Are they incels?

Are they incels?
Why would they kill that nice white couple?

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Man hunt underway

(((bryer smegmansky)))?


2 bullets. One for each of them right between the eyes.

bump. just thought of something...

A couple of murderers stalking motorists in leafland is definitely worth a bump.

>If seen, take no action.
>Call 911 immiediately.
Whoever made that image is retarded.
Calling the police is an action.

These two fuck each other's asses.

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I think I know how this is going to end, guys...

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He will kill his buddy, and eventually end up dead himself. No arrests will be made. They will only find the body of the fat one. Schmegel will not be found.

So it is written, so it shall be done.
screencap this.... aaaaaaand rolling for blessing of digits.


They shot ol'mate and his fur burger

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well shit

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These two are going full on Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. Hopefully they give a happening for the ages

Second car found?

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they're fucked, probably already an hero'd in the woods.

Why...why is that gif so long

Looks like those digits are cursed now.

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Port Alberni produces some of the lowest scum in Canada

Probably yea, but we don’t even know if they did it. They just happened to be missing in the same area

ukrainian jew

Which is too bad, because port alberni is a really pretty place.


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why dont these poeple ever have normal names

So it is written.

Definitely incels. Just look at them

Looking at their facebooks they only have 18 friends between the two of them.

Hole in the wall was one of the best small hikes I did on the island.

And Canada anons living in northern Manitoba?

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Everyone probably unfriended them after the accusations

They do look like incels.
That makes sense.

The media say they are also looking for this man.

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guy wears the walmart camo in a few pics.
of course media picks those.
he looks pinko commie as fuck

A Jew and a mick.

How do we solve the white male problem?

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He and cam used to work at Walmart in Port Alber.

Do you think these kids are scared and will kill again? Will they turn themselves in?

by putting jews in ovens

Antipsychotic medication-associated weight gains evident on bottom left and bottom right.

It looks like they are making their way to Toronto. Keep your eyes out boys.

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What’s the motive anons?

Sounds English.

White wamenz are looking for cute chadz to talk to REEEE Nows our chance fugggg to save le whyte Race

they're already unpredictable...
I'll pray for no more death.

well the irishman looks genuinely retarded and the other ones a jew

What problem?

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Off topic user.

We are trying to find these two killer kids

I think he’s Scottish

Probably like those two teenagers from Eastern Europe who went around murdering random people with hammers and screwdrivers and filming it. The motive is just they enjoy killing I guess. Serial Killers are part of God's plan


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They told there dads they were going to find work up north in BC. They just graduated high school and worked at Walmart for 3 weeks before going off on this murder spree.

They seem like normal kids.

Teenage boys develop very weird relationships with each other. I guess their thing was glamorizing murder. Probably a kill trip and like others have said they have have ended it by killing themselves out in the woods already.

CBC says they're both 6'4

fucking lanklets

When will they learn.

I think the Australia they killed was unfortunately a manlet (5”11)

RIP Lucas

what's wrong with that bitches teeth?

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She’s American

Men need to start hitting kids again. With a belt, or whatever is handy. Knock this faggotry out of them when they're young. Teach them the old ways of being men, and most importantly, get your children the fuck out of modern cities.

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I hope they venture to USA and start killing there.

The car they were apparently in was found burned not far away from where the shooting happened.

I've worked / Travel up in the northern areas...

While traveling in those areas I had two rules for myself, never stop for natives and never pick up hitch hikers.

There's a more plausible chance that natives killed all 4 of them. A friend of a friend of mine made the mistake of giving a native a drive back to the reserve a few weeks ago, they pulled guns on him and he had to drive through fences to get out of the place alive.

Red pill me on natives and living in northern BC user.


Coming this fall on (((network television)))


Youre still a faggot

He’s probably right

Looks like Martin Shkreli




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>The media say they are also looking for this man.
Is that a drawing of Justin Trudeau's father?



man you are a cum brain.

I didn't know Canada had jews

That drawing is super racist

Canadian man hunts are boring. Canucks, why are your women so hot ? Glacial water or some shit ?

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The drawing on the right looks like an east indian


> High school diploma
> work at walmart,
> realize this is the tier your life is going to be
Who wouldn’t kill and end it all?

That drawing is not very accurate of suspect

Because Jews are subversive and adopt the names of the culture they're subverting. That's why they have so many Anglo-Germanic and Italo-Slavic names.

Braces. North American's are obsessed with fake teeth and shit. That's why most of them have their teeth replaced at a young age with those giant white chicklet things.

Jess is a degenerate, she literally does more drugs than half of south America, goes to music festivals, and bangs niggers. She's also a "lesbian" atm. Yet only bangs ugly asian bitches. She's a textbook degenerate. So is her sister though but Lauren hid it better to get more beta bux until she got pregnant with a black man and had to cancel her career.

Both suspects are 6'4" and 170lb (193cm & 77kg). I might be a manlet, but Jesus, they're as light as feather for that height. Is it that hard for tall guys to gain and maintain weight?

Looks like old Castro

>they both bang niggers

What kind of white girl doesn't though

cause they were wigger garbage

Yep, that's Fidel Castro. I guess he's looking for his son in Canada.


meats too expensive here

what's wrong with only high school?

why is it being assumed they are the killers just because they went missing? Maybe they were all whacked by some sick fuck north manitoba natives. they have the look of incels that snapped though

unlikely chugs. based on the latest police report it looks like they pulled it off. seems like a case of two teens who knew their lives weren't going to amount to anything and probably decided last minute to kill and run

Those are half kikes.

why are they running and burning cars if they are are not guilty of something?