but what do normies really think? she makes my blood boil but everyone I know seems to think she is a fucking hero. for what? what do people you know think anout her, anons
So we know Jow Forums hates her
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MI6 psyop
She's a kid and says """"smart"""" things, that's why normies go with her shit.
She changes the climate in my underwear.
Don't worry you're not alone. That leftist word salad in her description is shit.
And by not alone I mean I'm 5 people.
Also Glenn is in here hey man
>caucasian methane production
What’re they doing in Swedish schools rn
>for what?
They're told to think that.
There's nothing more to it than that.
The world is full of NPCs, and the problem is worse than you can possibly imagine.
Good, I'm glad an autistic teenage girl triggers the shit out of you OP.
>You cannot say a bad thing about her
I think there would be less shitskins in my country if the world was working properly, plus, more heat in the atmosphere means more migration to the north. Can we agree there?
Didn't realize the Caucuses had such a methane problem.
Getting raped and groomed by 30 year old Muslim men.
Normies believe what ever the fuck the media wants them to believe. Why care what they think?
She is just another retarded student who completely eats up the suicidal socialist propaganda.
imagine following a little kid as an adult
jesus christ.
Why does anyone give a shit what an actual retard thinks?
>Vaccine lover
does it tastes good or what?
>if the world was working properly
no such thing, never has, never will; that's part of humanity, insatiable desire (whether it's logical/scientific, material, carnality, ideological/political, power/control, etc.) drives us forward until we can't anymore.
>more heat in the atmosphere means more migration to the north
the world was never meant to have this many people, and certainly not this many useless eaters.
How can you care about the environment and natural flora and fauna of your country if you want endless immigration? Those new people have to live somewhere which means the expansion of suburb sprawl, more cars, more waste, more pollution. Being an environmentalist is not compatible with being in favor of mass migration
Anyone who captures this whore during the war upon out is obligated to kill her in a horrific and public manner for being one of the most egregious of sellouts. Whoring from childhood.
lmao it is just an JIDF agent in charge of saying that shit
>tuber sapien
I don't think anyone I know has ever heard of her.
autism/downsyndrome at ints finest
She’s mentally disabled. Her parents who are apparently actors are exploiting her mental state. It’s depressing really
>She’s mentally disabled. Her parents who are apparently actors are exploiting her mental state. It’s depressing really
Kill them as well.
Whole bloodlines need to be wiped out unless they have men among us assisting the fight.
>the world was never meant to have this many people, and certainly not this many useless eaters.
the countries where population growth is out of control is also the countries where the economy is shit, probably because of the environment. more people means more mouths to feed and more coal plants for power... you see my point.
imo the solution for all of this would be to have a cooler world
I think they have been drinking too much iceberg water.
I would fuck the shit out of her
>the economy is shit, probably because of the environment.
Nah, it's the people.
Just look at Australia: should be some dirt poor 4th world hellhole if you go by its climate.
But it's populated mostly by whites, so it's one of the richest countries on Earth.
Is this another Jew?
More Jewish NGOs literally shipping niggers to your country is why you have a "refugee" crisis, not because the already hot hell holes they come from are slightly hotter. Climate change is simply a post-hoc argument to justify forced demographic change of once homogenous European countries. This isn't even a conspiracy theory, you have the Jews in charge of these organizations litetally telling you this is their goal as they unload boat after boat of 20 something brown men into Europe.
Unless you think that they just walked to Sweden because they were too warm.
She's 16? She looks 9.
No, just a highly vaccinated golem.
Soph can you please notice me?
>Where will we get fresh water?
Seriously? Does she think all fresh water is imported from arctic glaciers or something?
maybe the world needs some good old fashioned imperialism again.
south africa is the only country on the continent (except maaaybe egypt) thats not a dirt hole. but the nigs there are completely insane. outh africa was unpopulated before the dutch arrived, then niggers started flowing in and didnt move out during apartheid. Instead they convinced the world that south africa belongs to black people... reverse racism?
its an obvious ploy to de legetimize the climate change amd environmental protection community which is backed by the entire scientific community.
Usually rapid population growth in a country coincides with economic development as your civilization advances (see China and India). To have an entire continent's population grow exponentially independent of economic advancement requires serious outside intervention, in this case food and medical aid from the first world. The problem isn't created by the people in those countries, it's caused by the ill-fated attempts to help them by flooding their countrues with free food. This was intentional and planned.
The goal was always to cause a population boom to wield as a weapon against European countries, our own compassion and empathy has been turned against us.
>"Buy feel-good credits!"
>Being an environmentalist is not compatible with being in favor of mass migration
If you figure out a way to drive this point home, I'd love to know.
>notices your small micropenis
If you believe humans have noticable impact on the global climate then you should be advocating against foreign aid for the third world. Because that's what causes the population growth to be out of control.
>more people = more coal plants etc
>the solution is to have a cooler world
So you basically identify human overpopulation as the problem. I don't think understand your conclusion though. Are you implying if we would artificially cool down the global climate, we would solve the overpopulation issue? Will the numbers reduce because people freeze to death?
3rd world population growth is artificial and could easily be stopped.
Who here wants to make deepfake porn of her? Because I can do it.
Fuck you. Spilled my coffee
I'm pretty sure most people don't care.
>she has assburgers
of fucking course she does
All those farting highlanders man. They just keep rising methane levels
Having ass burgers doesn't automatically make you smart.
Is that you Sammy boi
(seriously though, no one tip Sam off about her existence otherwise her pooper is gonna get pounded)
>*laughs in 14yo*
I wonder if that would be considered cp.
>vaccine lover
Ahahahahhahahahaahah that’s fucking rich
Nobodys going to care when muslim gangs rape her. We wont. Will you?
Normies think "Who does this 15-year old think she is?" and "What the fuck did she do to get such recognition? Suck dick?"
Honk honk!
a rich family can choose how many kids they want, a poor family without a secure retirement cant. I dont think that a cooler climate will solve overpopulation all i know is a warmer climate will make everything worse for us up north
Who cares what normies think? Normies deserve to be hanged
Sam the Man
>diversity activist
fpbp also OP stop posting kids here.
Wut China was always extremely populated, like all countries they experienced a post war babyboom but the population stabilized, the only countries with massive population growth are African shithole and South Asian shitholes.
I wonder if she's had that conversation with her mother.
>Five year old kid with autism in family does thing
>OMG wow he's so smart
>Five year old kid without autism in family does thing
I love the kid of course, but calling autists smart is just denial. People with autism are lacking in many ways and only average in others.
Exactly. Love love love. Thats all you here. Even among the christians especially Jesus, cause his peace love dope message is what is attractive and seperates from old testament psychosis.
But its destroying us. I have new message for you. Hate. Take pleasure ib destroying what you hate.
The climate shit isn't the problem with her. She's a piece of shit because she's anti-white.
>China was always overpopulated
Nigger why you lying?
Dumb cuck changing the reproductive behaviors of the 1-10% population wont do anything cuck boy!
Go down to fucking niggerville and tell them to stop fucking you dickless twat!!! That is before they chop your head off cuck sven.
>People actually listening to a fucking uneducated 15 year old for advice and climate and political change instead of someone who studied science or law and are pursuing said field.
>French gov is so out of touch and cucked beyond belief that they allowed this bitch to speak at the parliament.
Lmao, clown world is too fucking hilarious. It's like god decided to write fan fiction for real life.
I have no idea who this bitch is.
Why do you think normies are aware of her?
Wait, is that Jake Paul?
thank you! I know about FAS but seeing these pictures side by side is just unbelievable... it looks like a drawing of this boy
If you think people in Africa make a rational decision to have as many kids as possible to secure their retirement, then you are overestimating them.
In addition to that: How are more children helping you to secure your retirement if you aren't even able to keep them alive without foreign aid?
>warmer climate will make everything worse for us
How? By doing what exactly? We are basically immune to climate. I'm pretty sure we would even survive an increase about 10 degree on average.
if the media tells normies to like something then normies will like that thing.
>tuber sapien
is this a shoop to call her potato?
it cant be real.
already there ogro... already there...
Except for like... Hillary
>with aspergers
Not only that, she's not more or less a go to advisor on environmental issues for actual politicians. Kids are telling presidents what to do. PEAK clown world idd
why all these retards proudly wear their diseases or disabilities lmao
It may not be fetal alcohol user. She's a Jewish Sperg and Jewish Sperg's have those features naturally. We have a lot of those features in my family even though my parents never drank.
What we need to do is challenge their convictions.
Let's call tyres the black circle of love, seeing as she hates Caucasians so much.
Let's burn a tyre in celebration of Greta Thunberg.
Have a worldwide burn a tyre for Greta day.
We've had fuck for forest let's get her to take asphyxiation sex to far in some distant wood. As the old saying goes, if my wood was to fall in the forest who hears what.
why does she have aspergers
shes one of those "smart" kids with the magic brain, like rainman
you gotta be fucking retarded to not trust rainman about the environment
Oh good, I was worried I was attracted to retards
>vaccine lover
>has aspergers
How long until she get enriched by a migrant?
>tuber sapien
>potato girl
Can someone make a foetal alcohol syndrome app so we can all look like Greta
She is not jewish.
Should just euthanize the thing.
Say they now.
I bet your mother drank like a fish after getting pregnant by a Jew hoping your dad wouldn't find out. But being the cuck that he is he just got a tear in his eye and started believing from day one.
what if this is a sneaky jew scam again. Greta makes everyone hate the work against climate change and instead becoming proud of destroying it. resulting in a shitload of climate migrants controlled by the jews
She's just a piece of West fuck meat for the eyes
Half men want to fuck it
Real men want to smash it away
She is a leftist prop pig
Some people made it there business model to flood europe with third worlders. Destroy there business model and you will automatically destroy mass immigration.
They can't get here on their own and even if they did, they would not be able to enter our societies on their own. We enable them to do that.
The syrian conflict is an excuse to bring these people here. Just like the climate is going to be used as another excuse for the same thing.
The excuses however are not the actual problem. You don't have to invest a single second or dime into trying to fix them.
I'm actually confused how a Jow Forumstard appearantly unironically falls for this.
Maybe she'll get Muslim'd hard.