Daily reminder

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I guess christians want to be vastly outnumbered by nogs in heaven.

Crawwliinnnggg iiiinnnn mmyyyy skiiinnnnn

is africa even using this money build better cities/towns

you spend close to one trillion a year fighting for the jews

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lol thats not how foreign aid works

You should watch 'Empire of Dust' documentary

Space isn't real. We're living in a computer simulation.

>is africa even using this money build better cities/towns

it's siphoned off to warlords in exchange for access to rare earth elements.

Right. That pallet of "aid" to Iran a few years ago was full of losing team super bowl jerseys and sandals

Goyim acctualy believe this?
First of all i will tell you guys a big shocker. Just because money was taken from the treasury for some cause doesnt necesary mean the money arrived to its destination.
Second the marshal plan was a psyop, it just was a facade for the military occupation and muttification of europe
Third there you dont go to the stars because the cold war ended and there is no longer a reason to arm race in space because the usa doesnt have any real rivalsleft on eart
You may not like it but its true

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shouldnt that make space even more real?

A computer simulation so complex that it can simulate every happening on Earth can't possibly simulate space?

It goes to warlords and other assholes who spend it on Clinton Foundation Pizza Partys. Most is just wasted though. Like getting new farming equiment that then just gets sold for scrapmetal because niggers are too stupid to farm.

We should spend more.

We could have used that money to pay off our debt wtf.

hahahahahahahahaha just you fucking try and help those niggers user, just fucking try

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but they're still niggers

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you know what, i agree.

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is this some jewish inside joke to get world leaders to touch their dirty ass wall? look at that shit theres garbage filling in all the cracks i bet they piss on it before hand

All they do is eat up the shekels to do stupid shit and then ask for more. Niggers are not human

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They should plant crops or something. I remember talking to a missionary girl (who I later banged in a missionary position) about Africa. At first she was all: we have to help them, then I talked about 80's 90's 2000, and current aid, but still Africa is shit. After a while, she got drunk with me. I also remember chatting with a mormon missionary who posted pictures of Africa and how shitty it is. Let me see if I still have it.

I figured the problem is that people in Africa just keep making babies, because the food comes in free. There is no struggle for resources, just hand outs. Some situations are tragic, and could probably use a hand out, but the vast majority needs to not get handouts, and instead get to work to secure their future.

On the other hand: in Western Countries, we are constantly told to struggle up, delay family and home for work and advancement. This yields low birth rates and despair among western college educated, when the ladder is not like TV. My current GF wants to delay children until she advances. Meanwhile, I bring in a good 100k a year and with proper spend control could raise a family. Currently hunting for a new GF, less inclined to the propaganda.

Its all a control game. Stop pressing the button to get cheese. Make your own cheese.

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I bet when you dump your old gf there will be some satisfaction

Sometimes , i wonder: Isn't it , tiring , to repeat the same propaganda over and over again? Obviously white folks , even liberals , believe your bullshit , and grown up non whites , will never get baited (unless is Candace Owens, but is she more baited than the white folks who just like her for being self hating poc and don't understand she's not authentic POC but a pure product for pleasing white people?).

You literally made a shitton of money in colonisation , like here :en.wikipedia.org/wiki/External_debt_of_Haiti . Considering the fact you colonzied entire continents , i let you imagine the gargantual amount of wealth you stole.

You are leeching the non whites , not the reverse . More recently , Christies is selling stolen indian artifacts .

Another friendly reminder : white countries have been ruled by white folks since their creation , which means Immigrants are not responsible for white people poverty. For example here , Emmanuel Macron (white) is spending something like a BILLION on military propaganda (SNU) , instead of funding our hospitals who are dying.

But why i'm even writing this.

>reddit spacing
>that comma spacing

kys nigger

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Probably, but every household has a TV. Still looking for afica pics from mormon user from 2015?

You're retarded user and have no idea what you're talking about, if you think that you've struggled or worked hard a day of your life then you're just another sheltered priviliged white boy who has no clue what real struggle looks like

>better cities/towns
til africa has cities/towns

>reddit spacing
uhh, ok, maybe
>comma spacing
please do as gentleman proposed

The “white privilege” meme has apparently spread to the third world.

If it weren’t for the prosperity and civilization that white people built, you sandniggers would still be in the Stone Age. Your only contribution to mankind is having dinosaur juice under your feet.


You don’t study the history of the people you claim to hate? How can you hate a people if you don’t even understand their what’s and whys?

Short Jow Forums, this place is way overvalued.

Man, we waste so much fuckkng money, don’t even.

We didn’t sacrifice the Stars by not sending people to space. We need to be funding tech and engineering, basic materials research, etc.

We need some major technological breakthroughs before we can get the space program where it needs to be. Chemical propulsion has run its course and we need to find something better.

The research Lockheed Martin’s skunkworks is doing into nuclear fusion is a good start, very promising.

The whole fucking building was torn down, and you’re wining about a wall?

It’s just a big ass gravestone, and tearing it down would free up valuable real estate and probably boost Israel’s economy.

But why the hate for historical sites? The only reason I’m hoping we don’t nuke/bomb the shit out of Iran is because I think they have some sick Persian ruins. I bet Cyrus the great has a badass tomb.

If we're keeping up the White Man's Burden thing, we might as well be reaping the benefits of colonialism.

> Ooga booga some scientists who i am not related to in ayway except for the artificial construct known as race created some stuff long ago so i deserve credit for it

imagine not feeding them

how you fix the fucking world

We're also the only ones continuing any sort of advancement. Take the ME for example, they export oil, excess males and terrorism; the really isn't much going on there outside of those few things. Fortunately for the rest of us, the sole resource that gives the ME any sort of relevancy is rapidly diminishing.

And as that happens, I'm afraid the future looks quite bleak indeed. Because not only are you dependant on oil, you're hopelessly dependant. The irony of all of it being that you didn't actually find it, lived there for thousands without even the slightest clue what lied beneath your feet. Not that it would have made much of a difference as drilling for it would have also been out of your reach, to this day even. If drilling for it was an issue, forget about pumping it out of the ground, much less getting it to shore and an ocean might as well have been bottomless abyss.

It took white people to find your oil, white people to drill for it, white people to pump and out of the ground, white people to build the infrastructure to transport it, and white people to build the ports to transport it to a country that could actually use it. The only reason you even "own" oil is because when you nationalized what others had built. It took other white people to step in and prevent them from stomping you into the dirt. The only reason being at that time is that a different group of white people had been causing trouble across the globe.

3rd worlders, not knowing their fucking place since 1946.

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I imagine this will dictate future actions by the United States, why keep pumping this money into the rest of the world for no benefit? I don't think we'll continue much beyond Mormon missionaries.

Dont forget about the aid Europe and China gives them to