How the literal FUCK

They should be bankrupt by now.

Attached: 1563923740610.png (1430x1410, 853K)

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Because the US makes only about 20% of Chinese exports.

Because they are at the spearhead of 5G And developing it around the world. Leaving the USA in it's dust.

They need us to invent it first.

Europe is going to buy their shit...

The Chinese government also gives them sweetheart deals and encourages others to use them through promises and soft power.

They did this just for this headline and to keep their own markets looking more robust then they really are.

all we had to do was to stop selling them chip sets, but gigs kike US corporations who have no sense of responsibility to anything but profit, made Trump back down on the embargo.

Huge. This is china’s first of many inclinations to come that they can tell the United States to fuck ourselves with 0 consequence.

>gigs kike

>they stole what we don't have yet
So they have time travel too.