Why is maintaining population growth in western countries seen with such urgency? The black plague killed huge chunks of the population but in doing so increased the value skilled labour and the value of women, creating essentially what we know as western civilization.
Why is maintaining population growth in western countries seen with such urgency...
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White people need to stop having kids because of the environment. At the same time we are told we need immigrants because white people are not having enough children. It is a socially engineered voluntary genocide.
Because every human-thing worth more-more when less slaves!
Leftists trash put every country into debt due to entitlement programs, which were based on population growth forecasts. The government and entitlements programs need population growth rates near the baby boomer levels; otherwise the whole entitlement ponzi scam collapses.
I have a theory about this, but no hard evidence.
I speculate that in the world of international finance, countries, including the U.S., can borrow money at an interest rate based on its credit rating, including historical GDP, and that population growth is a mathematical component of that credit rating.
That's the only way I can rationally explain why "first world countries" are so desperate for population growth.
You think some modification of rates might be easier than replacing you population.
I think you're right to a degree. The current system is essentially a Ponzi scheme and each generation passes the burden of their livelihood onto the next generation. Each generation is larger than the last (until now) so there was never a problem with this. Now that there is less livelihood because it was all transferred to china and Saudi Arabia. There is also less population growth, so more burden. Whoever is left with the bill is going to be pissed. I think the immigration scramble is a last ditch effort to rekindle the flame, but third worlders aren't exactly stepping in line like the elite had expected. More people are realizing that the current working people are going to be the ones depending on the dying system right when we're getting too old to effectively work, thus right as we're needing it the most. Thus clownworld ensues.
At least that's my head cannon.
>and that population growth is a mathematical component of that credit rating
Almost. Population growth ensures growing consumerism, in theory at least. Of course, a population growth mainly composed of less intelligent and thus easily manipulated demographics will give a better guarantee of high consumerism, especially if this demographic is further sponsored via redistribution. The spice must flow.
Because western economies are all kike pyramid schemes that depend upon constant growth or they will collapse.
>aren't exactly stepping in line like the elite had expected
Not sustainably but that was only a lie sold to the political "elites" by the true master, the (((banking sector))). It is all about "artificially" increasing the money flow ... from tax payer to state, from state to stupid gibz sandniggers, from sandniggers to companies, from company tax to state. An endless cycle ... but the Ostküstenjude cuts off his share with every single transaction, political influence from controlling this flow aside. The Ponzi scheme will crash but until that point on can still maximize profits. Risk will be carried by the now mostly worthless populace anyway.
because jews want endless economic growth, and population growth is an easy way to ensure that
>More people are realizing that the current working people are going to be the ones depending on the dying system right when we're getting too old to effectively work, thus right as we're needing it the most. Thus clownworld ensues.
>At least that's my head cannon.
This is why I refuse to fall for the shekel Jew
Make enough to not die
Acquire tools
Weapons are tools
Kill them all, mercy has to come from Jesus
Maybe. It's still your tax money being funneled for their free blowjobs. After your money is out, they're a worthless investment since they aren't producing, even in meager roles.
Kind of extreme, but okay.
Don't need to. The banks know the game is over soon, there is NO. FUCKING. WAY! of salvaging the economy of Europe/US and most likely due to cascading catastrophic failure the rest of the world by this point. Our system is a rotting, bloated carcass carried forward by its own sheer momentum. Some do actually hope the artificial growth/consumerism might push the whole shitshow through the worst until conditions do magically improve or some scapegoat hopefully suffers the brunt of the collapse. This is a delusion. The few who understand the parameters know well all there is to do now is squeeze as much juice out of this corpse as possible then somehow get those profits to "safety" (now THAT will be the next tricky step). The ship is sinking, there is nothing you can do about it ... might as well scratch the gold foil from the wall panels and get the fuck into the next life raft.
Not politically feasible. Try having a conversation with niggers, spics, cunts, and boomers about cutting their gibs. It will never happen. These people do not think long term.
The system will collapse, because the affirmative action subhumans take more out of the system than put in. Immigration will never be controlled, because the affirmative action subhumans see it as a way to attack white men and the USA.
There is no stopping the collapse... it is coming, but I don't know when.
>There is no stopping the collapse... it is coming, but I don't know when.
... and tomorrow belongs to me.
IDK what you mean at all re Saudi.
I think you're missing that this is about models on paper.
It's because people are afraid.
Students afraid to challenge their tutors - muh career.
Police are afraid to step out of line - muh pension.
Politicians afraid to use logic - muh power.
Public afraid of speaking truth - muh jail.
Every white man is taught to be afraid of his own shadow - muh nazi.
And so on..
to support boomers' retirement
capitalist pig dogs don't want to increase the value of people
I'd give you an A+, but last I checked China's economy is killing ours in the sector of pyramid scheme.
Care not... Man-things is food-food for Under Empire yes yes.
>increased the value skilled labour and the value of women, creating essentially what we know as western civilization.
You answered your own question, there are people who don't want that. They need cities full of people, so rent will be high and wages low. It's to create a population of slaves.
Banks need constant population increase to sustain themselves.
My thoughts exactly
The destabilization, subversion, and economic collapse/ crisis are all part of the Marxist's plan to takeover.
Where has all of saudi's sudden wealth come from?
Agreed. I feel crazy for recognizing it sometimes. But I really think shit is about to give. I just go with the flow though.
>The black plague killed huge chunks of the population but in doing so increased the value skilled labour and the value of women, creating essentially what we know as western civilization.
We are facing a different kind of Black Plague these days.
fractional reserve banking and lack of gold standard
current banking system is ponzi scheme and if you cant have constant GDP growth to make up for debt growth it will get hyperinflation and collapse
that's why you get all the migration.
kikes want to get rid of white people but dont want to get rid of income so you constantly hear about problem of overpopulation and problem of depopulation.
its because they need more people but they dont want you
> Our monetary system is a pyramid scam.
> It must grow, or collapse.
> Our social security system, is a pyramid scam.
> Our healthcare system, is a pyramid scam.
> Our pension system, is a pyramid scam.
They all require a growing population to function.
Like others have pointed out, it’s due to consumerism and the need to pay for the ponzi schemes used to sustain retirement funds/investors, also the debt economy and the fiat money used right now. A bunch of kikes and backstabbers at the top are getting ever richer while making das volk poorer; it’s a multi-pronged assault to submit white people to their control.
>Marxist takeover
It will fail. There is neither the political will nor the ideological conviction behind this as there was with the Soviet Union. All there is are greedy kikes and their useful idiots ... also, decades of propaganda against Marxist/Socialist (in case of Europe only Marxist or shock from actual exposure to Communism in Eastern Europe) have made sure that these ideas, at least without a heavy narrative veil, are not feasable in the "West". A true "worker's revolution" would be the only unifying factor allowing this ... but this the elites cannot allow as it would sweep away their little Ponzi scheme by default. The identity politics we witness today are, in contrast, inherently dividing ... they are great for disrupting dissent but not for establishing a "mass movement" aside from the few deluded fools and Moralapostel who are today not bound by religion anymore after God has been declared dead by general philosophy. You overestimate the kikes ... as for all human groups throughout history, they have clear restrictions on which strategy they may feasably run and which not.
>I feel crazy for recognizing it sometimes
So do I. Pic related ... but then it has a certain monstrous beauty to it.
>I just go with the flow though
Same here ... until new opportunities arise. I'll see this world burn one way or the other. Hope I can contribute my share to this.
That didn’t happen
Because the people currently in charge of the western world are opposed to western civilization. They've been telling you this to your face for decades.
>Western civilization must be deconstructed
Why would they want to recreate it?
Identity politics were created when people learned what was happening in Soviet Union. So Marxists had to adapt, so they found new oppressed class, which was the minorities, sexual deviants and women's rights. But communists always seek people who are possible to agitate into action, be it farmers, factory workers or natives angry at colonizers. Although now they try to stop people from taking action, as they hold the seats of power, this is because today its basically Fabian Socialism, infiltration and subversion of institutions and business. Of course communism was (and still is) supported by banks and business, basically corporations and government and international organizations are basically one and the same, distinction is just a formality at this point. Which could arguably be called socialism, global socialism.
Wouldn't be a problem as long as shitskin migration was 0, which it isn't
When will they add more rat varieties? Now I'm in the mood to ratte.
Stock market needs buyers.
Population declined way too fast after the sexual revolution and now government is frantically trying to counter it because the stock market will crash as boomers retire.
Even so Japan has been having issues due to an aging population, so there's that.