Japan is finished without immigrants

When will Japan realize that they need more immigration to save their declining birthrates and economy? It is the only way we can save Japan.

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The whole "Japan is underpopulated" thing is a western lie to try and force more immigrants into Japan.

I support enriching japan if it means more hafu qts

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More resources for less people. Why do people think Japan constantly needs more people to expand their economy? If anything, most countries need a culling.

Fucking this.

My local Family Mart is already full of pakis.

We are fucked

mind your own business. japan is just a small island nation located in far east. don't give a fuck about it.

Save Japan from what, Bears?
These cunts survived a double nuking.
country limited to a few islands with limited resources, needs immigrants to survive.. bullshit.

It's like they're physically incapable of staying in their own fucking countries.

As a whole, you're still like 99% Japanese though. I can practically walk through a mall and bus all the way back home without seeing another white. Chinese everywhere

hopefully they will be smart, and it sent a vice highly-skilled white immigrants from Europe in the United States, and not make the mistake of turning into Brown garbage like the rest of the West.

>wow your people's population is reducing...
>you'd better invite in people to replace them!

When will Japan realize they need to colonize Asia to save their economy?
It's the only way we can save Japan.

now just wait 10 years and watch all the mutt kids getting off the school bus. That is your future.

>muh birth rates
Natural selection will inevitably raise the Japanese fertility rate. Japan will eventually have a "breeder" transition like the rest of the civilized world in a century or two.


Attached: model-breeders-win.jpg (1280x1001, 86K)

Go to downtown Tokyo and you will see how trash the country has become

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This same argument will be used regardless of percentage, any Japs reading this shit: never fall for it.
>You’re still 99%
A few years later
>You’re still 90%
A few decades later
>You’re still 50%

Fucking this.

Japan doesnt have a birth crisis, they have a death crisis. The boomers that wouldn't fucking die for the longest time are finally starting to drop off faster than the young people have children..

But guess what. They are still having children. Japan is populated as fuck.

The real issue is population decline in rural areas. But that's more an issue of population density and jobs only being available in the large cities. That's what they really need to fix.

>don't you know? You can't survive if you don't replace yourself

found the jew.

stfu with that kike propaganda, faggot

They are the only ones that will make it to colonize outer space. The rest of us are all fucked!

will jews be in the center of this as well

>You’re still 50%
At which point it becomes racist to even acknowledge Japan was Japanese once.


A labor shortage means an increase in wages. I thought the leftist CNN was all about helping the average working folk, why are they suggesting a policy which will decrease the wages of the average worker?

If that’s true, then should we even want it to survive? The answer is no. No immigrants, if they die, then they die, so be it. But no immigrants for japan.

It's not even reducing, that's a fucking lie made up to scare them. Their population continues to rise.

Birthrate obsession is just an excuse to flood countries with migrants to keep the poor poor, when they say it's needed for the economy, it's literally just to keep monopoly megacorps afloat with mindless consumers

I was a little disappointed when I saw Indians staffing various jobs in Japan. Also I expected them to speak perfect English, which they couldnt.

>over 100.000.000 people on a tiny island
>Japan needs more births
How about no?

When will Israel realize they need more immigration to save their declining birthrates and economy? IT is the only way we can save Israel.

thats some seriosuly homo shit. you whould consider killing yourself faggot


They could import weebs from the west. Or westerners fleeing their own countries because of migration from (sand-)nigs.

Why would they import third world dumb fucks that put even more pressure on the economy, plus rape and steal?

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I would rather my country die than become racially and culturally BLACKED via immigration.

blame yourself whitey, You fag leaf nation voted for (((them))). Your prime minister, Truvada, is the biggest cocksucker the world has seen. I feel almost sorry for you leaffags, almost.

They have a lot of immigration, jews go there non-stop, and some of them breed likerats. They are fine.

They survived 2 nukes I think they can survive low replacement rate

Not an argument

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They have huge immigration from Arab countries. They are like 40% Arab. Dont worry.

>Demolition worker Yuuski Aokiberg's face creases into a yiddish smirk when he thinks about Japan's future with more immigration

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What they need is communism

I trust you've learnt your lesson.

Foreign workers are good for Japan's economy and are necessary if they wish to remain competitive with China.

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I wish I could kill every Jewish "journalists"

nah, they just need to work harder, are they working on weekends? if not they should work on weekends, problem solved

Better import cheap labor, ideally from a war-stricken country, or else those nurses and construction workers are going to demand living wages!

In minecraft?

When do people realize that Japan, or any other nation, is a people. It’s blood + culture. Japan isn’t Japan without Japanese people. Just as England isn’t English without English people.

Immigrants to “save” Japan, is like launching nukes to prevent nuclear war. It’s nonsensical.

FUCKING THIS. Don't fall for the Kike's lies!

Why docent Asia accept the Syrian migrants? They would actually genetically enhance their countries whereas they are a net negative in the west.

As long as they integrate I don’t see what the problem is

Japan needs more foreign genes anyway to counter their island inbreeding

120 million citizens in an island size where we fit 65million in Britain, eh, they could halve in number and still not need to relax their borders.

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White ppl to Japan it is then. Still no reason to let the niggers in

Whites supply poisonous ideologies.
Niggers supply violence.

Neither of you are good for Japan.

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This is what I dont understand. If a country as a whole "needs" immigrants for labor, why dont they do as the Americans have been doing for decades and just allow in highly qualified people. Im sure theres an entire army of young, educated men (not you weebs), who would jump at the chance to emigrate to Japan and live there.

cringe post, jude

>Japan is finished without immigrants
This is what happens when you reject Christ. You're conquered.

No country deserves to be overrun by foreigners, that's why they should be a minority.

*Japanese march intensifies*

Nope. And why would anyone care about competing with China? What does that even mean, really? People are concerned with their lives in their homelands, which immigration ruins. If China has less regulations and has slave labor, they will always be able to produce cheaper goods for other nations to import. So if we want to compete with them, we need to kick the non-natives out and eliminate regulations and minimum wage.


>When will Japan realize they need to colonize Asia to save their economy?


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Japan Anons, you are disgracing your land and people. Look at what they are doing to your women.

Find yourself again. Regain your Honor.

You guys can have some of our Mexicans if you want.

Apparently judging from the article "Japan" means the "economy of the persons who inhabit the island of Japan".

They forgot that "Japan" implicitly means "the country of the Japanese people". Surviving with immigrants from other ethnicities is not surviving, it is changing the country to something else.

The only thing any country needs saving from is niggers, and Japan is doing a great job at that.

would you be okay with taking in Swedes?


ahh the classic CNN shit post propaganda. "immigrants" will not keep Japan alive of course we all understand this. Japan is Japanese and immigrants will simply make it not Japanese and therefore not Japan. With this basic point out of the way the real issue is in this retarded meme economic pyramid scheme we all got conned into in the form of unlimited pensions for all society. it's absolutely stupid and killing people. Japanese populations are at the highest it has ever been in its entire history, the same for most nations on this planet. people suggesting that we need to have a continued growing base of people need to also understand the concept of lebensraum.

yep this 100% but leftists are too brain dead to understand this concept, they got jewed hard into being passive consumers at a giant world gay disco which is what they seem to want the planet to become.

Absolutely disgusting.

Fuck GDP

Yep. Immigration is like adding pumpkin to an apple pie. It isn't the same thing afterwards.


consider killing yourself

What the fuck are you waiting for samurai? Reclaim your imperial destiny.

The problem isn't underpopulation, if anything Japan is extremely crowded for its size and Tokyo is the most populated megapolis in the world.

The problem is Japanese being OLD and not making enough children to replace the dead and support the old. Someone has to pay for retirement and services.

Look at that graphic, since 40 years each generation makes less children than the previous one, it's a dying country. I'm not saying they must do this or that, it's just a fact they have a demographic problem.

Attached: France-population-pyramid-1.png (860x860, 117K)

Wrong graphic

Attached: Japan-population-pyramid-2016.png (432x431, 38K)

Japan will only go downhill if they do get more immigrants. Look at the Euros and their roving rape gangs and complete disregard for the customs of the place they immigrated to

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If your younger generation is smaller than the old retired generarion, it means the people with a job have to pay more and more for the old people.

> but muh capitalisation retirement
It's pretty clear we're going to have 2008-type financial crisis every 10-15 years, you cannot hope to pay retirement pensions with that (actually it's already fucking up the system) and in the end, it's still the people with a job paying for the old.

Basically, if you're in favor of a decreasing population, you're in for a shitons of old people dying in the streets.

She's nearly bald.

Those are some gutter tier genetics

About 80 yeas ago

>declining birthrates
>you need more niggers

>the world is overpopulated
>you need to reduce white population

Already going after the Japs eh? Just kill every kike that steps foot on Japanese soil and you'll be fine.

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That's nigger

Gross, based Nip genes ruined.

press x to doubt

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No one has said it was underpopulated, in fact the opposite, but people are saying it's aging.

kike slide thread


they call themselves white if it fits

Retarded. Theyve got like, what, 130m people on an island roughly the size of california? They are already crowded. The jew just wants to see them falter, just as they try to subvert all nations of glory. Sick fucks. Eurasian-Asiopean alliance NOW

>"It's not a problem *now* so who cares lol just enjoy lyf man lmao"

It's thanks to dickheads like you that Canada went from what it was 10-20 years ago to the absolute state it is now.

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Lol why didnt the just fucking pull themselves up by the bootstraps and save enough money to pay for their own retirement, instead of trying to pass the shitstick to the younger generations?

>muh GDP

If you're going to repeat bullshit from big capital, at least get paid to do it. Pic related, this bullshit *only* enriches the wealthiest. Mass immigration fucks the majority and especially the proletariat.

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Oh yeah, they really look (((White))) to me.

>anti trump protest in japan from people that aren't even japanese

English teachers were a mistake.

Ok, I think I see it. So, listen up. Based Nips see whites and Jews, and they can't tell the difference, we all look the same to them. We have to help call out the jew for them.

Don't yall think it's funny that World Banks are telling thriving nations that if they don't take on debt and immigrants they are going to go broke?

No one?

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I don't think it's funny