Hey Jow Forums how does it make you feel to know this guy gets more pussy than all of you combined!?
Midgets are the new chads!
OP is a fag
Hes married mate. Are you saying we get
He's a famous actor. Not just a random retard.
Truth hurts user
Race mixer
>Midget with Chad face genes and Hollywood celebrity status gets more pussy than average anonymous autists
What did OP mean by this?
Its just a TV show sweetie, shhh its ok.
he better be careful i know pussies can suck out the air from babies mouths and kill them wouldn't want that to happen to the only midget they like in hollywood
>More pussy
>It's married
Unless he's a piece of shit and cheating on his wife, I'd say we're pretty even as I too am married.
Feels about in line with what I've come to understand about the vapid nature pervasive among many women.
Anyone famous can get pussy. But the downsides of being famous outweight the benefits. I'd never suck hollywood dicks to get in that position and I would never compromise my privacy so by default I win.
If he’s faithful....his one pussy is still more than most of the fags here!
>I have integrity
Says the incel
Lanklets when will they learn
I wonder what sleeping princess his ancestor fucked to get him the career he currently has.
I once watched a speech he did about his career.
Apparently he was legit self-made. He went from hobo couch surfer and working at an office that lived from the state to some small work as a second class actor.
Some people have luck... In his case I would say that karma just paid him back what it owed to him.
>sòyboy race mixing fantasy
only blokes that are 6"3 and blonde in Australia are wearing high heels and mini skirts down the cross on a Friday night faggot.
he doesn't browse Jow Forums
This, I can't imagine how many tiny manlets use him as a coping mechanism. They bring their bathroom stools with them on dates to look women eye to eye.
Is op expecting us to hate on this midget.
Maybe he lied.
He looks an awful lot like
Sebastian de Morra,
one of the court dwarfs of Philip IV of Spain.
Too bad you couldn't pass a middle school English class.
what's next, pussies are the new men?
He's rich. That's all women care about
pussy is the end all be all.
There is always a niche market for midgets in Hollywood, plus he's not a bad actor. Game of Thrones was not a big deal when it first started.
The quality of that pussy is questionable at best.
In another coincidence, he took the iron pill
>but, but ,but, women don't care about looks or height
When will tiny tim and the oompa loompas learn?
Wait, I found the better one.
OPs a midget
This is so true. Every time I leave my house all the hottest white girls are dating dwarfs. I head onto twitter and they all brag about how cute their dwarf babies are gonna be. It’s so shitty being a normal sized white man. Getting cucked from all sides, fucking chad midget stole my girl.
Can't be because he's rich as fuck and well known, nah it's because he's a midget and chicks dig short guys.