>The slippery slope doesn't exist

Here comes the zoophilia.

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Other urls found in this thread:


god dam the wall fucking beat her to deaf

Kicked out of over 220 dates and men are the problem

Spanglish education everyone

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She's fucking the dog.

I like how the 'former' in 'former model' is in all caps KEK

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Natural selection at work

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She looks odd

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How do we solve the dog mom problem?

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>implying that she wasn’t expecting a make believe fantasy man instead of actually wanting to meet someone normal

the dating markets will turn once enough roasties hit the wall this hard


Always thought bestiality would come before pedophilia.


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>implying there is anything wrong with pedophilia, bestiality, or necrophilia

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So she cucks her husband when she needs a good dicking or just gets the PB??


How can human bois even compete?

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Dude, shut up

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wow one fucking instance = society is accepting zoophilia!!
jump off a cliff

49 years old and still desperately seeking attention.

yeah its weird thats its talking so long,youd think theyd do zoophilia first then go for pedophile,but I guess more people are ok with their children being fuck then dogs.

The future is mixed get over it bigot

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>man and woof
Why wouldn't it be woof and wife? Don't they teach common sense and alliteration in journalism school?

>"where have all the good men gone?"
>marries a literal dog


kys my man!

Anyone got webm of the honeymoon?

You will watch while we fuck your women

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There is a betafag somewhere who's gonna marry this woman knowing she dated 220 ppl and married a dog. Fucking clown world.

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It's okay they are getting married.


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You will burn

I wonder what other horrifying steps there will be along the way. Drug legalization will probably be soon, but besides that and those listed it seems like (((they))) are going to run out of obvious degenerate causes soon.

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Many women are taking the dogpill

she has the thousand eye stare.

how can humans even compete

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Woman loves the Good Boy Cock.
How can human males even compete?

It'll be a lot more worrying if the Catholic Church actually does it.

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lol white women are such whores, wanting to get fucked by dogs

I've seen this episode. Come up with something new.

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For once your right kike

49 still waiting her fifty shades of grey billionaire. Kek

oh god she probably makes our with her dog husband

These shishkas’ll do anything!!! Oy vey

Because she's the woof.

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>When orewa Luffy says it's the DOTR, you know it's the DOTR.

Why is this weird guy obsessed with disproving the dogpill and complaining about incels?
Why are there more fat bearded men bitching about “misogynist” “incels” than there are incels?

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t. Epstein guest list

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Doesn’t say much for you guys - does it? Hahahahaha

Holy shit, imagine getting raped by your own dog

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This. If there wasn't a connection made then she has a problem. But then, again, she's a zoophile. And the Catholic Church will sanctify the marriage

Catholicism is the devil

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There was this Jewish girl that came from Germany. Many would say she had a greedy snatch for African princes and rubbed her hands everytime they were around. She would reach for her virgin mound just briefly just to fan her flames. The flames for the Jewish desire for black cock. Her story started when was being a naughty Jewish girl when she asked her father, Mr Shekelstein, for a lavish shopping allowance. She got herself the life-changing and eye-opening documentary called Jews Love Black Cock. She knew the stories of the Jewish girls from America, Switzerland and South Africa and the black cock would haunt her day and night. She had to lose her virginity her puss was literally shaking right now. Like a real Jewish girl she went to the nearest refugee camp and found her chosen African prince and she took him home. She had to set the mood for her first time so she decorated her African prince as Adolf Hitler and decorated her room as Auschwitz. She was now ready, ready to service her African prince and submit her virginity. The African prince then pierced her with all the savagery one could muster and her shrieks and moans pierced the ears of all in little Isreal. Her father barged through the door and he would have been furious but he became so turned on he watched and converted to fully avid jewish cuckoldry. He became so thrilled that he invited all the Jewish men to watch and even pleaded the African prince to do his wife. A triumph for jewish cuckoldry everywhere.

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My fiancee is a dog mom. I want her to become an actual mom but shes career focused and is currently being mentored by a senior partner.

She dresses our dogs up in outfits and we have family purtraits(!) on the wall. I just have to be patient and hope to bring her around slowly.

And no she does not fuck the dogs, thats disgusting, and a myth.

first thing i noticed is the age, "49" "220 dates"

220date divided by 365 days.

She bangs 61% of the year with 220 different people.

Those 220 "dates" could be over the course of her life. Its still a high fucking number

I mean, we all know she's already getting knotted by that dog, may as well make it official.

if you havent found the right man by the 25-50th date, most likely you never will.

Reactionary thot turned roast copes by marrying dog.

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DESU i would rather have dog fuckers than kid fuckers.

They're always advancing on all fronts.

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In ten years you will have both

It's a jew

Ofcourse, shes probably a bitch so bad, she makes Beyonce look like a tradcon wife.

No man is sticking around for that shit. I feel bad for the doggo.

We already have you lot, so we're half way there.


dogs will fuck anything desu

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Actually there probably isn't

>the bible is true
>the warnings about the end times are happening right now
>Jesus will be returning soon

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Cringecels FEAR the superior BDC

Are you stupid? It's over her whole lifetime retard

Isn't bestiality/zoophilia illegal though?

This is your future wh*teboi

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220 dates over the course of 49 years is still absurd.

As long as they wait

This but unironically.

>220 dates over the course of 49 years is still absurd.
>49 years
Do you think she went on her first date straight out of the womb?

>a dog is getting more pussy than you are
Let that sink in.


>And no she does not fuck the dogs, thats disgusting, and a myth.
Getting a little defense there

>my mother is awaiting the rapture
>tell her that I'll hold down the fort
I just want to kill demonic communists

>220 failed dates
maybe the problem is her, not every single man on Earth

100% these third let their dogs fuck them when nobody's around. That automatic fuck trigger is a dead giveaway

You just KNOW. Absolutely based, doggo.

wow 220 creampies later and she aint locked down? polluted sterile cunt

men win again

Can you be formerly attractive?

Can you be formerly wealthy?

I feel piety for this dogs really, all they wanted was to be the best friend of a white man, catch ball with him, go to the park see some bitches, bark and bite some niggers, but instead they get treated like an effeminated pussy and are raped by this hoes, poor doggos, we failed them lads


just go on and keep believing that, goy.
jesus will come down out of the heavens and right every wrong. so do absolutely fucking nothing until that happens. gj.

>Holy shit, imagine getting raped by your own dog

Assuming she didn't train it to mount and hump her.

At least they won't be living in sin

lol see, pigskins love animals, degenerates

dog fuckers

Always white girls

When did fucking beastiality become legal? I missed that step.

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