Sexual Harassment of Men

52 minutes in she says women dressing immodestly is a form of sexual harassment of men. Is she right?

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basically yeah, but she's a woman so I hate admitting that she's right

Very womanly of you

yes it is.
There are no women on the internet, let alone /pol, BUT if there were, women wear their immodesty as a power play over men. They know they make you look...that is power to make you look at them. they know they make you hard...that is extreme power. Its a type of forced carnality with men, enacted without your will upon men, and they know they are doing it, and they fully INTEND to be doing it.
It might as well be rape of you, the way it makes women feel powerful. Take their power away. dont look, dont react. And watch them bend over in front of you to get that old attention from you by force

God damn why does Islam sound so nice.

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> Is she right?
Of course.
Women wouldn't do it if the point wasn't to manipulate male behaviour.
Most of the time I don't give a shit, but it pisses me off when they wear low cut tops at work, and then proceed to stick their tits in my face.
Makeup, low cut tops, miniskirts and heels should all be explicitly excluded from the workplace dress code.


It isn't. Simply look at every Islamic country and you'll find shitholes. Then you'll find non-Islamic countries that let in lots of Muslims will start to become shitholes (yes, the UK). If Islam has anything good to offer then extract it and discard the rest.

You guys do know she's trying to justify the countless number of muslim rapes on non Muslim women right?

yes she is correct.


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Oy vey, leaf. Some low effort kikery there. Get some rest.

The Gulf States aren't

No she isn't, she says right afterward that it doesn't remove accountability for rape and God will still judge you for it

All the "nice" parts of Islam were once present in Christianity as well.

Yep. It's a temptation.

Not so. Islam dogmatically forbids mixed sex gathers or two unmarried people of the opposite sex being alone together. Courtship is dogmatically required to have a male member of the woman's family present, and you must propose through her guardian (father generally)

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This is true, but very briefly. The monothiesm, the most important part (Mark 12:29), was done away with at the council of Nicea, regrettably.

Holy fuck, the ignorance of this post. Asking the father isn’t a Christian thing, I know dozens of people who don’t believe in God and still did it. And you’re not asking for PERMISSION in America, you’re asking for his blessing.

not once the bible is the same yesterday and today people just don't want to follow god teachings anymore because of the social engineering that took place in the 60s

He doesn't know, but permission is required in Islam. The father can't force his daughter to marry but she needs his permission

The Bible was efficacy was ruined when Paul said obey man's law as holy but God's law is void and if you obey you will go to tell. Christianity would have been well if it were an Orthodox Judaism for gentiles

Because you're a dumb faggot
All those things are a standard in a healthy civilization. For example, the west before liberalism, secularism etc.

Christianity naturally leads to liberalism once it comes to terms with itself