Tell me about Chinese

How do they behave? What’s their mentality? Any experiences with them? It seems that no Asian country likes them. Opinions preferably from other Asians.

Attached: 26C40B70-B327-44E3-8B95-C703BF01E508.jpg (950x633, 141K)

>It's another China thread

Very hard working and require little maintenance
If it wasnt for amerikikes i would replace all goyim with chinks

>Implying the chinks wouldn't eat you like the cockroaches you are

Materialistic like all other non-whites races. Extremely rude as well from what I gathered from university- speak really loud in their garbage language without a care for others around them.

t. Chang

Look how desperate they are to display their individuality even through conformity. People flashing the peace signs and one person wearing a NY Yankee cap. No way their society stays together more than 20 years.

they are hostile, effeminate, insecure little insectiods.

>Extremely rude
>speak really loud in their garbage language without a care for others around them.
Perfectly described the British Tourist.

Do have any data otside poltard meymeys?

Judging by the way they treat dogs were fucked if we don't get our demographics under control

Horrible business practices, are not honest, very corrupt, will break a contract at the drop of the hat, because Big Daddy CCP will always validate Chinese citizens when they tow party line.
They proclaim they are best nation, all other nations are shit, and that they have best economy mixed. But down play, the rich actually flee along with money to neighboring countries. So many millionares, are "PRO CHINA!!" But sink all funds into capitalist societies like, South Korea, Japan, US, Aus., because stability and land rights.

I feel for mainlanders and HK-ers being oppressed- but so many ignorant rude, "nuevo-rich" tourists are so very disrespectful, many (not me) feel they are like animals with no morals.

Also, intentional tribunal has declared illegal organ harvesting is very real. They (CCP) will oppress and violently dismantle religion, press, ideas, and freedoms we take for granted in other nations.

I have hope the future Chinese mainlanders majority does not stay so brainwashed.
May logic and freedom forever be with Taiwan, Hong Kong, Tibet, Chinese Towel Heads, and Free thinking Mainlanders... FUCK THE COMMIES!

Rude and cultureless. Met some Mainland Chinese guy during college and hang out with him a bit.

>Always rude to low level workers such as waiters.
>Doesn't understand basic etiquette.
>Fucking horrible at driving, was terrified when he drove me once.

Then he took nutrition class. Completely threw his Asian foods culture and ate food like a machine: Protein powder, no carbs. He's like an NPC and can never eat out with that guy ever again cause "Muh Nutrition Class".

>I cuck him behind his back and fucks his sister

Attached: chinese women cannot stop looking at phone.webm (480x270, 1.62M)

Chinese tourist is a problem in Thailand. They literally have no concept of regulation or manner. Guess communism doesn’t equal discipline.

Please stop the pol

This is a comment from an Unz review article. I copied it a couple of days back. Don't know whether it's true or not (claims to be). Make up your own mind.

Ive been living in China for many years now. The USA and the Western World used to be superior to China. These people still shit in public (into public trashcans not on the street thankfully), serve mystery meat from any animal and every part, and grow in an environment of perpetual heavy pollution. But despite all this are surpassing the entire Western World, why?
For starters, gay married is illegal, even with their overpopulation, and its not a religious matter because the Chinese are atheist. Its cultural. It produces no offspring, essentially being gay in China is ending of the family line and is unforgivable, the entire Chinese family may beat the faggot to death. Dead serious.
Secondly the Chinese dont tolerate Islam, these people are heavily policed. They dont lie either, all the security at airports, subways, bus stations, etc, they say is there because of the Muslims. Every Chinese building, shopping mall, workplace, has special security guards with armor and “knife sticks” to disarm crazed Muslims. The Muslims that do decide to get a little crazy and not eat pork, not drink beer, read the unedited nongovernment approved Quran, go to reeducation hard labor camps. They arent lying when the news says there are hundreds of thousands maybe a couple million muslims in the camps.
Thirdly the Chinese engage in whats known as ethnic colonization. They did it in Tibet years ago and are currently doing it in the Muslim regions of China. They pay thousands of Han Chinese to move into these regions while at the same time forcing the young single women to move to Han Dominant regions to work in factories and marry the men there. The Chinese population is so large that they will absorb these minority groups within a few generations.

They are much easier to work with than with other Asians (Koreans and Japs). The main thing is that they bargain, and bargain hard, which is a bit unusual. Otherwise, they are pretty easy and reliable to work with at least.

The worst people are Canadians, really, not even meming. Australians are close second, but once you endure their "shittest" they are quite tolerable

Fourth The Chinese dont allow every tom dick and harry foreigner to enter China. For the most part, on paper, the person needs to be spotless, background checks from your local police department, medical checks in your nation and then again when arriving in China, college degree minimum, and even then they scour social media to see if the individual has ever talked shit about China, even the most mundane of criticism and the Chinese government will reject your VISA (western countries wish they had the leadership to do this).
Fifth, The Chinese are fascist. Yes I know they call themselves Communist and blah blah blah retards in the west probably prop them up as successful Communism but this isnt true. The countries economy is state manipulated, not state owned, and every large business, corporation, multinational, etc, is run independent of government but by members of the CCP. Every single CEO of every successful Chinese company, every last one of them, is a member of the government and receives government money to undercut international competition. Majority of Chinese companies are not successful financially, but they use the sheer might of the Chinese taxpayer to prop them up and drive out foreign competition with insanely low prices.
Lastly, and perhaps the greatest reason the Chinese are winning against the West, is the dissent is not tolerated. Im not talking about 1989 tank crackdowns either. Dissent is regulated among the individual people, saying ANYTHING bad about China, not being nationalist enough, will enrage Chinese against this “anti-Chinese” person. The dissenting Chinese is seen as a traitor to their homeland, this is a great strength internationally because a lot of Chinese have left China but still actively shill for the country, they LOVE China, and despite leaving its poisonous food, polluted air, and low wages, they will fight tooth and nail for the Chinese reputation and support the Chinese governments ambitions in foreign nations.

>Koreans and Japs
They truly have an alien mind and customs. You'll have to stumble at every turn and it's very hard, if at all possible, to adjust.

They're the sneaky Jew stereotype on steroids. Any system that exists will be cheated by Chinese people. Video games, education, building, food processing. They aim only to get as much money as humanly possible and cut every corner that can (or can't) be cut. They literally trick each other into eating carcinogens just to make money. Life is worthless.

Attached: Chinese quality control.webm (426x426, 2.85M)

no asian countries like other asian countries

Yes, getting drunk, stealing from 'friends', and killing political opponents is so foreign to us, we are sorry our stable culture of mutual respect and equally applied law is such an alien concept to you.
Perhaps, you feel more comfortable with all the sneaky underhandedness of the Chinese system, to which you are more adapt to... comrad.