A question for the Christians

Hey Jow Forums, I have a genuine question for those of you on the board who are still following the cult that is Christianity.

In the book of Leviticus, God explicitly says not to eat pigs or any seafood that doesn't have fins or scales (i.e. Crustaceans).

Considering that most Christians do, why should anybody take Christianity seriously when they bitch and complain about gay people being gay and not following the Bible when they themselves don't?

For the deniers and those who want to shout "out of context" as a defense, here's the actual passage in the Bible.


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Fresh bump

Certain laws in the Old Testament revolves around keeping oneself pure for sacrifice, others revolves around morality. Christians don’t sacrifice, so they aren’t beholden to those same laws.

muslims are the only based religious group. they don't eat pigs or shellfish.

>I don't need to follow what the bible says
>other people do

Not very convincing.

The old testament is shit and not based on the teachings of Christ; which is the basis for christianity. not some old food handling safety regs

>"the cult that is Christianity."
....and FAGGOTS like you want respect for your wickedness and evil perversity. Respect is earned and a two way street.

Christians don’t sacrifice, so they aren’t beholden to those same laws.

t. antichristian bait thread
I'll oblige
>What defiles a man
>Jesus called the crowd to Him and said, “Listen and understand. A man is not defiled by what enters his mouth, but by what comes out of it.”
>Then the disciples came to Him and said, “Are You aware that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this?”
>But Jesus replied, “Every plant that My Heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by its roots. >Disregard them! They are blind guides.d If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.”
>Peter said to Him, “Explain this parable to us.”
>“Do you still not understand?” Jesus asked.
>“Do you not yet realize that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then is eliminated?
>But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these things defile a man.
>For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, and slander. >These are what defile a man, but eating with unwashed hands does not defile him.”
Congratulations OP, you are literally a Pharisee.
Enjoy hell.


why are you so retarded,op?

They are afraid of burning forever, simple as that, they think if they spread Jesus Christ’s message their sins will be forgiven, of course they don’t realize how big of a gamble they are taking considering what they believe. They have legitimate mental problems.

cherry picking christniggers

not an argument
don't debate biblical issues if you aren't even familiar with a basic concept like supersession

>has book that isn't proven in any way shape or form to be the real word of god
>beats on others because book says so
>demands to be treated with respect so he stops being a brainwashed asshole

Haha, stay mad you fucking cuck. Dumb fucks like you are why organized religion is failing all around America and Europe.

Victory to the non-believers.

Sure. That's mosaic law. God divorced Israel, and Jesus opened salvation up to the goyim who have no reason to follow the law of moses. Only God's law.

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>bible is LITERALLY the word of an all-powerful all knowing god
>God just so happens to make a mistake writing an entire book which lead to the deaths of millions of people

Your cognitive dissonance is astounding.

Here's the part you've heard before - the prohibitions against pork and shellfish were due to the health risks those things posed.

Here's the part you haven't heard - the prohibitions against homosexuality exist for the same reasons.

Maybe you're not aware of the elevated risk of colon cancer in homosexual men, otherwise you may have realized this earlier.

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Based is sawing away at infants genitals?
So god gets a redo? Well he never denounced circumcision and was intact himself mutilated. Sorry but it doesn’t hold up.
Do you have a verse for that?Your fear is oozing out of you pussy, you got tricked and if you have kids I bet you let them get mutilated too. Pitiful, it’s a shame there isn’t a hell for you to go to
How is it not a cult?

>N-no that was in the old book, we follow Christianity 2.0
Organized religion, not even once. Spiritually should be between the higher power and yourself. Imagine following manmade shit and just taking their word for it.

Well you have no scripture to base any of this on. Just pure speculation. Have fun with it.

I’m not but Christian, but Christians don’t inherently after to follow the laws of the Old Testament, notice that the Old Testament says ‘an eye for an eye’ whilst the New Testament changed this with ‘turn the other cheek,’ the laws for circumcision and the consumption of pork is never prohibited in the New Testament, so it is allowed.

>citing scripture from a fake holy book that has multiple PROVEN faults within it
>expects people to honestly take it seriously

Keep on bible thumping you dumb backwater hick. Your religion is failing and the world will be a better place when all the Christians have faded away.

Non-Christians have no saying in what a Christian has to do or what not
Regardless, following the Mosaic Law like the ones regarding seafood or pork is Ex-Cathedra acting as if the Messias never came, and therefore a vile heresy.
St. Paul condemned the sin of homosexuality enough outside the old testament that your claim that we only get our condemnation of homosexuality from the old testament nonce already.

>oh no someone gave legit criticism of kike worship
>better quote meaningless verses of a kike book and call him a jew

>In the book of Leviticus
This is the old testament, and is not Christianity.

>In the book of Leviticus, God explicitly says not to eat pigs or any seafood that doesn't have fins or scales (i.e. Crustaceans).
>Considering that most Christians do, why should anybody take Christianity seriously when they bitch and complain about gay people being gay and not following the Bible when they themselves don't?
Acts chapter 10, read a Bible.

>Just pure speculation
It's a hypothesis, but one that I'm fairly confident in.

Degenerate hippy detected.
Yeah, organized religion has its pitfalls, but it binds a community together. Faggy new age individualistic "spiritual" practices directly encourage rampant hedonism and degeneracy.

>literally tells its followers to kill THEIR OWN CHILDREN if God commands it
>thinks he isn't a part of a cult

>Omnipotent being with infinite power accidentally writes the book wrong the first time
You’re being swindled. A God may very well exist, but you’d be a fool to follow a manmade book.

A manmade book made by people filled with the Holy Ghost.

Unironically this. They get sucked in nice and early and their brain gets fried to fucking oblivion.

Well as far as the eating thing, Jesus said it doesn't matter what goes in your mouth, only what comes out. So that's mosaic law. Homosexuality, however, is referenced a few times in the new testament, but there are translation issues around it. It's possible you're right on that. The early church didn't provide any more elaboration either, so if anything, it seems not as big a deal as it was pre-Jesus. But I have to speculate to conclude that too.

>literally following a book that implies that the Earth is 6000 years old and the everything in the Universe revolves around Earth, which has been proven to be false.

Stay scared you dumb Christfag

I said in the first sentence that I was not a Christian, but if I was a Christian I’d just say that the Jews misinterpreted God as God planned so that the Jews would stray from God, so the execution of Jesus would be done as a result.

Earth is not 6000 years old, it is 7528 years old.

sounds dumb senpai
never heard of Jesus telling his followers not to eat shellfish and there's no explicit practical reasoning against it

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well user is right. You should try and understand what you're talking about before you make a thread on a topic. If you don't even understand the basic concept of mosaic law vs God's law, you haven't even tried to understand. Just mad at God.

That's fair, the repealing of it by Christ does throw a bit of a hole in my theory considering I don't think they had come up with any safer way to avoid food-borne illness by then.

I also think an element of the prohibition against homosexuality was that it was just seen as a waste, because you don't produce the next generation. That was important back then, these days we don't care, but two men or two women who eat up resources and don't reproduce were kind of a net negative on society in those times.

The Mosaic law isn't binding on Christians but rather law of Christ or the Royal law, how much of an arrogant retard do you have to be, to presume to know the tenets of a religion better than it's adherents?

I don’t care about that shit, I personally don’t act like a degenerate. Not everyone needs the constant reminder of eternal damnation to not be a piece of shit. I am not my brothers keeper. I only care about the truth. Enjoy your pedophile church, God would be disappointed in you blindly following such charlatans.

God literally calls it seafood? clearly a test.

>it is 7528 years old.

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Disregard the red meat jew, the pescatarian diet is the only true way. As made evident through genetic sequencing.

I dont eat pig. Its unclean for many logical reasons and Yah agrees. Anyobe intelligent would follow the law and never eat a disgusting animal who eats men abd doesnt sweat or chew cud. Every toxin is in the flesh. Vile

Christians are hypocrites. That's all there is to it. They sacrifice and eat pig on easter to honor their savior. The lamb. It's a wicked joke.

You can feel free to be your own god. Or let money or other worldly things govern you as a God would. You have no one to blame or look to when your life collapse and death comes but yourself and the things you worship. I hope you can save yourself. But I'm sure you can, you are a God after all.

The New Testament clearly states that food prohibitions are revoked, as its the religion for all, not just Jews.

If someone in the modern time were to make this argument, I would honestly entertain it a bit because it has rational reasoning behind it.

However, these cultists use unproven scripture as a basis for their opinions of how the world should be, which is disgusting and hypocritical.

Also, if we follow the reasoning of "lets ban things that pose elevated health risks", then we should logically ban all tobacco products, alcohol and other non-healthy products.

stop conflating christianity with the old testament. it's weak and ignorant

There is overwhelming physiological evidence suggesting against it, from the omega 3's and 6's that retain our ocular function to the basic structure of our jaws.

Way to miss the point of that story. Abraham agrees to do it, is about to kill Isaac, and is stopped by an angel. And Abraham would never again speak to the Lord directly - only through intermediaries until his death.
Abraham didn't pass a test of faith, he failed a test of virtue.

I've had the same thought. Like pork could create brainworms if not cooked right, plus salty .. not good for desert dwelling. Homosexuality hurts procreation when you need your population to propagate, ect. I mean, it's reasonable. Also, Jesus's commandments never remotely included anything against homosexuality. In fact, he said some are born eunics and that's just how it is, ect. If anything, western Christians make a much bigger deal out of it than should be.

I'm glad that not everybody on Jow Forums is a brainwashed cult member of an organized religion.

since you're new here I'll fill you in on a secret
most people on this board are former liberals and/or atheists

I'll humor you and assume that you, personally, don't need it.
Society undoubtedly does.

Vlad gets it

The bloodlust was passed down since the ice age, it is the reason your parents impressed red meat upon you and it's the reason why only 1 of 14 known hominid exist to this day. It is only to be eaten in times of scarcity. Survivalism from then.

But it's not illegal to be gay or eat shrimp.

>Jesus said it doesn't matter what goes in your mouth, only what comes out.
Concerning not washing your hands before eating.

Christians are hypocrites to the core. They don't even read their book. The pastir feeds them snippets to devieve them. "Bread" the pharisees leaven.

Yet Christians routinely cite the Old testament as a justification for their fucked up beliefs and behaviors.

Regardless of that, the New testament, similar to the old testament is unproven nonsense written by random old fuckers hundreds, if not thousands of years ago. We should be using reasoning instead of relying on archaic old books.

>tobacco products, alcohol and other non-healthy
they didn't have tobacco
alcohol was considered healthy
it was mostly tainted seafood and pork that was a common hazard. why do you think dairy and meat shouldn't touch?

> OP eats fagets diks
hardly kosha or old testament

>Christians routinely cite the Old testament as a justification
not true christians

Based kraut.

Real men come to God themselves. Religions are cults.

How disingenuous. You assert our scripture forbids something yet when we show you it doesnt you mock us for quoting scripture?

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>dairy and meat shouldn't touch?
That's not a law. It's talmid nonsense.

Leviticus says not to boil calf in its MOTHERS milk.

Christians are hypocrites that dont read their book. Every last one of them.

>Concerning not washing your hands before eating.
That's not true. Calvinists say it anyway though. No biblical basis.

>Non-Christians have no saying in what a Christian has to do or what not
>Christians literally try to cram their ideology down everyone else's throat in the forms of laws such as banning gay marriage and teaching the Bible in public schools

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and say that you're one of the dumber Christians who doesn't realize the double standard rather than one of the clergy who knows damn well what their evil intents are.

I was good on my own but I'm better now. How spiritually proud you must be to think that you alone could find the God without a Lord or intermediary. Humble yourself

Only evangelicals cram laws on unbelievers. They are of satan.

>claims that it's not Christianity
>Christians cite the Old Testament relentlessly to justify their fucked up beliefs.

Not Jesus
Not an apostle

Christians are hypocrites eho create their own beliefs (lies)

I'm pretty sure someone is confusing catholicism with christianity

Which Christians? If they follow the laws of the Old Testament, they are following the wrong laws, the only thing that can be taken from the Old Testament is the stories, such as Genesis. Still, as I said, I’m not Christian, I think it is a very weak philosophy to follow, it was only made based by Europeans who basically ignored pretty much everything the book said.

>Considering that most Christians do, why should anybody take Christianity seriously when they bitch and complain about gay people being gay and not following the Bible when they themselves don't?
American education, ladies and gentlemen.

These are the people who argue with you about Jesus. Let that sink in.

You’re a believer of something you just aren’t honest enough with yourself to admit it. The longer you remain angry at God, the more you will come to despise yourself. I know you likely do not act this way in real life but the way you’re carrying on here is still a part of who you are and you seem to enjoy making arguments you know are weak and miss the point. It comes across as self-loathing.

The one with evil intents is you, you hate the clergy, the people who give their lives to serve the God.
You are spreading the lies of anti-clericalism, the lies of butcherers and murderers
We are not fooled by your lies.

>thinks that scripture isn't speculation from ancient mentally ill old people

You are extraordinarily dumb.

>let's talk about what the Bible says
>hey why are you basis your analysis on what the Bible says?

I find it strange that your OP has what seems like a genuine and sincere question (albeit so basic that it denotes heavy ignorance on the subject) yet your comments in the thread are filled with childish insults, even though you got a valid response from several posters already. Is this how you use "reasoning"?

Because in Acts Saint Peter is told by the angel Gabriel that it is no longer a sin to eat pork or sea food.
Believe in christianity or dont.
but for god sakes dont shit up pol with this low quality fuckery.

>Doesn't understand what "Testament" means

>Then Pharisees and scribes come to Jesus from Jerusalem, saying, 2“Why do Your disciples break the tradition of the elders? For they do not wash their hands when they shall eat bread.”
Hypocrite christians living a lie

>hundreds, if not thousands of years ago. We should be using reasoning instead of relying on archaic old books.
This dismissal of knowledge just because it's old is the mark of a neophyte.

Matthew 6:5; And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.

The one creating their own beliefs is you, heretic

>implying that's what i'm referring to

The Bible is clear in that if you disobey god, you burn in hell.

Next, why should anybody even believe your book when it's blatantly wrong about how old the Earth is among other things. It's unproven nonsense.

1. Non-protestant Christians view most of the Old Testament as allegory
2. The Old Testament is to be interpreted in light of the new. That is, the New Testament always supersedes the Old.
3. Unlike the nominal "Christians" who --as you put it-- follow blindly what could be considered a "cult," many of us have actually read the entire bible (especially the New Testament) and can give you an answer as to where in the Scriptures the food restrictions commanded from the Old Testament were lifted in the New:

>Acts 11 New King James Version (NKJV)
>Now the apostles and brethren who were in Judea heard that the Gentiles had also received the word of God. 2 And when Peter came up to Jerusalem, those of the circumcision contended with him, 3 saying, “You went in to uncircumcised men and ate with them!” 4 But Peter explained it to them in order from the beginning, saying: 5 “I was in the city of Joppa praying; and in a trance I saw a vision, an object descending like a great sheet, let down from heaven by four corners; and it came to me. 6 When I observed it intently and considered, I saw four-footed animals of the earth, wild beasts, creeping things, and birds of the air. 7 And I heard a voice saying to me, ‘Rise, Peter; kill and eat.’ 8 But I said, ‘Not so, Lord! For nothing common or unclean has at any time entered my mouth.’ 9 But the voice answered me again from heaven, ‘What God has cleansed you must not call common.’ 10 Now this was done three times, and all were drawn up again into heaven.

4. Non-protestant Christians do not consider themselves authorities on Scripture. That is, the Church has the final word on what the message of the Scriptures are. The Church does not interpret the bible literally, as some infallible, inerrant, word-for-word dictation by God to men (if you want that, go to islam or certain fundamentalist protestant groups). That being said, the Church interprets Acts 11:1-10 as an overturning of the Levitical law.

The Old Testament was a way to get Jews to stop trying to marry Camels and stop fucking each other in the ass.
The New Testament is a way of life and how not to be a degenerate.

>Wots The New Testament?
Why do I get the feeling you’re being disingenuous?

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>alcohol was considered healthy
It's more that it was considered a safer alternative to most drinking water - which it was.

People in antiquity tended to drink weaker alcohol throughout the day rather than risk whatever the local well would infect you with.

And what's that have to do with then later saying it matters not what goes in the mouth, but only what comes out?

>makes claims without solid evidence

How very Christian of you.

12 apostles in revelation. Jesus daid not to believe people who claim to see him. Paul called himself father.

You dont even read.

What if-get this- we all stopped executing and killing each other and work together to solve humanity's problems?

Jesus, you sodomite AIDS patients really are a pissy bunch of queens.

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Fedoras block precious Vitamin D from entering your head.

How very anti-christ of you.

That was his direct answer to why he doesnt wash his hands.

>makes claims without solid evidence
Says the person who accuses others of disobeying scripture while not knowing anything about it.

You earned a death with this thread alone, you can beg mercy from Jesus, we are going to make sure none of you have an inheritance among us.