Scorsese is trending because people are saying his films are only for white nerds
Scorsese is trending because people are saying his films are only for white nerds
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people watch those?
Fucking cringe
Many black men are secretly gay.
I live in Chicago and went to boys town during pride, many nigs are openly gay too
Django Unchained was for all white.
>white cake
But it's not a secret.
>film nerd
scorsese and tarantino are about as commercial as it gets. are plebs calling anything that isn't a reboot or sequel, or a super hero movie, "film nerd?" society is getting so stupid.
This is a good thing. It will bring more people to our side.
it'll bring more jew subversion, dummy, especially Tarantino's films, which are obvious kike propaganda
funny all these normie super hero movies and starwars were the nerd movies when I grew up..
>society is getting so snowflaked
Best film director of all time faggot
wew I kekd
What, are Italians white now?
>go watch these movies, goy, they are made for you
How bad is it if i dont know who any of those people listed or pictured are?
"but go off"
Wtf does that even mean
>white people make the best shit
appreciate it and fuck off racist faggot.
this. niggers have the highest percentage of homosexuals out of any race.
WTF, these dudes are not jewish!?
More evidence that homosexuality is correlated with extreme sex drive. Its a fetish, a learned sexual addiction.
>whereas Madea—why, Madea, you see, she ages like fine port. I’ve oft of an evening taken to the drawing room, and bade the smart tv to play the best Madea movie available. I just love watching that faggot nigger shuck and jive. Jolly ho!
Half of gangster rap is about making the guy down the block suck your penis. It's the gayest shit passed off as masculine
Whoa whoa whoa, let’s not get crazy here, my argentine friend. After all, you spics just got indoor plumbing. Leave the movie discussion to your betters
goblino be silent
Mel Gibson made that spic and christcuck movie, and now he's a good director? lmao
>blue checkmark nigger
his kind would lynch his uncle tom ass for disrespecting scorsese
and also educational films on dead nigger storage
wonderful movies, you ignorant
He just likes to make movies with niggers to be able to use the word nigger, he told a story of how his mother use to bring niggers home when he was a teen and send him to the movies while they fucked.
Scorsese is great film director, but still far from the greatest. Quality movies, almost always good if not great.