Hillary Clinton won the popular vote

Hillary Clinton won the popular vote.

Jow Forums, why do you support the Electoral College?

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because we're a republic made up of states and the states vote. it's an ingenious system to give power to often disenfranchised rural communities

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And Hillary did NOT win the popular vote when you remove the vote fraud by illegals.

OP is retarded

becuase representative systems are better than straight democracy and the united states is not a single state but a union of states who agreed to join with the understanding that their interests would be looked after in the form of an equal number of senators so that the larger states could not control them

Because america is not a democracy and a president,needs,better qualifications than just having a vagina.
Fuck progressives, you people have no idea what the Fuck you are even trying to do anymore

Nice sliding faggot

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>and a president,needs,better qualifications than just having a vagina.
How does winning the electoral college prove that Trump is more qualified than Clinton?

Because I don't want faggots and illegals in NY and CA deciding everything.

Trump won the popular vote everywhere except NY and CA - two states that consistently resist voter ID laws, and actively defy/undermine federal immigration law.