- Do you use sunscreen?
- No, we have a motto "It's better to be red than white"
- Do you use sunscreen?
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26 C here now, unbearable
bitch gonna get sun burned. Nords and snowniggers have to use sun cream
The red eventually goes away and then it's a tan.
Skin cancer will sort them out.
There's a "Burn the coal pay the toll" joke in there somewhere but I'm too lazy to work it out
sickly pale anglos and kikes get skincancer, the sun hates them. aryans just get golden
it fucks your skin that way and makes you look older. I don't use suncream but I'm med-slav mutt so I don't get red
wasn't supposed to be some heat wave up there?
25 here now its crazy hot. At least is cloudy today.
>melanoma has entered the chat
Based. Evolution is rigged against us n*rdcucks.
Tfw 4 am 32 degrees and 91% humidity
that's two fake blondes. the sun knows.
Git gud
I live in the south-west of France, 44°C yesterday
This white woman is 40
>Do you use sunscreen?
>direct sun light
pic one
Better DEAD than RED.
No clouds here. I almost fell to the ground from the intense heat blast when I went outside.
Friday it's supposed to be 28C
Due to Global Warming, they will not be a "white race" in the next 100 years. People are getting even more yellowish at this time.
35 here im dying
Its middle of winter here and we had 26c today.
Toughen up you faggot.
>Global Warming
>Give me your money Goy and Il save you.
Fuck off Commie.
No, we fucking DON'T.
Sunscreens are estrogen-filled toxins that DO absorb into the skin. The block you from producing vitamin D and block all the other endorphins the sun helps produce.
If you have a good, hearty diet with lots of good saturated fats (lard, butter, coconut oil, eggs, etc.) than you won't need sunscreen.
I use to burn and peel with 30 minutes in the sun. Since adopting the paleo diet, I've not burned one time. (I still get red before the tan, but it neither stings nor peels.)
>t. Freezes to death at 10°C
Normally I don't. But supposedly it also protects you from UV so i might start
F or C?
Sauerland, Germany here.
I'm wearing a shirt and socks, it's quite nice. Maybe a bit too cold.
It gets down lower then that at night.
Well lets hope they traitors like these die from skin cancer
Fucking fake made-up language bullshit
oh God, I thought it was hot here
It was like that yesterday here too. Btw I was wrong it is already 21 now.
fuck off drunk russ i am going to rape Your ass so hard you cant walk after it
tfw forgot sunscreen 2 months ago and got a sunburn on my arms thats still sorta there. when does that shit go away completely?
Im waiting
I have strong potatonigger genes so I can't go outside for more than 10 minutes on a sunny day without turning into a broiled lobster. I still prefer the sunburned look to being sickly pale. At least then I can pass as a normie instead of looking like a basement dwelling incel that never goes outside.
Aussies are the ultimate shitlords. You might as well just take antarctica, you need all the uninhabitable land you can get.
Greenhouse effect will decrease amount of solar radiation reaching ground.
Checkmate nigs
I try to because I hate getting those damn melanomas, disgusting to look at. Other than that I'm happy to receive Vitamin D.
Interestingly enough I've found a similar thing, I was out in the sun all day working on a very hot very sunny day, I got heatstroke, but my skin went red, peeled a tiny bit, then tanned over the course of 2 or 3 days.
Seasonal eater here btw (vegetarian springs and summers) for reference
never used sunscreen and never got sunburned. and never knew anyone that did.
what up with mutts, is this some genetic mutation caused by mixing too many races in one body?
That's Meg Foster and she's 71 liar!!!
28 C here. A good weather to creep and ogle teenage girls in small shorts.
Loads of advertising and jewry is telling us to make children wear sunglasses at all times, as if their eyes aren't naturally made to be exposed to sunlight.
norwegian: interoptik.no
norwegian: tv2.no
english: duckduckgo.com
Why do they do this?
To make us fear nature? Etc?
>if you don't have eyes like these you ain't white
>white """people"""
yeah this is a funny meme that I'm glad doesn't really exist here. I see lobster people and just laugh at them. it's such a bizarre psychological feeling too because most people (e.g. asians) will literally carry umbrellas in public to maintain the most white skin they possibly can. well, western people are deranged and overdosed on marxist propaganda. but then again I guess "tanning" has been a meme "Hobby" since i don't know the 80s or some shit
yeah okay have a black stand in the sun without sun screen all day. brain dead
Who the fuck wants to be white lmao
Why would you want to be the guys getting cucked?
Fuck you nigs this thread was so comfy
i think every race right now is the most cucked in all of their histories. everyone is enslvaed to globalist markets and everyone is just a cuck consumer. whites just get the most propaganda because whites are the most resistant to this and thus need as much focus as possible to domesticate them.
These girlz get fucked by bbc
>bulgarian flag
I'm noticing a trend here. So if you're not white, what are you doing in Bulgaria? I'm giving you the option to expand your larp here so do not disappoint.
Men who are against Babylon will start hitting lone women and elders out in public with bricks and rocks soon.
Attacks of opportunity.
If law enforcement are rallied to try to crack down on it (which surely they will be) their homes will burn and their women and children will die screaming.
Sunscreen kills the local waterlife
based. hate all these people unable to get glowing golden skin trying to gaslight the rest of us into thinking pale sickly ghost skin is better
Isn't it shocking that a subhuman balkanshit that has booming gypsy and turkish population talks of cuckolding
I live here. I'm traditionally white, but not Jow Forumstardedly white. You know, the shitskin mudblood bronze god variety of European.
Isn't it shocking how unfit for life northerners are :D
>I'm traditionally white, but not Jow Forumstardedly white
You're going to have to explain. White = native European. It's as simple as that.
Sunburn only happens when the skin isn't tan enough. We are supposed to get sunlight every day, making the skin more sun-prepared for each moment spent in the sun.
This is what's natural for us with light skin, and tha's why we should do it. Bad things happens when you do unnatural things.
Recipe for sunburns: Sit inside all spring. Go out for a day in cooking hot summer sun.
>Bulgarians that couldn't even free themselves of the turks talks of being unfit for life
62% ethnic Bulgarian and decreasing.
Once Northern European nations are getting mongrelised and lose their demographic supermajority, this planet is over
You are disgusting. I fully support turkish conquest of burglaria now.
retarded meme life. if northerners are so "unfit for life" how did they conquer the planet? only reason they aren't mastering it right now is due to successive hits of propaganda which has to be renewed every single day at greater and greater levels in order to keep them passive consumers and domesticated farm animals on the globalist plantation. retard gypsy braindead subhuman
you are one weak bitch
Actually tan is literally scar tissue. Some people just get injured when they spend more than 30 minutes in the sun.
Incidentally, those people only need 30 minutes of sunlight to get the needed vitamin. Its almost as if these people are bred to live in mudhuts in the snow up north and they shouldn't do suicide missions on the Mediterranean coast.
They're just attacking us biologically. They want to set the precedent that you're biologically defective and so you need all the Jews' shit to function, and without the Jews' shit (principlally vaccines), you'll die a horrid death because you're weak.
>whites just get the most propaganda because whites are the most resistant to this and thus need as much focus as possible to domesticate them.
This is true. All other races are already cucked way more.
more like DONGerdag
Go back to the forest Finn
>Actually tan is literally scar tissue. Some people just get injured when they spend more than 30 minutes in the sun
Yes, because they haven't gotten enough sun beforehand.
>White = native European.
Roaches from below the black line have subhuman nigger, turkic and gypsy ancestry
>if northerners are so "unfit for life" how did they conquer the planet?
Coal was closer to the surface there. I don't care why, lmao. What do I care if the plantation owners in Brazil and India were anglos or slavs?
I care that I can go to the beech and not melt, because I am not allergic to the everyday conditions on planet Earth.
Holy shit are nordics actually this retarded? That's how you get skin cancer
What the fuck. Crazy bitches want skin cancer. I thought white people were smart.
>the "i need chemical supplements to walk outside" line
Tanning causes skin cancer.
Ages you. All that UV radiation from the sun.
Kikes brainwashing you to off yourself. And milking you from sun screen. They always maneuver to control all your options.
Leave him alone. He's my grandma.
stick a nigger in the sun all day and see the end result. he will be burned the same as anyone else. you aren't getting burned from the fucking light of the sun you're getting burned from UV beams. okay but why am I wasting any time on this
kek 26 C is nothing snownigger, here we have 36 degrees and I'm wearing a suit fot work
>one gets injured in 30 minutes
>the other gets injured in 3 hours
>"its the same"
No, its not the same, you albinonigger. Its several hundred percent difference.
The tanning generations have aged better than the generations before them. Most never get skin cancer. You're peddling alarmism that blows the problem completely out of proportion.
She should have never abandoned Skeletor like she did. Coward bitch.
There's a pretty steady line of increase between darker skin and increased sun related skin conditions, as they are less likely to protect themself from the sun.
Snow reflects light, user.
It's been in the 90s this whole week here, stop complaining you fags.
My shoulders are covered in tiny blisters from sunburn right now. Shit sucks fren.
oh i surely would help the qt on left with my cream
You mad bro?
I don't use sunscreen. Sunscreen is probably onions too. I just don't spend so many hours in sun that I'd burn. Also not good to spend too much time in the sun, it damages your skin whether you burn or not.
All I have to do is not be out in the sun in t-shirt from 10 AM to 4 PM in June when I still have absolutely no tan. After 2-3 days I have tan and can be all day outside without burning.
Still better use sunscreen. Skin cancer sucks. Lotion leaves supple skin too. Take care of yourself.
Oh burgers, not knowing the differnce between K,F and C the only thing they associate those 3 letters with is their favorite fried food and their pet niggers.
total fucking lie. there's nothing that ages your face worse than sunlight.
You guys up there invented hats and clothes yet?
These are awesome dude, they will make you immune to the sun. I hope you catch up soon.