What is it and why is the Palouse region of the SE WA state Jow Forums?
I just got back from visiting the area and was blown away. Nothing but white people as far as the eye can see. Surprisingly a lack of beaners, and the one black guy I saw spoke perfect English. The landscape was breathtaking, (pic related) and was full of fresh rivers providing tons of renewable energy, wind power and tons of food. It even had port access thanks to locks.
Is this not the hidden secret for the white man? There are even many colleges in the area, with good paying jobs, industry, agriculture and many slutty young white college coeds. I'm going to try and get a job there. Fuck Seattle.
I grew up in that town (beach st)... the people there treated my familly and still do to this day... Im Arab/hispanic BTW.
Landon Lee
treated us well i meant
Carson Stewart
Holy shit, who mows all that grass?
Connor Diaz
It's wheat.
>based gluten
Juan Barnes
what about minnesota besides somalis and the dakotas
Kayden Myers
still, lot of mowing or harvesting whatever its called
Brandon Rivera
Oh yeah. It blew my mind driving through there. Someone drives over each piece of that perfectly manicured land at least 5-6 times a year for those crops.