Why in the fuck would anyone say that

...unless they are a reptilian pedophile?


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lmao ziotard Trumpf

You niggers are investigating Epstein so hard, but I think you should also start investigating Trump, because he is real creepy.

>tfw will never fuck ivanka with trump sitting on the end of the bed smiling in approval

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That's just one of the many weirdo sexual comments he's made in regards to his daughter.

He told Stormy Daniels that she reminded him of his daughter has he had sex with her.

He said that his daughter would make a great playmate because she has a nice figure. And that if she weren't his daughter, that he'd probably be dating her.

He said that Ivanka has "the best body"

He said that he was more sexually attracted to his teenage daughter than his wife.

These comments combined with the weird photographs of him groping and kissing her is pretty damning evidence.

Attached: Trump-Creepy-Ivanka-Pics-via-screengrab.jpg (917x559, 199K)

I'd put my arm around my daughter's shoulder. That seems the more fatherly possition. The one in the white dress where it looks like she is on his lap looks fake to me. The one she is kissing him looks like she is trying to get money for some expensive bullshit and pulling the "I'm your most bestest favorite daughter in the whole world right daddy"? Bullshit. The one that bothers me is where he is in the white suit and she is leaning into him. That is super creepy.

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>creepy to love your own children

you guys are retarded

Trump is an honest man.

Those are positive, fatherly qualities.

Quick quick smear trump that will totally take away from our Democratic pedo network that will implicate most of the democratic members linked to slick willy.

archive.is/FFNtQ >ignore trump being an epstein hanger on too
>ignoring that this makes his comments about his underage daughter far more unnerving

Why did he say he had "sex in common" with Ivanka? Is he retarded and can't control his tongue?

You guys need to investigate this faggot together with Epstein before you shitposted another reptilian Israel lover into presidency in 2020.

yes. this is a common problem his staff have to deal with look it up.

And I'm not trying to "meddle" or anything, I was listening to Joe Rogan's podcast yesterday and this shit came up. This is creepy af.

Because they both like sex, apparently.

>I was going to say sex but my lawyers advised against me saying that

he meant that they're both good looking, sexual people, not that they want sex with EACH OTHER, god fucking damnit.

He's just confident, he's saying they're both sexy (which is true)

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Trump is an incestuous pedophile with ties to the Jewish child trafficking mafia.

Not surprising that a Canadian wants to fuck his own children.

Slide thread

Why does Trump have a long history (30 years) of hanging out with Epstein?

Why did Dershowitz, who was involved with Epstein and has allegations of molesting 13 year old girls, come to Trump's defense during the Mueller case?

Why did Trump appointed Alex Acosta, the same guy who gave Epstein a sweetheart deal of 13 months in prison, his Labor Secretary position?

Why did Trump also make Steve Feinberg, head of Cerberus and owner of DynCorp, the same Dyncorp with ties to human trafficking and Epstien, head of his US Intelligence Board?

Why was Epstein's jet spotted multiple times in 2013 and 2016 parked on the same runway and sharing the same hangar with Trump?

Also why was Epstein's pilot hanging out with Trump's campaign manager Kellyanne Conway?

Why did Trump confirm the claim that he banned Epstein from his Mar-a-Lago resort only AFTER Epstien was arrested this July?

Why didn't Trump push for the FBI to unseal all the files relating to Epstein and help expose all the pedos involved or use this against Comey?

Why does Trump's name and list of contacts come up in Epstein's Florida prosecution court documents?

Why did Epstein brag about being the one who introduced Trump to Melania at a NYC party?

Why are there several photos and video of Trump and Epstein together, and why has Trump gone on record to praise Epstein in news articles?

Why didn't Trump follow through with his promise of arresting Hillary Clinton, the same woman who has ties to child trafficking in Haiti and who has ties to serial child molester Anthony Weiner, AND who's married to Bill Clinton, the guy who rode on Epstein's jet to Pedo Island dozens of times?

Why does Trump keep signing funding bills worth billions of dollars for Israel, yet can't seem to find the funding (even when Republicans had total control of the house and senate) to pay for his wall that he promised?

Why did Trump sign a bill that makes it illegal to criticize Jewish people?

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Trump was best pals with Slick Willy, Epstein and the rest of the Democratic party prior to his run for the presidency. He was a lifelong registered democrat from NYC.

is any of this real or is this just tranny spam

trump goyim are so fucking stupid lmfao. Imagine electing a rapist connected to a jewish sex trafficker and then denying he had any part in it, when he was best friends with the guy for years.

Really fucking weird

Trump's a legitimate socialite who knew every millionaire and billionaire in NYC and in Palm Beach, FL.
It would be more suspicious if he DIDN'T know Epstein considering he knew every other rich fucker within 100 miles.

You should also drop the "best friend" rhetoric being propagated by CNN and MSNBC, there's zero evidence that they were ever "best friends", in fact Trump apparently only ever traveled on one of Epsteins planes (the smaller one, not the Lolita) one single time, whereas guys like Clinton traveled dozens of times, so really who was the better friend?

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JIDF is ramping up its attacks and shilling hard on Jow Forums, trying to connect Trump with Epstein to bury whats actually happening:

Share the pasta.

Pic related is George Nader with Bill Clinton at Epstein’s island

Trumps flight went from NYC to Florida ONE TIME and NEVER WENT TO THE ISLAND (logs prove this)

Clinton flew 26 times TO THE ISLAND





>During the time period of the lawsuit, Epstein was a regular of Mar-A-Lago. The President is publicly known to have considered Epstein a personal friend.
>In 2002, the President told New York Magazine:
>“He’s [Epstein] a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”
>In 2017, Trump’s legal team claimed no knowledge of Epstein’s behavior.

Via Politico:
>“As I have previously explained, he had no relationship with Mr. Epstein and had no knowledge whatsoever of his conduct. This has all been reported countless times in the press,” claimed Trump’s attorney Allen Garten.

After learning of this assault, TRUMP BANNED Epstein from mar-a-lago:

Video of Trump predicting Epstein will have a lot of problems with his island in the future:

Eat shit, shills.

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he is talking about sex as in gender because ivanka is a tranny

You didn't answer any of his questions, you just deflected.
You seem to be completely fucking terrified.

He is. These truth is coming out.

trump fucks kids and clinton fucks kids. whats so difficult to understand about that

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Trump is saving this country stupid shill

Why fucking live?

Brad Parscale shills are scared.

no he's not you tard monkey. nobody can save you now lol. remember back in 2017 when hillary called for bombing the airstrip like 3 hours before trump actually did it? shes got the same script as him, trust me

>JIDF is ramping up its attacks and shilling hard on Jow Forums, trying to connect
jidf is trying to attack one of the most loyal dogs to israel
Gtfo boomer

Go dilate

alright, on it!

Wow, it's almost as if Trum, just like his good friend Jeffrey Epstein is....a pedophile....