I piss in baby Jesus mouth and fuck Mary the Whore

I piss in baby Jesus mouth and fuck Mary the Whore

all christians should be slaughtered. it's not a coincidence that all american mutts are radical christians LMAO. open borders now, we're all equal etc. it's all because of this pathetic religion who doesn't value blood at all.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Did your priest molest you as a child or why the anger?


Because Christians are pro open border and pro race mixing
They should euthanized as mentally ill people or sent to Africa to convert niggers and get raped

Crude and crass are the first words that come to mind OP. You can do better.

Hey look its OP

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Nice bait mate

Why would you say such a horrible (and blasphemous) thing?

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The "Christianity" (you) are angry about you have a right to be angry about. Most current renditions are of Satan.

The best thing you can do is figure out your beliefs and focus on being positive.

Check out pastor Anderson and see what you think. He's banned from 33 countries for saying homos are pedophiles and should put a bullet in their own head.

His page youtube.com/user/sanderson1611

I'm going to pray for an asteroid to hit you

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>Thinking theres anything wrong with racemixing
You fell for the pol memes didn't ya

You're polish? Should low intelligent and low consciousness level Slavs be euthanized too or just black people?

I will pray for you OP

Its the Jews/globalists whose only God is cash thats pushing this shit genius and the fact that there are a few comped "Christian churches" helping them is kind of a sidenote. Most "Churches" today have nothing to do with Christ and everything to do with dollars

You gotta look inside yourself to fix the problems you have not out word

Find the ones that aren't

I awake
The raging blasphemy
Rise all to hell
Procreating Satan
Whenever demons fornicate
Shout the purified beliefs
Sacrificial lambs
Praise Satan

God loves you


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What is kalergi plan you dumb fuck? Why is immigration imposed only on White nations?
They want to create mindless slave mass of iq between a negro and white man. Smart enough to do basic jobs but not smart enough to rebel. Cultures will be eradicated and all that,s left is pile of stinking brown shit

Yiff in hell Kike.


Kek. So much triggered Christians. Don’t you have some Christian coalburners baby to take care off??

Judeo Christianity was the most useful tool in subverting europeans. Kudos to Jews for that, the mindless shits repeat some quotes from kiked b*ble like a mantra


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calls other "mentally ill" while clearly being unstable

"They want to create mindless slave mass of iq between a negro and white man."

>implying society is high iq and aware today

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there's a based tune in here

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Using neologisms like lol and lmao condescendingly undermines your ethos, you retarted antichristian shill.

why don't you actually read the bible and learn what this faith actually teaches before you go on a self condemning rant about people who are only christian by apperance (pretending)? You will learn that everything you asumed is wrong and you blamed those who have no fault in this.



The fuck kinda Pole are you? You are a disgrace to Poland talking like that. You ought to be deported to Syria or somewhere, you fucking queer. Have fun burning in Hell, faggot.

t. polish homosexual

European society is indeed high IQ. Don’t mistake hedonistic type of life in western nations with low intelligence. Jesus do I need to explain that shit to a German on pol?

Take your bible and shove it up your ass

there it is

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Somebody just got done listening to a Watain album.

I will not.

Stop being Christian

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if you killed all christians, you wouldnt better the world because the jews are still left.
thats like attacking a weed at its stem instead of its root.

Disgusting faggot. I hope your children become trannies and cut their dick off and marry even more disgusting shitskin nigger. You disgusting fucking faggot.

How about sucking some refugees toes?

Cmo’n follow into your holy fuck footsteps

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Holy Spirit is my personal fleshlight. I abuse that whorish entity and he doesn’t fight back. What a fucking bitch it is.

If the Sobieski refuses to be proud

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>the virgin satanist (Euronymous)
>the chad Odinist (Varg Vikernes)

he's right do you know? In France it is the same : catholics are antiract and accept immigration.

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Ouch I cut myself on your edgy post

Even if you don't think jesus was the son of god there is no excuse for pissing in a babies mouth

But he’s the reason why Chri*tianity is the majority religion in Europe atm. He should had been raped to death before he got killed like a bitch by MED BVLLS

So edgy, but you do have to be 18 to post here, kiddo. Enjoy your ban for being underage.

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What do you propose in place of Christianity?

>Says you’ll burn in hell for being gay
>b-but god loves you!
The hypocrisy of Christfags

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Most children of christian families are already doing that. Lmao

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Hitler was right, you are a bunch of subhumans

Careful kid, you'll cut yourself with so much edge.

Brb gotta take a shit on bi*le

Anything else. Hinduism is pretty based, buddism, native european faith to be codified

Hitler didn’t like Christianity either, if anything the Pole is more closely related to Nazism than so called “Christ lovers” on Jow Forums.

>But he posed with a cross this one time!
Yeah, for Christian votes. Need I remind you that Himmler was a Neo-Paganist?

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God loves you but allows free will. Man has fallen and usen free will irresponsibly after original sin. God does not want to violate free will, especially because it will make people mere puppets rather than their own individual and faithful soldiers of Christ.

So yes, faggots burn in hell if they don't repent and stop committing sodomy.

Amerimutts are Protestant, not Christian.

Every day remainder that vedism, Zoroastrianism and buddhism are the only religions that white man is allowed to follow

both europe and usa were secularised during last 100 years.
Christianity used to be majority religion in Europe when Europe was conquering the world.
we gave up our God and we are dying out.
enjoy kike because you'll be surrounded by niggers soon

>So yes, faggots burn in hell if they don't repent and stop committing sodomy.
Proving my point, Christians are unironically the biggest hypocrites imaginable. If God supposedly loves you, he should accept you for being attracted to men. This is why your shitty religion will be extinct in White Countires in the next 100 years.

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Every Christian Church in America and Europe is pro-immigration. They believe that skin color doesn’t matter and that you’re all “God’s children” they even believe once you go to heaven, you’ll become a raceless abomination. Christianity was mutting people before the Spaniards did.

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I sure did miss him. What a guy.

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My priest calls in to let his power level out. Hates the current pope hates importing the third world, Right is right he says. He has a MAGA hat, I gave him. He wears it in the parochial house when no one's around

If you think other religions are the answer you are lost. The truth was born out of poland, and those who are on this site would be privileged to see it. You must open your eyes to See.


What’s the difference? Both are civ nat.

Christianity is an ideology not religion. Religion is about rituals, spiritual connection. Christians just blindly follow one doctrine

i didn't say anything about race or immigration


Why should he accept immorality?

And no Christianity will not be extinct. White western countries will collapse with the direction they're heading in. Once again, the wisdom of Christianity will come again to enlighten them in hard times.

>tfw you return to the ethereal afterlife hivemind and it's full of negros and bongs

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I should start going to mass again. Hate kneeling tho

Guess you never heard of Steven Anderson kys

Were you born Christian in any way?

I thought Muslims and Jews weren't allowed in Poland.

>Himmler was a Neo-Paganist?

He was a larper, and hitler knew that lol

Poland is the most catholic country in europe and it is also the most based, but yeah keep hating cristianity retard you are making the job easier for the leftards

>Why should he accept immorality
Why should gay people follow a religion that wants them dead?

>Once again, the wisdom of Christianity will come again to enlighten them in hard times.
Christianity is one of the main culprits behind Western civilization going downhill. You made nonwhite acceptance normal. The majority of churches in America were supportive of the civil rights movement that made niggers come into white communities. If there’s any religion Europeans are going to follow, it’s the ones they created. We don’t need your shitty semitic bullshit that teaches people to be guilty of their ancestors. Jesus is a filthy sandnigger who rightfully got what he deserved. Maybe he shouldn’t have chimped out about the Romans oppressing his sorry ass.

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That Zionist puppet is not a Christian you dumb motherfucking faggot. Thanks to the joos and their infiltration into the Christian Faith you brainless faggots have no fucking clue what a Christian truly is. In my country is the Orthodox Priests who organize the people against all of this degeneracy happening in the world today that you dumb motherfuckers call globalhomo, kalergi and the mudslime immigration and than you blame the real Christians and not the crazy left and the ones that call them self Zionist-Christians. You dumb faggot.

>Poland is the most catholic country in europe and it is also the most based,
Poland is also planning on importing 100,000 Filipinos just because they’re catholic. I’m sure they’re totally based. Also if Hitler thought he was a larper, he would’ve been gassed. Hitler didn’t give two shits about your fake religion and only used it to gain traction among German voters.

Becouse i say so

This is low, even for you.

based and satanpilled

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>skin color doesn’t matter and that you’re all “God’s children”
Correct. That doesn't necessarily mean you have to open the floodgates and accept mass migration. It just means that you don't have to fucking wish the death or genocide upon an entire race, which a lot of Jow Forums seems to edgily get behind.

Fuck your god.

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Gaahl is a raging homo and a really nice lad. Like all homos he loves attention

but op did

>Correct. That doesn't necessarily mean you have to open the floodgates and accept mass migration
Shitskins aren’t “God’s children” they’re demons. Your own religion promotes racial tolerance. Any form of borders is actually satanic according to your shitty Jew book.

>It just means that you don't have to fucking wish the death or genocide upon an entire race,
Give me a good reason why we shouldn’t genocide groups like Niggers? They kill innocent whites in South Africa.

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your christian god HATES YOU , if he loved you he wouldnt try to go against your nature . He wants nothing else but to enslave you , free yourself from the kike propaganda

Remember this what you written here when you'll hit the lowest of the lowest in life. You aren't there yet I guarantee you. You'll know when you're there. Remember this what you have written right here! And do not plea and cry and ask for forgiveness because all there will be left for you it will be nice big juicy nigger cock for your tranny-child asshole, you disgusting faggot.

Tell Constantine he ruined Christianity

>Christianity is one of the main culprits behind Western civilization going downhill.
Then why is western civilization going down while it becomes more secular? And what about all the prosperity it's had under Christianity?

>The majority of churches in America were supportive of the civil rights movement that made niggers come into white communities.
They were already in white southern communities retard, they were just given shitty facilities. You're retarded if you thought southern segregation was actual "segregation." It wasn't.

>If there’s any religion Europeans are going to follow, it’s the ones they created. We don’t need your shitty semitic bullshit that teaches people to be guilty of their ancestors. Jesus is a filthy sandnigger who rightfully got what he deserved. Maybe he shouldn’t have chimped out about the Romans oppressing his sorry ass.
You mean the same religions that involved gay orgies and devalued human life?

Sir do you have a moment?

This, if you’re christian your own god would hate you just for being nationalistic. The Bible mainly teaches racial acceptance and doesn’t mind its followers race-mixing with lower groups.

projecting this hard ? really "?


Hitler lost

>Because Christians are pro open border and pro race mixing
Since when?

>Hitler thought he was a larper, he would’ve been gassed

Lol, what the fuck are talking about

So you hate poland because its catholic? Too bad that paganism is irrelevant