America is destroying the west

>export hollywood degeneracy to every country in the world
>export negro culture to every country in the world
>export pornography and whore culture to every country in the world
>export multiculti "nation of immigrants" culture to every country in the world
>export "Based Israel vs Terrorist Muslims" false dichotomy choice to every other country
>constantly inculcate foreign youth through propaganda that everything American is cool and if you want to be cool you have to employ these themes
>Spend billions of dollars protecting Israel from the inevitable destruction it would face from its neighbours otherwise
>Point the finger and laugh at those countries when they're subverted by your own treachery

Americans will defend this. Your Country is responsible for the absolute state of the West.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Been telling this for years.

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>names crimes of Jews
>It's America's fault
hurr durrr kys

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they use us as attack dogs, if you haven't realized.
law, politics, military, and "education"


The sad thing is the public is brainwashed to support atrocities, thus the citizens are partially responsible.

Why do you harbour and protect these vile criminals? You will always brag about how you're number 1 but when it comes to the degenerate things you're number 1 in suddenly it's jews or black people's fault. Americans are incapable of admitting their faults.

Your whole country watches and adores hollywood movies and hiphop music videos, these things are as American as they are Jewish.

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>be OP
>find a heroine needle on the ground
>shove it into arm
>"I bet the jews did this."

Nice reading comprehension retard. It's more like the coolest kid on the block continually selling heroin to kids telling them it's candy and then blaming the kids when they get addicted.

You are exporting degenerate garbage to infest the minds of foreign youth who look up to you, and then you abuse them when they turn out fucked up. Very sick behaviour

True, America is the root of all that is rotting our societies.

TL:DR - Cry harder you literal retard. Later.

The fuck you talking about, you must have smoked to much fucking maple syrup.

America is the west.

>too many words, fuck you
how illustrative

>Jews are destroying the west


>America is the west
So why are you trying to destroy other western countries

Why do you give sanctuary to these Jews?

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Nope, it's the crime of American society, where money rules. Degeneracy sells. It's easy and it's fun.

Trump isn’t trying to destroy the west. He’s trying to destroy the world.

but you are the vessel that serves the demon, don't you understand that allready you pigheaded mongrel?

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>a genuinely based leafpost

Whoa, not something you see everyday. Well done.

>t. kike

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I don't believe Trump's intent is as nefarious as it is out of pure greed and addiction to power. He knows that the easiest way to maintain his interests is to align with those of Israel. He is dangerous but only because he has no relevant motivations beyond his own interests.

This shouldn't be surprising as he as always been an unabashed Zionist

Attached: 2004Salute to Israel Parade.jpg (710x473, 157K)

Zionist and a narcissist, rather.

what kind of pilpul is this op?

Hitler is literally the reason why colonialism ended and non-whites are in Europe in the first place.

At least for every country that's not France.

It isn't pilpul, and clearly you don't even know what that word means, and are just regurgitating it because you heard it on Jow Forums a few times and everything you say is rote.

Do you have a refutation, an explanation, or anything that is more than simply you struggling with the lack of a downvote feature?

Fuck the law.
Quite literally. The aim is not getting caught.

America is a Jewish nation.

There is a reason why people who grew up in the USSR are so adept at doing whatever they wish without consequence.

America is not Western and has never been Western. It has absolutely no connection to Western traditions.

>Hitler is literally the reason why colonialism ended and non-whites are in Europe in the first place.
False. The British elite were already planning to decolonize even before the first world war

They've never even tried to hide it

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>America is the problem
>its actually the Jews
>why do YOU give sanctuary to these jews?
It is pilpul, you are endlessly arguing, and in favor for kikes apparently. Also you seem to not realize that kikes run every white nation, but you put blame on America? You think Americans have been running the country? And the reason we have done nothing about the kikes is the same reason you have done nothing about the kikes, why germany, france, russia have done nothing about kikes. thousands of years of brainwashing. Do you have anything to say that isn't "board culture"?

Also, that is not an olive branch, it is a Hadass, a Jewish ritual myrtle branch.

>you are endlessly arguing, and in favor for kikes apparently
I've made simple statement of truth with the assumption that Americans would defend it, which you are doing. No part of my statement is pro-Jewish, what a retarded thing to assume.
>Also you seem to not realize that kikes run every white nation, but you put blame on America?
America is the one exporting the problems mentioned in the OP, and you're the primary reason why Israel is allowed to continue existing. This is you shifting the blame again, I've already stated that America has the cultural monopoly on modernity and propagandizes other countries to copy it.
>You think Americans have been running the country?
So Americans lack agency? how can you be the greatest country in the world if you aren't even in control of your own actions? How do you have freedom and yet no free will?
>And the reason we have done nothing about the kikes is the same reason you have done nothing about the kikes, why germany, france, russia have done nothing about kikes
You are the only country with a constitutional right to arm, organize and defend yourselves against tyranny. Germany and Russia don't own Hollywood and they don't export negro culture. Stop passing the buck.
>Do you have anything to say that isn't "board culture"?
That doesn't even make sense.

What you're doing right now is actual pilpul, you're doing everything you can to avoid addressing the actual problem.

This thread will die young because all the burgers are in other threads talking about how based they are.

If they do post in this thread it will be memes about Canada to cope

Op is not a fag

I agree it’s greed with him. It’s unforgivable he’s trying to spread leftist ideology like “pride” to even the most religious countries. It’s totalitarian. No one will have choices soon.

>I've made simple statement of truth with the assumption that Americans would defend it, which you are doing. No part of my statement is pro-Jewish, what a retarded thing to assume.
You have not made a truthful statement, and I have not defended it. All of the problems in the op are the result of jews, you are doing everything you can to avoid addressing the actual problem.
>America is the one exporting the problems mentioned in the OP, and you're the primary reason why Israel is allowed to continue existing. This is you shifting the blame again, I've already stated that America has the cultural monopoly on modernity and propagandizes other countries to copy it.
Kike owned nation, sharing its filth with other kiked nations. Christians, and no one doing anything about kikes is the reason Israel is allowed to continue existing. American culture is Jewish culture, If actual American culture was forced onto other nations we would all be living off of the land. A little obvious, but you put blame on America, not jews.
>So Americans lack agency? how can you be the greatest country in the world if you aren't even in control of your own actions? How do you have freedom and yet no free will?
America was founded as the Military branch of freemasonry. Americans lack agency, do you think we voted to fill our nation with shitskins?? nope, its the kikes doing. Same in all white nations including canada. We do not have freedom, "America is the greatest country in the world" If you repeat a lie enough times it becomes truth.
>You are the only country with a constitutional right to arm, organize and defend yourselves against tyranny. Germany and Russia don't own Hollywood and they don't export negro culture. Stop passing the buck.
So that's your excuse as to why no one is doing anything about kikes? So it's up to America only? What, the 37% of whites left here? Kikes own and created hollywood, AND were the slave masters. It's all kikes.

>What you're doing right now is actual pilpul, you're doing everything you can to avoid addressing the actual problem.
America is the most enslaved nation in all of histroy, and its because of kikes. You are too obvious.

>It's not our fault that we're willing slaves
I don't understand your point. The way you're framing this makes it sound like Americans are the weakest minded and most servile people in the world. It's obviously kikes. The problem here is that you have willingly become a massive and unstoppable machine that is destroying the world much faster than would be possible without you. If an idiot is willing to serve a dangerous cause, he is not absolved o responsibility by his stupidity. Americans are not down-syndromed.
>So that's your excuse as to why no one is doing anything about kikes?
Because every time a country tries to do that the US military shows up to "install democracy". Sadam Hussein tried to unkike his country. Gaddafi tried to unkike his country. Hitler tried to unkike his country. Iran unkiked their country and now you hate them. Countless other examples. The next person who tries to do the same will share their fate, hunted down and killed by bloodthirsty Americans. Nobody can successfully liberate themselves from Jewish hegemony because you will step in on their behalf and fuck up their country for the next 30+ years.

America has to go first before anyone else will even stand a chance.

>America is the most enslaved nation in all of histroy, and its because of kikes. You are too obvious.
You're willing slaves though, and a slave who is told to kill for his master has still committed a crime. Fuck off with this dindu nuffin trite, you're the first ones the blame the citizens of other countries for their downfall.

You really messed up this time shill. If you're going to try and slide real conversations while at the same time causing infighting. You don't want to post the same picture in every thread you go to or at least use a fucking proxy
pic related: notice flag HAHAAAHAAHAHA

thread: nice try kike

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>endless pilpul

>waaah you posted the same image twice
You can't refute the image and you can't refute my posts. Just because it's an inconvenient truth doesn't mean it's being pushed on you or intended to sew discord. This is a serious issue that you don't want to talk about, because of the cognitive dissonance. Surely America could never do any harm in your eyes. If I was posting mindlessly pro-American propaganda that wasn't even factual you wouldn't be calling me a shill, you would be calling me based and redpilled.

I wouldn't even try to obfuscate my posts because I don't have an agenda, I have a topic that people like you will do anything to shut down, and screaming shill is the first thing you will always go to when you don't like the subject matter, because you can't refute me.

It's exactly this kind of behaviour that proves how much damage Jews have done to your brain. Refute me, contribute, or fuck off.

And of course you've given up. Refute:
>Because every time a country tries to do that the US military shows up to "install democracy". Sadam Hussein tried to unkike his country. Gaddafi tried to unkike his country. Hitler tried to unkike his country. Iran unkiked their country and now you hate them. Countless other examples. The next person who tries to do the same will share their fate, hunted down and killed by bloodthirsty Americans. Nobody can successfully liberate themselves from Jewish hegemony because you will step in on their behalf and fuck up their country for the next 30+ years.

You're both pathetic, claiming to be independent yet still arguing in favour of your Jewish masters. Refute me or fuck off, you are the actual shills here.

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Absolutely seething brainlet post

I already refuted you kike filth.
>Because every time a country tries to do that the US military shows up to "install democracy". Sadam Hussein tried to unkike his country. Gaddafi tried to unkike his country. Hitler tried to unkike his country. Iran unkiked their country and now you hate them. Countless other examples. The next person who tries to do the same will share their fate, hunted down and killed by bloodthirsty Americans. Nobody can successfully liberate themselves from Jewish hegemony because you will step in on their behalf and fuck up their country for the next 30+ years.
Hussein, Gaddafi, and Iran are all in the way of kikes getting greater israel, which is the reason they were attacked, Iraq, Lybia, and Iran were already kike free.
>You're both pathetic, claiming to be independent yet still arguing in favour of your Jewish masters. Refute me or fuck off, you are the actual shills here.
More pathetic pilupl from the mixed race pedophile, at no point did I argue in favor of kikes, at no point did I claim America to be independent. shill harder.

>Hussein, Gaddafi, and Iran are all in the way of kikes getting greater israel, which is the reason they were attacked, Iraq, Lybia, and Iran were already kike free.
Israel doesn't stand a chance without America. You didn't refute anything.

No matter how many times you misuse that word it will not apply. When you make a non-argument and I refute it, that is not pilpul, it's imperative for dialectic. My argument is that America needs to be dismantled to stop the Jewish hegemony and your response is "shut up shill it's not our fault we're controlled by jews".

America rules the world economically, culturally, and militarily. The other kiked countries (which have been made easier to kike through importing American culture) do not have anywhere near the influence or control that America has.

I honestly don't understand your argument here. If I had a pitbull that bit every child that walked by my house, the dog would be put down just as well as I would be punished. You are Israel's pitbull, just because you are stupid does not mean you are not guilty. You're kicking and screaming right now because you know I'm right.

Don't forget export circumcision, which is really just a violent sex crime.

The same group is fucking up your country faggot
>they are not Americans

In fact your country is way more fucked up than our... explain that? You won't even be able to afford to eat soon.

>mixed race pedophile
apropos of nothing. might this be projection? tell us more about yourself. what a bizarre thing to assume about someone unprovokedly. You can always tell someone is trying to shut it down when they resort to tactics like this, trying to paint me as some sort of monster instead of formulating an argument.

Poor attempt at deflection. Want to try an argument?

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So much seethe, such fragility

hey mister high and mighty flying the leaf flag? YOUR country of canada? even MORE jewed than USA you are bitching hava MORE immigrants, MORE degeneracy, MORE feminism... also? canada sends troops to EVERY war america fights...a cnadian sniper held/holds record for longest kill...
looks like YOU are a "slave guilty of killing for the master" as well. How now, brown cow?

>Israel doesn't stand a chance without America. You didn't refute anything.
more pilpul
>No matter how many times you misuse that word it will not apply. When you make a non-argument and I refute it, that is not pilpul, it's imperative for dialectic. My argument is that America needs to be dismantled to stop the Jewish hegemony and your response is "shut up shill it's not our fault we're controlled by jews".
more pilupl, your argument is that America is destroying the west, which is not true, it's your tribe. If kikes were dead, that influence wouldn't exist, but would persist in a different nation. Your tribe still runs the world economy out of the UK, did American influence lead to the EU? no it was kike influence. Christianity has been around alot longer than the USA and has done alot more damage but you rather what, kill Americans than your own tribe for what they have done?
You don't understand because you are a lying mixed race pedophile who is hell bent on the destruction of amalek. Im just pointing out how your argument is incorrect. All kikes should be exterminated.

The Jewnited snakes of Abyss is just the successor to the Judeo-British Empire. Its collapse will be much messier though.

yeah, i didnt thnk your shill-sheet had a response to that...

Hows the view from the cheap seats, asshole? Go fuck yourself and leave the running of the planet to the adults.

why is every image 404'd when I click on it

>no u
As expected. Is Canada responsible for Hollywood, Negro culture, most of the worlds porn and propaganda? Is Canada solely responsible for the continuance of Israel? All you know is deflection.

>everything I can't deny is pilpul
You're really bad at making a case for yourself.
>If kikes were dead, that influence wouldn't exist, but would persist in a different nation
Every time somebody tries to de-kike their country you kill them or fuck up their economy.
>Your tribe still runs the world economy out of the UK
I'm not a kike, I've quite clearly stated I'm against what they're doing and that they're the root of the problem. America however, has encased this root in protective concrete and set up a defensive barrier to kill anyone who tries to pull it out of the ground. The UK has far less influence over the world than America does, in every single way. Their day was done a long time ago, and once again you try to pass the buck.
>Christianity has been around alot longer than the USA and has done alot more damage but you rather what, kill Americans
Never said anything about killing Americans, I simply believe America should balkanize to eliminate the kikes' ability to use you as a weapon, as should all large and dangerous nations.
>You don't understand because you are a lying mixed race pedophile
Again with this bizarre accusation apropos of nothing. Why would you assume either of those out of the blue? It screams projection. You have nothing.

As expected

Things are being shut down

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could this possibly be related to TRUMP and the new UK prime minister BORIS JOHNSON ?

Many complaints about America stems from Hollywood, a jewish creation. We are going to get rid of them and the entire movie industry soon. Forgive me leaf, but these things take time. Many things in history take patience and time to accomplish. This is one of them.

or the*
more like Mueller or Project Veritas reveals

>>Point the finger and laugh at those countries when they're subverted by your own treachery
Why don't you just refuse to comply then? Leaf poster is right, you know. Just the fact that I, a simple resident och the caliphate of Cuckistan, is here speaking english to you says a lot. It should have been german.... it should have been german :((((

>brainwash foreign students in your universities only to send them back as marxist agents to destroy those countries from the inside

I sincerely hope you remove the manifestation of Moloch that is Hollywood. I'm sorry so many people in your country are trying to fight for the wrong side, as I am sorry for the political ignorance and shitposting of my compatriots. We're in this together buddy.

adding this to the list, very good point.

nice point kocsog

America IS the west and is entitled to destroy every bit of it or do with it whatever it desires. Unfortunately, America is decreasingly America with each passing day.

>entitled to destroy every bit of it or do with it whatever it desires
The kikes have taught you well, this is the "chosen" people's exact sentiment

They're a jewish state after all.

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I think you mean (((America)))

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the jews are doing it
the american politician gets
that money that gets given
to israel. its a money laundering
scheme if you have not noticed.

>Every time somebody tries to de-kike their country you kill them or fuck up their economy.
we haven't done that, and I refuted the examples you brought up, we would be boots on the ground in Palestine if that were the case.
>I'm not a kike, I've quite clearly stated I'm against what they're doing and that they're the root of the problem. America however, has encased this root in protective concrete and set up a defensive barrier to kill anyone who tries to pull it out of the ground. The UK has far less influence over the world than America does, in every single way. Their day was done a long time ago, and once again you try to pass the buck.
not passing the buck at all, just giving you an example, which you refuse to see, because you are a kike. The Rothschilds are still in charge.
> I simply believe America should balkanize to eliminate the kikes' ability to use you as a weapon, as should all large and dangerous nations.
more pilpul, you keep presenting new arguments, and have nothing to back them up with. It's your tribe.
>Again with this bizarre accusation apropos of nothing. Why would you assume either of those out of the blue? It screams projection. You have nothing.
I'm spelling out kike to you

>y-your a jew
And at that we've reached the extent of your ability to argue. You can't refute anything, you just deny it and call it pilpul, a word you still clearly don't understand the definition of, and are merely trying to use Jow Forums approved buzzwords to shut me down. Keep telling yourself that America is not the Jew's weapon of choice in the world and keep telling yourself that you have no ability to stop them from using you as such.

gg faggot, and by that I mean GOOD GOY

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also i just noticed your ID has Z0G in it, how apt.

Kikes have nothing to do with it. Your point of view is one of wanting because you're irrelevant.

>Kikes have nothing to do with it
who could possibly make such a statement

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I've refuted everything you tried kike, and what you have been doing IS pilpul, endless debate, constantly moving goal posts. I actually told YOU that America was founded as the military branch of freemasonry, just the examples you provided were garbage. Try harder you mixed race pedophile, every single one of you kikes is going to die.

yeah America is shit.
You could have ended this in 1812 though, so everything is your fault, fucking Leaf.

Calling it pilpul is not a refutation, you haven't refuted a god damn thing, because everything I've stated is objective and irrefutable, and I have not deviated from my original statement once, so the goalposts have remained rigidly in place. You're the only one trying to derail, talking about the UK and Christianity and everything but the actual topic.
>endless debate
That's what happens when you keep making non-arguments for me to point out
>I actually told YOU
you have no authority

I'll make this very simple, since you're clearly retarded:
>Jews run America
>America runs the world
>no American influence
>no Jewish hegemony

>Try harder you mixed race pedophile
I'm 100% convinced now that this is projection. The only reason this would e your go to insult is if it would be effective on you. You have nothing, and you're not only defending it as I predicted, but you're also positing that nobody has a choice and we're all going to be owned by kikes regardless, which is a Jewish supremacist viewpoint.

Guess how I know what your next post will contain

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>Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty

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>Americans are not guilty of their crimes for they have been enslaved
I bet you wouldn't apply this logic to black people

>Calling it pilpul is not a refutation, you haven't refuted a god damn thing, because everything I've stated is objective and irrefutable, and I have not deviated from my original statement once, so the goalposts have remained rigidly in place.
First it was America is destroying the west, then it was pointed out that it was your tribe, next you went to why does the USA give sanctuary to your tribe? When given the answer, you refuse it and still put blame on America and not the kikes doing it. Then you just flatout lie with strawmans and say you haven't been refuted. Then you change your argument to America needs to be dismantled to stop the jewish hegemony. Then you double down on being a mixed race pedophile, which is another way of calling you a kike which you refuse to grasp. Now I have no authority, as if I implied I did. Kikes run America, Kikes run the world, no American Influence, wouldn't make a difference. Ill say it again, all kikes need to be exterminated, and they will be.

try harder kike

>When given the answer
You gave no answer, you deflected. Why does America give sanctuary to these Jews?
>you refuse it and still put blame on America and not the kikes doing it
I've already stated it's the kikes, I'm wondering why America allows itself to be used as a weapon, something you're denying which is honestly the first time I've ever heard anybody try to do on all my years on this board. Your claim Americans have no responsibility in the matter because Jewish hegemony is ubiquitous is actual pilpul.
>your tribe
Why would a jew be trying to disarm the jews? You know you're aware of your own wretchedness when the worst thing you can think of to call someone is yourself.
>Then you change your argument to America needs to be dismantled
That wasn't changing my argument, that was my response to your accusation that I want to kill Americans.
>Then you double down on being a mixed race pedophile
You really need to stop projecting, you're getting more desperate with the ad homs as we progress
>Now I have no authority, as if I implied I did
Pretending your opinion is gospel is in fact claiming authority.
>Kikes run America, Kikes run the world, no American Influence, wouldn't make a difference.
Israel would be steamrolled without America and there would be no Holywood, negro culture, mass produced racemixing pornography among others.

Israel is a man. He is not dangerous by himself. A man in a tank however, may wreak havoc while rendering himself practically invulnerable. America is a tank.

Your entire post is actual, categorical pilpul, no wonder you keep using that word so much, it's always the Jew's instinct to project. You have no leg to stand on and your shilling is very transparent. Go be a filthy jew somewhere else, you're embarrassing yourself and you've done nothing but prove me correct.

You're defending it.

Attached: 1558865114647.jpg (336x375, 64K)

When a product or cultural product is exported, you aren't compelled to import it.

Colonialism is the reason non-whites are in Europe.

>How the fuck does subversion work
Almost nobody in the world outside of this board and the Islamic sphere is going to say "no way I'm watching that Hollywood movie that's been forced into my country, it's definitely Jewish propaganda". You're sneaky like the illegal migrants swarming your border. Are you importing those people, or simply not doing enough to stop them? It costs nothing for a country to import media, which is why you kikes use such mediums. Hollywood, Hiphop videos, and pornography are not imported by the countries you force them upon as they cost nothing.

What you're doing is classic Jewish psychology.

>As expected. Is Canada responsible for Hollywood, Negro culture, most of the worlds porn and propaganda? Is Canada solely responsible for the continuance of Israel? All you know is deflection.
canadians all sound like little kids "wahhh... america bad... all america fault.." and YOU guys are twice as "woke" as america, you have worse immigration and feminism problems... you live in a glass house, asshole. YOU fuckers "exported" universal healthcare HERE, all i heard was "well canada can do it... well canada has it...". you should worry a little more about your own country, going to shit on YOUR WATCH, and quit worrying about american politics.

Is it actual federal law now? How does it fare with the 1st amendment?

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>blaming Canada
As usual. Always so fragile, what an emotional and retarded post. I can almost hear your voice cracking through the disjointed and angry nature of your text.

>You gave no answer, you deflected. Why does America give sanctuary to these Jews?
Endless brainwashing, as I said earlier. Via mass media, and Christianity.
>I've already stated it's the kikes, I'm wondering why America allows itself to be used as a weapon, something you're denying which is honestly the first time I've ever heard anybody try to do on all my years on this board. Your claim Americans have no responsibility in the matter because Jewish hegemony is ubiquitous is actual pilpul.
There is another strawman, 3rd time ill say it, The USA was founded as the military branch of freemasonry, which is judaisim. more pilpul from you
>Why would a jew be trying to disarm the jews? You know you're aware of your own wretchedness when the worst thing you can think of to call someone is yourself.
>That wasn't changing my argument, that was my response to your accusation that I want to kill Americans.
I didn't accuse you of that, I asked you if that is what you wanted.
>You really need to stop projecting, you're getting more desperate with the ad homs as we progress
you are a mixed race pedophile
>Pretending your opinion is gospel is in fact claiming authority.
strawman, never did that.
>Israel would be steamrolled without America
No one is stopping anyone from destroying israel except for kikes.
> there would be no Holywood, negro culture, mass produced racemixing pornography among others.
no hollywood sure, but those other things are from your tribe and you tried that in germany and russia without american influence.
>Your entire post is actual, categorical pilpul, no wonder you keep using that word so much, it's always the Jew's instinct to project. You have no leg to stand on and your shilling is very transparent. Go be a filthy jew somewhere else, you're embarrassing yourself and you've done nothing but prove me correct.
embarrassing projection

>How does it fare with the 1st amendment?
(((they))) have a law that basically cant be enforced; they try to USE it? it goes to the supreme court on appeal, and gets gutted. Thank GOD we have a constitution, such as it is.

>As usual. Always so fragile, what an emotional and retarded post. I can almost hear your voice cracking through the disjointed and angry nature of your text.
dont flatter yourself... you sound like a shill following a shill-sheet... meaning, you only have several responses and opinions, and use them in a circular fashion. Its transparent and weak. Enjoy your delusions of grandeur.

>The USA was founded as the military branch of freemasonry, which is judaisim
>the USA is the weapon of the jew
>the USA is not the weapon of the jew
Are you schizophrenic or just really bad with dialectic continuity? You're very prone to contradicting yourself and at this point it's impossible to tell what you position is other than try to shut me down.
You really need to learn what those words mean
>I didn't accuse you of that, I asked you if that is what you wanted.
You were begging the question, which is always done to establish a false premise.
>you are a mixed race pedophile
he screamed into the mirror for the fifth time. Protip retard, insults only work on those they apply to, the fact that you keep thinking it's going to hurt my feelings proves it describes you succinctly.
>No one is stopping anyone from destroying israel except for kikes.
Then explain the American presence in the Middle East
>but those other things are from your tribe and you tried that in germany and russia without american influence.
I didn't realize Germany and Russia were the progenitors of Blacked porn and Hip Hop
>embarrassing projection
>n-n-n-no u!!1
You're the dumbest Jew I've ever had the misfortune of interacting with

another emotional post devoid of substance

>but those other things are from your tribe and you tried that in germany and russia without american influence.
Curiously the former two failed

America is Babylon


>stop complaining goy your suffering is inevitable

This so much fucking this

Attached: whocoulditbe.jpg (1500x1001, 599K)

We must first remove Jews from politics and then Society.

Attached: 1560767325308.jpg (640x610, 43K)

Just the Cultural Marxist that's financing this bullshit agenda.