Testosterone and nazism

Is there a scientific corolation between being rightwing and having more testosterone?
Also is it true leftists have more estrogene?

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Yes and Yes.

>Is there a scientific corolation between being rightwing and having more testosterone?

I read that physically stronger men are more likely to be right-wing but I can't cite any studies about it.

The army and the police are more likely to be right wing though, maybe it means something.

Studies show it's actually the opposite. A reduced testosterone correlates with a heightened level of overall anxiety, which is in turn associated with the adoption of extremist and xenophobic political beliefs.

The physical differences between left-wingers and right-wingers are so striking it is hard to believe. Link a study

Depends if self-preservation is correlated with testosterone.

most tranners from Jow Forums is right wing and have more estrogen than testoesterone so its about upbringing not hormones

There's no such thing as a left wing male. Men are inherently right wing. The only people who subscribe to that form of thought, are women and fags, as far as nature is concerned.

I am a submissive cuckold, but my political views are incredibly radical and pro-White

croatian leftists/communists. total hunks

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maybe but i think having the e/t ratio in balance is more important. it's like both the lefty men and women are on a constant period.

I heard they are stronger, and also more keen to dangers. If you make people feel more disgust, they are more likely to express and adopt right wing beliefs.

Leftists are supportive of those that want to be fat, vegan, homo, and depressed. Leftism is synonymous with both physical and mental weakness.

Attention whores, you mean.
Trannies join for the same reason edgy teens do.

complete opposite. low IQ zogtards see a big black nigger fucking his white trophy blackedwhore makes him take up arms to compensate for his low test and IQ
and yes, leftists are more estrogen

Stop with the right vs left dichotomy faggot. Sage.


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You cant /thread your own post, newfucker
Announcing sage is a bannable offense, newfucker.
Whats with all these newfuckers these days?

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> Meme flag
Go back to plebbit cuck.

Isn't this kind of brutality a trait you blame black people for?

Right wing have more testosterone according to scientific studies.

Don't know about the left having more estrogen or not but since the left and big government proponents are mostly women, it seems self explanatory.

fuck off meat cuck, vegans have higher T

>the frog thinks marching soldiers equal savage brutality

>still thinking in left/right terms
>also still thinking natsoc is a right wing ideology