why would trump ever invite these degenerates to the white house?
Why would trump ever invite these degenerates to the white house?
Trust /pol to get mad at fit, attractive people having fun
Because he knew they would decline.
>supporting degeneracy
Leafs I swear
That's the cringiest shit I've ever seen.
They won a World Cup for the United States of America, again proving their country to be the best in something
You are an incel and offer nothing for your country
attractive? really HAHAHAHAA no
>that ID
They won at a eurofag sport that no self respecting American gives a shit about.
I'm on your side about the dominance of this great nation, but I don't give a shit about soccer or the fact that a bunch of butch nobodys are good at it on the world stage.
I'd rather watch curling or professional corn hole. Or if I want to watch a bunch of fags try to score for 45 minutes I'll just go down to the local watering hole to see the college guys crash and burn.
Anglo faggot
>says the guy from a country that legalized fucking dogs
Opinion disregarded
do women really not understand how cringe inducing they look when doing shit like this?
>I'm on your side about the dominance of this great nation
ahahhaha i cant breathe
btw just statistics
Average height of american white male : 175 cm
average height of european white male: 179 cm
Average length of penis of american white male: 5 inches
Average lenght of penis of european male: 6 inches
>winning divegrass
I don't think we'll ever see the Dutch team behave like this. It's the filthy US coonery that drives these idiots.
Gee. How dare people have fun.
>World Cup
That’s not the World Cup you filthy cuck
I fucking hate women
wow hitting the krokodil needle pretty hard arent ya sergei?
are you triggered by facts? stay mad little dick incel. i will think of you little brown mutts when i am jerking off my 7.5 inch white dick little mestizo lower class baboon
You're soooooo gay.
Why would they? It's not like they ever really have to worry about how they act, unless it threatens to steal the prospective mate of another, higher status woman. Yet they constantly complain about how easy men have it socially. Women make social life hell for one another and men.
I'm 182cm and 7 inches.
I would come to your country and cuck you but every last one of your women has already stared in some shitty porn video.
but you realize what average is right? its not liek we cant find 10 inch nigger in congo who is 190 cm and cuck you.
also i am 7.5 inches 185 cm tall. i would probably fuck you infront of my gf to assert dominance
Zogged and nigged
>women’s sports
Literally nobody on the planet cares, not even women
Not to brag but I'm 190.5 cm and 7 inches.
I never knew the average so I'm just happy right now.
jesus Christ they are behaving like niggers. these girls piss me off every time I look at them
>190.5 cm and 7 inches.
has to look rly small tho since oyu are tall as fuck, i am 7,5 inches while being 185 and still looks tiny to me
>muh dick
Trump is a morally degenerate person. The USA is a morally degenerate thing. The only thing that kept these people from embracing each other is fake partisanship.
Can somebody explain why so many leafs are like this? Are they putting something in the Kraft Dinner that turns you all into faggots?
Women don't even celebrate as honourably as men. Drunk women is the biggest turn off in the universe.
tfw you think I give a shit about anything euro.
My ancestors left europe for a good fucking reason, and only the pathetic stayed behind.
My country is the sole remaining superpower, splitter of the atom, owner of the cosmos.
How many tulip fuckers have tamed the sea of tranquility?
How many pasta slurping cock goblers have invented the microprocessor?
How many frog faggots have made moving film their bitch?
How many jew chasing butt pirates have landed a jet on a moving ship called an aircraft carrier?
I help carry the torch of the most dominate nation ever built by man. I look down my nose at everyone but those who call themselves American.
>why would trump ever invite these degenerates to the white house?
he owes putin.
This is such a stupid thing to be mad about. These girls train hard all year (Jow Forums trains zero all year) and they finally get a chance to eat, drink, and let loose. Alex isn't trying to be a thot; she's trying to be funny. Yes her dancing sucks and she looks like a thot, but it's just because she's not good at dancing or being funny. If you losers spent more time around women and less time around video games, you'd know this is how women act in groups. This is no different than getting mad at a comedian and calling him a racist when his nigger joke doesn't land. The things these women say are stupid and destructive, so if you want to be mad at women to make your inceldom hurt less, be mad at them for that.
t. femanon
What's up with the ski goggles?
Trust a moose fucker hopped up on syrup to think mediocre skanks are attractive