So yet another news story we won't be seeing on CNN and MSNBC.
Or is this what they mean by late-term abortion??
So yet another news story we won't be seeing on CNN and MSNBC.
Or is this what they mean by late-term abortion??
Also notice how an unrelated white woman is the only one to run in and pick the baby up. Same thing as that Disneyland video.
White women are a cancer
are niggers even people?
watch as a lawyer case comes and that women ends up getting the blame and having to pay reparations "cos racis cracka picked mah baby up wrong"
Wtf. Are negroes human?
Shit, the other woman should be charged with accessory to murder and child endangerment as well. What the fuck is wrong with niggers?
hey Jow Forums im torn here. do you think the nigger that started the fight should be charged with a crime? or should she receive a medal of honor for niglet annihilating?
This story just ran on the 7pm news in based Australia
I think they should all be sentenced to death, just to be safe.
Sending her to prison for life is a reward for her. Without her babby to give her free gibs she would be destitute and probably homeless. A far better punishment.
This isn’t news
Why would u want to waste your short life reading or hearing about this
Ur a cnn fag
one less nigger :D
How Are Niggers People If Mirrors Are Real?
>Cruelty to children
Shouldn't it be cruelty to animals?
>be black in restaurant
>be black on a bus
>be black at shopping mall
>be black windowshopping downtown
>be black in unemployment office
>be black doing community service for fighting
Sterilization and deportations for niggers
Oh thank god
>So yet another news story we won't be seeing on CNN and MSNBC.
>depending on kike media for anything other than misinformation
you're new here, aren't you?
While i do feel bad an innocent child was killed, i feel maybe that child was better off not being raised by such a gorilla. Sleep tight little one.
White people are to blame for this.
I told them there was only one red weave left. my apologizes
infanticide during times of scarcity was a common pre-neolithic survival strategy
>Times of scarcity
so she new about trump cutting off her welfare
Along with littering and dumping hazardous/toxic waste.
Watch the video.
The nigger in the car , white shirt , curb stomps the babies head. Thats what killed it.
The mother of the dead baby is a racist White African American Nationalist.
For anyone who missed it in the Disneyland video:
its a shame the niglet didn't die
oh shit it did die haha good
No, you're wrong. He steps on a bag or something. You can tell because the white woman picks up the actual baby which it's not visible from the car.
Anyway it's not like any of the three of them didn't completely ignore the baby the moment it hits the floor. Literally worse than an animal.
>nigger spawn
>innocent child
Get the fuck out of here.
Niggers gonna nig
Exactly. Fucking niggers
THE absolute state of NIGGERS. Whites again the heroes!!
Niggers gonna nig
I too noticed this
>Wtf. Are negroes human?
I donno France what do you see around you?
Homo Erectus
What's special about this? Was there a baby? Nigs chomping out isn't unusual user
>Three family members charged in brawl at Disneyland that was caught on video
>Robinson was arrested Saturday and is being held without bail in Orange
>County Jail in Santa Ana. He faces a maximum sentence of seven years
>and four months in state prison if convicted.
Link should cut to 3:20 in where you can see some unrelated white lady come out of nowhere to protect the little nig kid. Same thing that happens in the OP vid.
Point is that it's a recurring theme for random white ladies to give more of a shit about the little niglets than their own nig parents.
Ahh, yes... Liveleak where you can watch a 3-month old baby die but you better not say the n-word on their site or you're banned.
Did she use the nigglet as a bat and then drop it once it made contact?
Just like this shooting in Dallas. Notice how only white people came to the black chicks aid?
This shit happens, but news stations will drop everything to do a story on a man who might have said "go back where you came from"