these interest rates have been great for savers. Do they have negative sovereign rates in toothpaste land right now?
>When the next recession hits Trump's $1 trillion deficit will grow to $2-3 trillion without working boomers to buy up all that new debt
Irrelevant because we have central banks. Those boomer pensions are already fucked from the insane interest rate policies of the last decade, anyway.
>America will go bankrupt just like Argentina and Greece
The day that happens the rest of the world is going to be having very serious currency problems as well. It's inevitable at this point anyway so we may as well bite the bullet and start over. Bankruptcy is unironically the best choice for just about every government out there right now.

>> the deficit

Obama increased the DEBT to higher than allpresidents in US history COMBINED. The deficit is more a measure of the economy because its directly tied to the overall revenue in relation to expenditures. The deficit will always fluctuate. The debt however is impossible to eliminate without decreasing spending or all out war.

The deficit means nothing. If it did Bill Clinton a Democrat would never have been able to put a dent in it

Congress sets the budget, and there was a Republican Congress for most of Clinton's and Obama's terms

>economic booms
Booms and busts are artificially created by the federal reserve controlling the money supply

>National debt is in federal reserve note. We have no obligation to pay back the federal reserve.

That is not how it works at all.

Shill harder faggot. Every market is higher than it's ever been.

I don't know what's worse; your argument or your grammar.

Where the fuck did those numbers come from?

>Aren't the Demonrats the ones who waste money by giving it to poor people?

no there aren't. money that can give any government are specific, they don't change by the political parties .Only the debt changes !!!

since there are not communist or fascistic parties in government that can put your life at risk

only the tax changes and matters

so, choose the party that taxes you less

Attached: debtchartfw2.png (600x772, 297K)

the reason that running a deficit is bad is because every year it is added to the debt

The only reason Clinton got credit for it being reduced to zero is because the gop took the congress for the first time in 40 years under Newt Gingrich as speaker of the house.
This was a huge fight and the gop shut down the govt several times to force Clinton to sign the balanced budget bills they sent to him.
He finally signed and then, yes, the deficit was zero.
And Obama didn't cut anything.

Stupid niggers are the absolute worst for this shit. They're so fucking dumb, but they will repeat all the kike lies like theyre their own unique opinions. Fuck stupid niggers.

>Do they have negative sovereign rates in toothpaste land right now?

Don't know what exactly you mean by that but our government debt is shrinking, and the government pays about 0% interest on 10 year bonds now because being so fiscally responsible means we have a AAA rating.

>Irrelevant because we have central banks.
Enjoy your hyperinflation then Venezuela 2.0.

>Dutch 10Y bond at -0.23 as of today
LOL yeah, smart people are saving right now. You don't know anything about the subject you're talking about.

All US$ in circulation is debt to federal reserve bank. You don’t have any US$ look at your bills. It says federal reserve note. US gave up creating US$ in 1913. Therefore ALL money is “created” and charged intrest by the private bank called federal reserve. Furthermore their charter was 100yrs which is expired. They have no leagal authority to print money matter of fact all it is is a forgery. Running up debt to federal reserve is like using an expired credit card that is still accepted but you have no obligation to pay back.

>Obama increased the DEBT to higher than allpresidents in US history COMBINED

>Don't know what exactly you mean by that but our government debt is shrinking
It means your monetary policy is so fucked your government is actually getting paid to take out more debt. This is not good for savers you fucking mongoloid. It means they get no returns for holding on to cash, if not losing out due to inflation.

Where's that meme that gets posted every time some dumb ugly nigger faggot brings up deficit on Jow Forums? Surprised it hasn't been posted it.

So you would have us believe this article, with no names or references, dates, or much context and was apparently written by a Britain (favour vs favor) as proof that Republicans as a whole want to increase spending as much as possible while at the same time lying to their base for the past 50 years? Sir I have a bridge to sell you

>I hate kikes but I will vote for Trump

Google it faggot. Its common knowledge

>Enjoy your hyperinflation then Venezuela 2.0.
That's been the last decade not only in the US, but in Europe, China, and Japan as well. Hyperinflation is not going to happen while the current currency paradigm exists in major countries. Most of that money isn't circulating (meaning no inflation) due to slowing real growth. It sits in the excess reserves of banks, but hey, at least we won't see the banking system nuked like it should have in 2008. Get back to me when everyone abandons the dollar, then we'll see some crazy fluctuations in currency values.

>>Dutch 10Y bond at -0.23 as of today

You do realize that means we are AWESOME....riiiight?
Investors are literally giving my government money to store their money here.

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