Polygamous Marriage

Is anyone else surprised that polygamous marriage isn't legal yet? you'd think after Gay Marriage was passed, there'd be no rational argument against Polygamous marriage, but the practice is still illegal.

Why is that? Why are no progressives pushing for polygamous marriage? Are polygamous marriages actually redpilled - or will they just lead to such an unstable society due to a bunch of disaffected men, that the elites don't want to risk a revolution?

In either case, I cannot begin to tell you all what I would give to be able to marry these two.

Attached: waifus.jpg (1024x768, 86K)

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Nick Fuentes must have had some vacation.

Seriously tho, NO E GIRLS

did anyone ever find out where they vacationed

also can you give some input to my questions please

>Why are no progressives pushing for polygamous marriage?
because the chicks in your pic are 15 years too old for the lgbt people.

Ok, well I guess in times past theres nothing wrong with a man having multiple wives, I personally believe in strict monogamy in today's society.

My wife has been wanting to marry a few of her boyfriends for awhile.

I think the reason they don’t push for it is because it just isn’t that popular in most places. Besides it’d be such a hard thing to push anyway. Most people just aren’t into that.


>what could possibly go wrong with making polygamous marriages legal
Incel problem would multiply and men with no wives and children are more likely to be terrorists
72 virgins aint no joke pal

The courts don't wanna be the ones to declare polygamy legal so they simply refuse to hear cases about it. They don't even prosecute polygamists for it specifically anymore because of this.
Most people aren't into gay marriage either but that didn't stop the SCOTUS from supporting it.