Why do you continue to ignore the call of the old gods

Why do you continue to ignore the call of the old gods

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Because the New God, the true God, beckons me louder and prouder than those pagan demons ever will.
All pray to the true lord of Earth, Jesus Christ.

>the Jew God

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there is only one god and that is death
and what do we say to death?
not today

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Theological historians actually dispute this. It’s clear from early texts of the Torah that the god of the Old Testament is vastly different than the God of the New Testament.
The OT people’s worshipped one of the many gods of war that were believed in that region of the time.


sorry that's a sin

Didn't odin drink gallons of cum? Hail the allfather indeed. Not like the abrahamic god is any better since none of his actions make actual sense

Pride in oneself is a sin, not being proud of following God. You’re not even good at trolling.

“Yahweh", in fact, is an abbreviation of the longer name, "Yahweh Sabaoth." It means, "He who musters armies." Thus Yahweh's name identifies the god primarily as the military leader of the tribe. No wonder the God bequeathed to the world by the Jews turned out to be a monster.

Yahweh feels regret for his own evil (‘And God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God repented of the evil, that he had said that he would do unto them; and he did it not.’ - Jonah 3.10); and grief (at the wickedness of men) (‘and it grieved him at his heart’ - (Genesis 6.6). He actually gets down and wrestles with Jacob, dislocating his thigh (Genesis 32.24). He forgets (he goes on calling Jacob ‘Jacob’ even after re-naming him ‘Israel’ - Genesis 35.10, 46.2). He practises favouritism (choosing the Israelites ‘above all people’ - Exodus 19.5; but he just does not like Cain or Esau!). He holds grudges (‘I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation’ – Exodus 20.5).



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I laid down to listen to hypno porn. And when I was in trance I heard pow-wow music. Since then I don't do that shit anymore and I quit smoking weed. I think there's something to this

bruh they are dead

For an omniscient god he is surprisingly unknowing (‘They have set up kings, but not by me; they have made princes, and I knew it not.’ – Hosea 8.4). And for an omnipotent god he has his limitations (‘The Lord was with Judah; and he drove out the inhabitants of the mountain; but could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley because they had chariots of iron.’ - Judges 1.19).

The most disturbing aspect of Yahweh’s humanoid personality, however, is his blood-lust. The smell of burning flesh is a ‘sweet savour unto the lord’ – so sweet, in fact, that the phrase appears in the Old Testament no fewer than twenty-three times.

>ignore the call
so it never occurs to these fucking retard gods to make social media accounts or YouTube channels?

The old gods are fake nigger tier bullshit

Good thing onlyKIKES follow the Old Testament.

Read the bible

Cringy faggot

>theological historians disputing things
That's what they do. How many denominations are there out there?
oh so translations of the koine greek septuagint? isn't it funny how the task of finding truth through the words of jesus means trusting concepts of greek thought that existed before jesus?
Sounds like Greco-Christian terminology is just a Greek philosophical filter through which Christians try to learn about Jesus.

>pray to jew zeus
no thanks, not a fan of judaism

>no evidence, saga, story, myth, or poem in which this occurs.
"The notion that Odin consumed semen is comes from a bizarre screed written by a homosexual ethnically Jewish Catholic clergyman named Dr. (((Greenberg))) as part of an attempt to get clerical homosexuality accepted in church hierarchy."

>The most disturbing aspect of Yahweh’s humanoid personality, however, is his blood-lust. The smell of burning flesh is a ‘sweet savour unto the lord’ – so sweet, in fact, that the phrase appears in the Old Testament no fewer than twenty-three times.
>strenght and power are bad

Jews must think Christians are pretty annoying in the same way Egyptians find African-Americans annoying because of all their we wuzzing.

Is a Christian the religious equivalent of pic related?

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I have actually read it, multiple times. I went to a catholic college where it was required study. Anglican cuck

Yikes current year

Are you implying that any part of human experience, religion included, is outside the interpretation of humans?
Are you really that dumb? Unironically holy shit.

Do you really? LOL
Jesus is the latinized version of Iesus, the Greek form of the Aramaic Yeshua.
Read a book you literal nigger.

Because they’re all faggots and so are you

Never implied they were bad, try again. The argument is that the god of kikes is the same as the God of Christians.

True followers of Christ have no concern for what the jews think of us.

>True followers of Christ have no concern for what the jews think of us.
oh yeah?

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I really don't ingonre them. I have been tormented and nearly drowned by a Näkki that followed my ancestors here, Kuu guided me out of a dark forest one night when I was lost (didn't have a GPS unit then), Nyyrikki has guided my bullet and my arrow, Pekko has fermented my beer to wonderful flavors, Saunatonttu has kept me healthy, Lempo has keeps my chickens fertile, Ahti fills my belly with perch from the Järvi River, and Luonnotar blesses me with the wonderful nature of God's Country.

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>jewish god

We shall swim out to that brooding reef in the sea and dive down through black abysses to Cyclopean and many-columned Y’ha-nthlei, and in that lair of the Deep Ones we shall dwell amidst wonder and glory for ever.

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Fuck your fake Jew god.


But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit in truth; for such people the Father seems to be his worshipers.”

This was Christ speaking to the Samaritan woman. Today we think of a Good Samaritan as the person who is selfless to help others, but 2k years ago a “good” Samaritan was something of an inside joke. Samaritans were idolatrous kikes of the Old Testament.

Imagine willfully spending your entire life in semitic mental cage.

trust me kiddo, you're a know nothing nobody. your comment is projection. take a few thousand hours, study astrotheology, language, syncretism, and come back to me. good luck.

>Semitic mental cage
You sound like someone who has been brainwashed by kike media.
The NT is about *rejecting* jewish law. Why do you think jews hate Christians and Jesus so much?

Trying to dissuade people from salvation is thecwork of satan. I encourage you to reconsider the choices that have lead you to this point in your life.
You can take heart however knowing that Christ will never reject you. Turn to face Him and you will be forgiven, that’s all it takes.

Absolutely Based and redpilled

Jews hate Christians in the way Catholics hated Protestants. Established religious authorities always see heresy as even worse than complete non-belief.
>wanting to be forgiven by some Jew of questionable historicity
Look, Christianity is a small step over atheism, but you guys really fucked up European spirituality. Christianity only really appeals to the horribly ignorant and/or stupid, which is why it is receding so fast in Europe while it is surging in places like Africa. The moment Europeans started discovering the true nature of the universe, it basically became impossible for Christianity to hang on. Meanwhile if Europe had a religious tradition which made even a shred of sense, our race wouldn't have succumb to amoral hedonistic atheism. Western civilization was built upon a shaky spiritual foundation, which means if we as a people want to move forward, we are going to have to build a completely new foundation, and we really don't have the time.

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Jew worshipping cuck

And the new jew on a stick is real!?

I will return to the ways of my ancestors not the ways of my ancestors who were subverted by desert niggers

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Why do you mean by “we as people want to move forward?” You assume that there is some place in this existence that is better than were we are now. “In the future, things will be better.”
That’s a logical fallacy friend, in fact, there is zero evidence that humanity is “better” with anything more advanced. Do you think that people will somehow be happier if they have 300 year lifespans?
The responsibility of religion is not to “make sense,” but to understand the human condition.
Moving “forward” is not the answer for humanity, but instead moving backwards.

You are fucking retarded. My post was about Europe finding a new spiritual foundation to build off of since Christianity has very obviously lost it's appeal to most Europeans and has been proven to be false to most of us. "Moving forward" means finding something that is more correct than the quickly dying Christianity, and something more appealing than atheist degeneracy.
This isn't some basedboy progress cult shit, where I'm talking about how technology and 300 year lifespans or whatever will make life great, and you know that too. People nowadays are miserable because their lives are meaningless spiritually empty slavery to the capitalist machine, tacking on another 200 years to peoples' lives just means 200 years more they get to suffer. For being the sort of soiboi cuck who loves pointing out logical fallacies, you sure are fond of strawmen. But this is all Christians have left really, misrepresenting the opposition, because as the incumbents, really all you need to do is discredit others rather than advance your own position.
>The responsibility of religion is not to “make sense,” but to understand the human condition.
Christianity does a terrible job of understanding the human condition.

Because they are false gods.

>New God

YHWH Is The Only God.
The Creator.
The Alpha and the Omega.

He is not old or new as He transcends time and space.
He laid out the foundations for this universe, and set it into motion.

All other things that are worshiped by the lost as 'gods' are merely creatures and idols that are no more than dust.
Your zeal is admirable, but let us never forget how Great our Lord truly is.

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty.
Praise, glory, and worship be unto HIM forever and ever, for He is worthy.

>YHWH Is The Only God.
>The Creator.
>The Alpha and the Omega.
Source: dude trust me lmao

Watch this instead, user. I've always had an interest in the old ways, but this really awakened something in me.

>inb4 jewtube
>inb4 leaf
Remember that we are all brothers!

They will hate you for this, take it as a sign that you’re doing something right

You seem lost, friend. I will pray for you on your search, but I know that you will one day return to the loving arms of the Lord when you are ready. We always do.

>I'm obviously wrong, so I guess I'll write some condescending platitude like every other NPC christfag does when they know they are wrong

>YHWH Is The Only God.

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i still think most religions and mythologies are basically different versions of the same kind of stories that humans have been telling for millennia

I don't.

I build sacred places in the woods, near the rivers, on mountain tops.

So far I see people like the idea, some leave flowers there or elaborate on the theme I set up.

Because they refuse to fight

Lol how do you do that

Odin Owns Ye All


I dunno, user! Why don't you come to the true gods? :3

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Oh but i do user that's what 1st edition AD&D is for.

Oh, I heard the call. Her voice was loud beyond comprehension.

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Why settle for something created? Why not worship the Ultimate Creator from which all things emanate? Your gods are weak because their existence necessitates a more powerful creator. Why limit yourself to created humanoid archetypes when you can strive to have some sort of experience with He who has All Power and has always existed?

Deism is just atheism with extra steps.

I tried the "wanting to believe" in Jesus meme for most of my late teens and early 20s. The more I learned and talked to people, the more I realized it was impossible. At best, some really high IQ dudes can make a case for deism, then they mental gymnastics their way into believing that this means that Christian god must be real... but anything past the milquetoast deism is just that, mental gymnastics.

The old gods didn't create the universe. That's why there are multiple of them and we don't capitalize the g

who is this user?

I start by setting a big menhir-shaped stone in the center. Additional stones are put around the central one in various shapes. Sometimes I add wooden trunks and carve some runes I made up.

I let the place speak through me

>Why settle for something created? Why not worship the Ultimate Creator from which all things emanate?
How do you worship him and what specifically do you know about him?

turn away from false gods and idols. you need to hurry and accept jesus as your lord and saviour because time is running out and if you miss your chance, you'll meet the wrath of the one true God or worse... die.

Is there a book I can read that tells me some of the things they say and so on? Not much info

>Je. Zeus.
Literally just read a few pages of the new testament king james.

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I believe inTiamat, she believes in you

It's painful.


I try to do what I think is the best I can based on what I’ve been exposed to, and that’s all I can do. Yes, I follow a religion and have certain beliefs about God that my limited animal brain can comprehend as it experiences His Creation. What is relevant to this thread is the notion that worshipping created gods neither helps or harms the worshipper. Because the Ultimate Creator known in English as God has Infinitely more power than anything in existence, it is logical to direct your focus to Him. Why settle for created things when you can experience the All-Powerful, Irresistible God at some level?

>Because the Ultimate Creator known in English as God has Infinitely more power than anything in existence
The funny thing is, yhwh shows up in Norse cycles as Muspell.

>23 Thus says the Lord: “Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, let not the mighty man boast in his might, let not the rich man boast in his riches, 24 but let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the Lord who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth. For in these things I delight, declares the Lord.”
Jeremiah 9:23-24

Amen brother

They all claim that though?

Fair enough.
I get behind the idea that this God, the God is unreachable to our limited minds and souls. What we see are His numerous faces in the form of spirits and gods.

I assume you conflate a certain Semitic god with THE GOD which is erronious.
I see your god as old jewish perception of this God.

They dont give me cool powers. That's the price if they want worship. I already have some asshole who helps those that helps themselves dont need a gayer version thanks.

That’s only one virtue. Scammed

The names ascribed to deities and how they are treated by specific religious traditions is completely irrelevant to this conversation. The ability to conceive that this ordered Universe came from somewhere, which came from somewhere, etc etc. Eventually, the only thing that makes sense is an Eternal Creator with All Power to do all things. He is the only thing that actually exists because He has always existed and this Universe necessitates such an incomprehensible Originator. He has Infinite energy to eternally create and destroy as He sees fit, in Perfect Wisdom and Judgment that befits the implied qualities of the One.

Forget about any religion or the descriptors they attach to the unseen, for the purpose of my argument. God’s Lordship is self-evident.

The old gods can't save you from the wrath of God.

They do though,according to their own cycles. Baldur is the real Jesus here.

>Why do you continue to ignore the call of the old gods
Because they wont speak up

Funny thing is, ever since becoming a priest of the great mother, all the Indian business owners (there are a lot in Jersey) think I have magic powers, and they're super nice to me and give me freebies. I never intended on cursing them, but apparently that's a legit thing they think will happen.

>The names ascribed to deities and how they are treated by specific religious traditions is completely irrelevant to this conversation
Except it's not. Surtr matches the cherub in the garden, both have flaming swords and protect their demesnes. Yhwh is constantly compared to a consuming fire in both testaments and the Orthodox chant how we will be consumed by fire, and this matches the description of Muspell- the realm of fire. It all fits. The Prose Edda even says Muspell is the first thing to bring light into the universe- just like Genesis.

Forget about our differing inclinations regarding our ability to comprehend His Qualities and His Will. Also, I don’t believe in a religion based on this “Bible” that people ascribe infallibility to. What people have written about Him over the years is an attempt to codify the knowledge passed down through generations that resonates with people’s experience of Creation. That is why some religious texts contain a lot of truth that a person can get behind, but they are susceptible to human fallibility. True, Divine Revelation occurs when somebody communicates a Message that the listener is capable of saying “I cannot argue with this.”

What does this mean? Spend time in nature and ponder the qualities you feel comfortable ascribing to the One with All Power. Then, read and listen to different people until you recognize something as being True. You may never find it, but maybe you will. I believe the Truth is out there, but only as much as God allows our brains to comprehend.

It makes no sense to focus on the names and stories. Of course the Bible has been altered by humans over the years, and not all of it is true. The concept of a Single God found in many Scriptures is something everyone can get behind. You don’t need to believe in everything the Bible says to get on board within monotheism. There is only One God, who you ultimately cannot resist. The Originator of Creation, but was not Himself Created.

You see that I’m talking about a fact of existence, and not a religious dogma? Existence must have a Creator of such Infinite Power to exist in the first place, let alone exist as a realm ordered by Divine Wisdom that emanates from the Most High.