I found it

Proof, a picture of bill clinton with epstein. Save this and spread it before the media memory hole's this

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-23-22-33-37(1).png (1080x835, 807K)

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=vanityfair 2003 epstein

Attached: 1.jpg (895x615, 517K)

Why would this be memory holed? Bill’s been documented being on his airplane by secret service like 20 times or something.

that's a pretty big computer screen

And from here it will spread. Thanks OP. You're not a faggot this time.

What a fucking retard. That magazine exists in millions of copies. That's why your overlords have not scrubbed it.

for you

The drunk kids, the catholics
They're all about the same
They're waiting for something
Hoping to be saved

>I found it
It's been posted here several times today already

Attached: 1563914310971.png (1007x924, 1.5M)

Also looks curved. Which is odd because that is an older photo
>t. Guy who has a 34 inch curved monitor

>tfw Jeffs about to show you the new online catalogue of Cheese Pizza

Attached: 1541204912286.gif (314x293, 3.39M)

>the absolute state of dem voters
That's the light effect from the reflection in the screen to the camera's lenses, dumb retard.
google.com/search?q=vanityfair 2003 epstein

Attached: 1563924882813.jpg (1999x1294, 433K)

They were stoned on some good shit in that picture

That vanity fair article is just the tip of the iceberg anyway:

Also more stuff linking Jeff and Bill from a 2002 article:
>“Jeffrey is both a highly successful financier and a committed philanthropist with a keen sense of global markets and an in-depth knowledge of twenty-first-century science,” Clinton says through a spokesman. “I especially appreciated his insights and generosity during the recent trip to Africa to work on democratization, empowering the poor, citizen service, and combating HIV/AIDS.”

>While Epstein got an intellectual kick out of engaging African finance ministers in theoretical chitchat about economic development, the real payoff for him was observing Clinton in his m{U+00E9}tier: talking HIV/aids policy with African leaders and soaking up the love from Cape Town to Lagos.

>Epstein brings a trophy-hunter’s zeal to his collection of scientists and politicians. But the real charge for him is in seeing these guys work it. Like former Democratic Senate leader George Mitchell, for example. In Epstein’s mind, Mitchell is the world’s greatest negotiator, based on his work in Ireland and the Middle East. So he wrote the senator a bunch of checks. Says Mitchell: “He has supported some philanthropic projects of mine and organized a fund-raiser for me once. I would certainly call him a friend and a supporter.”

Source: nymag.com/nymetro/news/people/n_7912/

Attached: Clipboard014545NOPE.png (889x479, 187K)

oops. came here for the picture for this.

Here is a pic with Bill Clinton on Lolita w/ Chelsea Handler the child handler. Neat huh?

Attached: 7ea778f519cc73150bf50ab6f41e64839171277897f91ec42d389c7fd2521b5c.jpg (1837x1358, 1.17M)

Attached: FxQN4ac.jpg (640x480, 57K)

>Proof, a picture of bill clinton with epstein
and? Trump's done that too.

But, have you seen a pic with Trump on the Lolita Express with Chelsea Handler the child handler?

My bad it's rachel handler the child handler. Chelsea is that other cunt linked to pedophilia in Pedowood. My bad.

Attached: 1563293867244.jpg (1018x1024, 186K)

Attached: 1563915776281.jpg (927x645, 359K)

Attached: 1563581900180.jpg (720x720, 70K)

>It's been posted here several times today already

>Here is a pic with Bill Clinton on Lolita w/ Chelsea Handler the child handler. Neat huh?
So since Chelsea Clinton is not Bill's Clinton biological daughter, what are the probabilities that he 'did' her to?
Chelsea Clinton's real father is Webster Hubbell. Bill Clinton fathered a black son Danny Williams.
But Hillary also had an affair with her business partner Webster Hubbell. You can see the resemblance.
Chelsea also has a half-sister that looks just like her.

Attached: Chelsea Clinton's real father is Webster Hubbell.jpg (1024x712, 87K)

>Proof, a picture of bill clinton with epstein. Save this and spread it before the media memory hole's this
Or Google does this to it...

Attached: Jeffrey Epstein Bill Clinton on Google<.png (827x768, 413K)

>spread it
>by secret
>fucking retard
>drunk kids
>several times today
>odd because that is
>Cheese Pizza
>pedophilia in Pedowood

never mind the video of trump and epstein hanging out at a party, AND the fact that epstein's summer home is blocks away from mar a lago, AND the several photos that trump and epstein have taken together, AND the quotes that Trump has said about Epstein including how he likes young girls.... Need I go on?

>pic related, it's a real movement in ISRAEL because people in ISRAEL want him to be reelected in 2020.

Attached: 1563824728221m.jpg (1024x768, 114K)

Attached: 1563938845616.jpg (618x399, 45K)

26 times

womp womp

you will never find a legit image of the two together because Bill Clinton is Jeffrey Epstein.

Go and fuck your father the kangaroo you are so stupid. Stop posting you Ausie turd.

Attached: bill_clinton_on_jeff_epstein_flight_records.png (1178x2801, 2.31M)

, is bullshit too? If it is, they really outdid themselves

links don't go to an article with the picture and i'm not subscribing to fucking vanity fair

Attached: ugh.jpg (306x306, 20K)

fucking kek
what is wrong with you two.

Ausies not only have ugly irritating accent when they try to speak English but most of them are very repulsive subhumans.
Must be the old defective DNA that was rejected by England.

This picture reinforces that trump didn't know Epstein was pedo at the time for me. Trumps hand position suggests a classical power move by traditional wealth and epstine's demeanor screams out seethy-arrogant-danger. Two predators of very different types--fucking kids was never on trumps list of things to do and this photo makes that obvious.

Donny is that you?
Barron is that you?


Well sure. AMA.

Attached: epstein1.jpg (800x450, 109K)

Attached: epstein2.jpg (800x499, 61K)

can you fucking read? that article doesn't have the picture

its on epsteins plane before its remodel

Attached: EAM7Zn2UcAAyTRe.jpg (490x431, 29K)

Saved it.