Why do people who believe in this rule the world?

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Because they're Jews.

Freemasons too

It probably works. Might also involve utilizing (being used by) evil though so ....

The Founding Fathers weren't Jews.
Nor the Rockefellers, Mellons, Morgans, Carnegies.

Have you ever been punched in the gut?

because they have sold their soul to the devil. they believe in their own lies and superiority, putting themselfes above others just to enjoy the material woröd rules by satan. but god will put them in their place soon enough and the higher they climb, the deeper they will fall.

>Nor the Rockefellers, Mellons, Morgans, Carnegies.

Did these guys believe in Kabbalah?

Because we’re Jews

Haha project much, German goy?

? Tell me more

They don’t rule the world. they UNDERSTAND it better using occult formulations, like philosophy. Best to leave it alone user. Not for Jow Forums nor Jow Forums.

It appears you believe everything originated with jews... You're wrong. A good wealth of just about all of their teaching predate them. As to why a person rules the world, simple : If you believe I am the ruler of the world and destined for that role, then my power in ruling the world is amplified. Guess how many dumb fucks do this daily towards their various rulers : pussy, money, vice, religion, etc....? Guess who control a lion's share of it?

And there you are thinking it was due to some mystical bullshit... The answer was in your face all along.

>Did these guys believe in Kabbalah?

I actually don't know.
Rockefellers built the Twin Towers and they were full of Freemason symbols. The earth sephorsothing at the base. Two pillars.

The families I named, most of them designed all that secret society shit on the back of the dollar, right? They founded the Federal Reserve.

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>Rockefellers, Morgans

God blessed us (and cursed us) to be humanity's intellectual avant garde.

It is nothing that we did to deserve it. Why do I have blue eyes and not shit-colored brown eyes.

It is nothing we did to deserve it. It is just like a kid being born in a rich country or rich family. Nothing he did to deserve it.

Why are so many pictures like this about the qabalah and masons so similar to pinball space cadet?

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It’s because we know the Names of God and how to use them in the framework of the Torah. The goyim think they can use our mystical stuff without the underlying knowledge of basic Judaism because they’re ignorant faggots who bow to idols.

>They don’t rule the world. they UNDERSTAND it better using occult

Because it's unironicly the truth.
Just follow the right teachers. There are too many uninitiated pretending to teach.
I recommend starting with a solid walk with Christ first.

I don’t get it either

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>Rockefellers built the Twin Towers

Ok, well then we know they were Kabbalahists.

I played that all the time

Jews think they can Jew the Old Testament.

The Kabbalah wreaks of something that came from the East. Probably from Aryans before there were Jews.

Based game.

I achieved 3 billion points once, right before playing redneck rampage

some of us know God without being a dradle flinging faggot or christcuck... what a concept, and the possibilites!

Other way around bro

yeah, but why?

Because its a club and you work your way through those ranks. Nothing magical happens you just get job promotions over none club betas.

Can't tell if you're being sarcastic.
If you want to go down the 9/11 symbolism wormhole, here it is.

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>It’s because we know the Names of God and how to use them in the framework of the Torah.
You're not the only one. You weren't the first ones. What you have done instead is convince plebs that you are. Therein lines the power of belief and your power as opposed to others. This power runs aground against cultures and people with their own belief structures that ignore and give no weight to yours (the east).
> The goyim think they can use our mystical stuff without the underlying knowledge
(((Our))) .. lmfao at this retard.
> The world began and end with jews
Only a retard with no understanding of history and a borderline retard IQ believes this horseshit.
> because they’re ignorant faggots who bow to idols.
Project much? What is your (((God))) other than a misunderstood idol. You're as much a slave to your idols as anyone. You only maintain power in the pleb belief that your idols are more significant. Meanwhile, in Asia .. the economic engine of the world (thanks to dumb christ cucks who sold their country up the river), no one knows who you are. You're just a bunch of niggers from the desert. Thereby rendering you powerless. I could go on and on to an infinite degree about the folly of your people and belief system, but meh'.

To be honest i don't think most world leaders actually believe in religion of any kind but it is convenient and make the masses align.

Where are the world's most powerful group mentioned? (Asians)?
Seems schlomo only knew of their shit tier pocket of the earth

The same reason why most Trumpfags believe this

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> The Kabbalah wreaks of something that came from the East.
Correct. The eastern equivalent makes that shit look like totem poles written by savages.

Because magic is real and they understand how it works fairly well. Also they pacts with ETs and Demons give them an edge.

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The Bible makes it clear that we have to separate the wheat from the tares, or the sheep from the goats. People born into it need a chance to find their way out, and those born outside need to fight the temptation to not fall to it.

And when you give power to the unrighteous you get to separate the righteous from unrighteous real quick.

that's not about magic.... it's about psychology.

you know, controlling the minds of the people?

Malkuth are your baser instincts... Kether is your higher reasoning.

The "Tree of life" is a psychological roadmap, and how to manipulate it to bring people from kether down to malkuth.

No stupid. The Names or God are encoded in the Torah in its original Hebrew. We know how to pronounce them and how to use them to change the physical world to some degree. It’s why we can now literally laugh in your stupid fucking faces when you insist upon your Jesus bullshit. You’re ignorant larping faggots and now there isn’t shit you can do to stop us.

You don’t know shit.


Ignorant faggot thinks he doesn’t need to know Hebrew.

> meanwhile in the east..
Asians are taking over everything.
> No spoopy mystical bullshit
> No nation of cucked worshippers
What did "God" mean by this? It's almost like human beings create delusions of grandeur...
> Muh 9/11 spoop hole
You mean how America pissed its future away via trillions of dollars to nowhere while Asia consume its economic industries whole?
wew Powerful.. definitely some cosmic alignment bullshit

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>The Founding Fathers weren't Jews.

Having OCD and schizophrenia and thinking it "changes the physical world" instead of the cronyism.

> ding ding ding
Give this man a cookie

They weren’t, actually.

Let the profane remain without.

>thinks his filthy shit-ridden pig latin is the key to alchemical manipulation
>"You don't know shit."
tell me more, rabbi?

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

I like how the pagan faggot thinks rabbi is an epithet.

>You mean how America pissed its future away via trillions of dollars to nowhere while Asia consume its economic industries whole?

The globalists are just building up China and its neighbors to win a world war against them.
>Just like they built and destroyed the USSR
>Just like they built and destroyed Nazi Germany

^ding ding ding.. Another cookie winner.
^everyone laugh at the retard.
> Israel - Gross domestic product
350.9 billion USD (2017)
> China - Gross domestic product
12.24 trillion USD (2017)

> Jews be like :
Literal nobodies.. Chinks laughing all the way to the bank.
> Ignorant faggot thinks he doesn’t need to know Hebrew.
Dumb faggot thinks hebrew is an original language.. Unaware its a shitty fork/derivative language... Desert niggers be like : Our language is powerful and chit...
HAHAHHAHAHA. The absolute state

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Because the Templars rule the world via the Jesuits via the Pope via the Jews via the Freemasons via TRUMP

Of course, the shills would have you think the conspiracy goes no further than the Jews. Pathetic, really.

And at this point you can't change it, since your threads will be slid into oblivion if you try to have discourse nowadays.

The Templars found the secret to Kabbalah from the Solomons Temple in the 1st Crusade.

My work is done here

Sand niggers getting blown the fuck out in this thread
> shit-ridden pig latin

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White wamenz are looking for cute chadz to talk to REEEE Nows our chance fugggg to save le whyte Race

>Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Jews are accountants and demoralization agents for the depopulating elite Anglos.
I don't really believe in a Jewish "conspiracy". The dozen Jews I knew well all deserve to earn more money than the nimrod Goy I know.

I just echo Heidegger's criticism of Jews.
Over intellectual and worldless.

Whoever you and your Jewish friends are is A-Okay with this Goy.

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it was a joke, kiddo. but i admire your spirit. someone's been staying up late and listening to some kabitzing from the elders, weren't they? bad little moishe

You don't know nothing you ignorant peasant.

Jews are literally goyim for Italian bankers, the perfect slaves. It's utterly fascinating how the class designated to take all the blame and suffering believes itself above the ordinary goyim, while all the same being perfect pawns. Come back when you learn how to manifest reality, kid.

>The globalists are just building up China and its neighbors to win a world war against them.
> retard knows nothing about history.
> Is unaware that chinks once had the largest economic engine in the world thousands of years ago
> Thinks everything is some retarded conspiracy
> Is unaware that hard collective work and cooperation is what yields actual power.
> empire loses sight of that
> Crumbles
> Cycle repeats again

> Muh globalist

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the truth is the jews hate whites because the whites are everything the jews tell themselves they are.
white man made science that the jews are supposedly good at, white man spead their religion for them even though they are the chosen, the white man has built and done verything the chosen people should have. and it drives them crazy with jealousy and hatred at being surpassed by the non chosen people.
if the whole crux of being jewish is being chosen by the supreme god above all other peoples, then why do whites do everything better? and they hate it.

The Jews (the higher up Jews, like the Rothschilds) control the Templars, not the other way around, retard.

>the higher up Jews
christ, just go to bed little moishe.

It IS about magic. And magic is just another term for advanced science. Quantum physics. Otherworldly beings are those that reside on different dimensions, higher and lower, angels and demons. Aliens from this dimension and others.

God is the Creator of all this, and that is the spiritual source which we must connect ourselves to.

Qlippoth is the master race not the Kabbalah

Because they show you that, but it's a front for what they really do, which is the bottom half of it that they don't show you. Image related.

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You'll see.
The same Rockefeller founded organizations that built up and armed China are the same ones giving Ted talks "Is a war with China inevitable?"
Look into it.
The ruling families in China are in on it. You think they care if another 100 million Chinese get depopulated? They had Mao in power and had the one child policy in exchange for Rockefeller money.
Are you a chinaman?

You're going to say the Federal Reserve founders didn't fund the revolution in Russia and Nazi Germany?
The goddamn Bush grandpa had his company seized for trading with the enemy.

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Do you ACTUALLY think that if the Rothschilds held any real power you'd know their names? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA

The Rothschilds are a low-caste bloodline. They serve as the figureheads of the bankers but bow before demands of much more powerful families. I bet you don't even know who the Black Pope is.

I literally said that in the above post. True power comes from rising up from when you are down. Alcoholics anonymous knows this. Mk ultra knows this. The temple of set, where I used to practice, knows this

This was not sarcasm.

Obviously the towers represent Boaz and Jachin. I guess they were Thelemites too, given the 93rd floor was hit first and United 93 went down last.

Because they are the synagogue of satan and ally with the literal devil. But it won't end well for (((them))).

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Seems funny that a man who couldn't save himself is going to destroy the man who gave humanity their true gift

Where is a good place for me to learn these things?

Do you know why the number seven is holy? Do you know from where in the universe it comes from?

If someone may riddle me this, I will share some of the forbidden knowledge.

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>The same Rockefeller founded organizations that built up and armed China are the same ones giving Ted talks "Is a war with China inevitable?"
>Look into it.
Again with this retarded bullshit. Question : Did some kike, globalist or space nigger make china/india the world's biggest economist 1000s of years ago? Pro-tip : NO

> blah blah blah blah blah
Go pick up a history book you dumb nigger. The world doesn't revolve around kikes and white people. You're nobody in the grand scheme of history. A bunch of new entrants trying to earn their keep
> Muh rockefellers
Literal nobodies in the grand scheme of history
> Muh jews
Literal nobodies in the grand scheme of history
> The ruling families in China are in on it.
ARE LITERAL CHINKS DESCENDANT from a blood line of rulers in their own country devoid of white niggers and jews
> WE WUZ Rulers of the earth for all time

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^this. Amazing how the mind controlled goy thinks he knows how the world works.. Meanwhile literally believe a bunch of kikes and crusty ass old white men control it. Is basically unaware that his brain is polluted by lies by mere mention of this retarded shit.

Pick up a history book you dumb faggot and stop believing in magical bullshit

Nigger all I did was respond to the OP. I made a quick scan through the thread to see if anyone had posted that image or anything close to it and no, so I did what I did. Quit being so vainglorious. Shit looking at your post you are seeming so egotistical over, you provided the equivalent of the opening statement to a paragraph of that subject, whereas the image I provided says the opening statement and the entire paragraph. Also, it's not the master race. It's the demonic race. The willingly possessed.
>former Egyptian equivalent to Satanism
Take anything this user says with a grain of salt

>Ignorant faggot thinks he doesn’t need to know Hebrew.

> Seriously goys i know the secrets of the universe.
> We are the god chosen people we know the secrets to crack gods will.
> Please stop looking at our nepotistic collectivistic societies and be individuals.
> S-Seriously guys, stop laughing I'm superior than you.
Projecting this much, lol.

I will use my personal aryan connection to the akashic records and gods will to state that you were heavely bullied as a kid.

I spent 10 minutes the other day reading about Kabbalah. Honestly, it's the first time I ever felt an Abrahamic religion made sense.

The basic idea is that God is not perfect and not whole, and the world is unfinished and imperfect. Men, however, can help make God and the world whole again, through our acts and the choices we make. That makes perfect sense to me and is the only satisfactory solution to theodicy that I've come across.

It's revelatory, not taught. However if you are initiated the way towards revelation can be lead, such as a path

>china/india the world's biggest economist 1000s of years ago?

Compare to Arkansas today. Fuck. Compare to Arkansas 100 years ago. 150 YEARS AGO with trains, glass, metal, guns, machines, math. Be Asian and have Europeans beat you in math. Learn all the math Europeans invented.

>The temple of set, where I used to practice

Why'd you leave?


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>I spent 10 minutes the other day reading about Kabbalah. Honestly, it's the first time I ever felt an Abrahamic religion made sense.

Kabbalah i a non-spiritual sense is a system of guided meditations to achieve altered states of mind and in a spiritual sense is ritualistic magick in its more literal sense were jews believe that through understanding of the symbols and the states of mind the can BECOME god and change reality through their will.
Larping "Mage the ascension" in real life basically.


Why are your panties in a knot, I just mentioned that it was interesting to have the posts so close. Seethe harder, obviously you have no ability to seek power, enjoy returning as a crust slave time and time again

Is it a good idea to become a Freemason?

Black Nobility aka 13 families. all answer to Triple crown. Only one person wears Triple Crown :D

I didn't leave I'm just not active

Yeah, as you could imagine, it's hard to create profound theology in a barren desert devoid of God's multitude of creations. Eastern religion has far more advanced theology for the very reason that they lived amongst far more diverse nature and landscapes and had multiple frames of reference to draw their ideology from. Kabbalah is basically a hyped up plagiarized version of various Mesopotamia/fertile crescent theology which itself reads more like eastern philosophy/theology. It's amazing what can be accomplished when you focus less on spoopy cryptic bullshit and more on actual theology/spirituality.

Abrahamic religions breed immature retards for the very reason that it gets tripped up on its own garbage tier spoopy horseshit

I may have mistaken your tone, but I doubt it considering you said what you said about what is superior, thereby showing your alignment to dark forces. You're not slick and trying to play innocent after saying the darkness is superior to the light is quite a gamble indeed that isn't going to pay off.

Dear jackass, the historical record dates from past to present. 1000s of years ago, Europe was nothing. Again, it's hilarious how little some elitist christ cuck jew praising faggot knows about world history which is exactly why the jews prey on amerilards so much... New empires for that matter. Too fucking dense and stupid to have any historical framing of the world, dumb goy are open to any retarded ass framing that makes them feel elite.


>If you believe I am the ruler of the world and destined for that role, then my power in ruling the world is amplified
I hope you mean they believe it and either support it or at minimum take it for granted. The idea that belief alone imparts power is the very model of mystical hogswallop.

I dont give much of a shit about the magic tricks, ceremony and such, and ritualistic mumbojumbo. That's just rabbits in hats for the masses since they demand entertainment to do just about anything.

The only thing that matters is what a religion has to say about life the world and the divine and what Kabbalah has to say makes more sense to me than most Christian offerings. (Not that Christianity doesnt have it's useful features, especially the idea that there's always another chance to be a better human being)

The origins of Kabbalah lie in the practices of the Egyptians, namely the Djedi, which was learned from Babylon and Assyria.

Kikes don’t work