Stop right there!

Stop right there!

You got a loicense for that opinion?

Attached: 1861205-policeman-in-reflective-jacket-ordering-you-to-stop-.jpg (864x1300, 88K)

O-oh fuck
>Tumbles through pockets
Umm, I lef-left them a-at home.

bongs are doomed

Attached: licence.jpg (1080x478, 71K)

get off my property unless you have a warrant

This made me chuckle. good night bong

no but i've got a scary kitty cat
americans are scared of cats

Attached: Cat-Wallpaper.jpg (1222x917, 297K)

Good morning

everyone on this board seems to be scared of pussy

yes, i'm the prime minister of go fuck yourself



dont need one, I live in a country very high on the freedom index.

Attached: 1545862563428.jpg (750x517, 60K)

Attached: 1563784683796.jpg (599x403, 113K)

Reality: Checked

Hold it right there criminal scum!

Got a permit for that opinion?

Attached: waco.jpg (800x418, 98K)

No lives matter
Buy guns

Will Boris fix Britain?


Attached: SHALLNOTINFRINGE.jpg (1865x822, 803K)

Is it legal to own manpads?

Attached: SA-7.jpg (1348x443, 122K)

Not even a British Shorthair

Attached: images.jpg (225x225, 8K)

yes lordship, it's next to my knife permit and porno pass

Got it right here

Attached: 1475212885808.jpg (615x345, 46K)

better keep that opinion to yourself if you want to keep your job

those cats are fucking adorable

Attached: 2019-07-23_1333.png (746x930, 324K)

>British Shorthair
Nice cat but only a 12 year lifespan, this common moggy of mine is 22 this year.

Attached: col.jpg (5184x3456, 2.95M)

put this on before someone notices you.

Attached: Putinmask.jpg (1000x1000, 145K)

Attached: 1540508397485.jpg (500x483, 33K)

Your cat has a Hitler mustache.
Hail !!

Attached: 1545344083141.jpg (605x1024, 85K)

She has ruled with an iron claw and has a glorious history of course but is a bit wobbly now, she is afraid of crows after recently being mobbed by a murder of them. She would have layed waste to them when she was younger.

Shit, It's the Rozzers!
Scarper Lads, it's the fuzz!
You smell Bacon? I smell bacon; It's the fuckin' Pigs!
Here comes, here comes, here comes the filth!
Ey oop ladz, oh aye, it's fookin't Poo-Lice!