Dehumanization of people?

Is the end goal of this changing of language in America, just a path to change people into gender less numbers aka robots, or its something else?

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A lot of it has to do with women being treated as equals.
They do retarded shit.

Yes i understand using females for a goal, but what is their end goal?

People focus on the obvious such as "police officer" but don't think about the important stuff - how Pride is now nearly synonymous with faggotry. An entire feeling stolen by the jews and there is no word or concept to replace it.

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A world full of slaves.

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I think they're suicidal but don't have the guts to off themselves, so they're legit just trying to get us pissed off enough to start a global ideological war.

I cannot think of any other reason they would be doing these things.

Isn't a straight pride planed soon?

the former is correct though.
Women never contributed to shit

They want everything to be vague, for it all to lose definition entirely.
It is very easy to rule people that way, they have to accept all input.

>posts with 50 jew servant stars spangled on his flag - on the guatemalan board of rabbi spotting - thinking he'll fit in

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>change people into gender less numbers aka robots

Same thins i said there, the or else is what am interested in are there some other theories?

cope harder kike

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Pride is not for white people and the rainbow is only for sodomists.

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Sorry, but memeflags are compromised. It's you and JIDF waving the swastika.

So no user is related to some "think tank" ppl to give some story of whats their excuse to paint it as a good thing?

(Ma)i(n)penance hole


When people say human and shit like human beings it creeps me out.

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Well to be fair pride is a sin.
Just replace the 'good' pride with accomplishment, or self respect.

Ye its a weird comedy/tragedy, the world we live in.

>pride is a sin.

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Thank you for your epic rebuttal meme flag.
It's not as if excessive pride, can result in unearned confidence, or narcissism.

To be worshipped by other women.
They use male submission for this purpose.
They always have. Bread and circuses in Rome was a female plan paid for by male taxes.

Is the male submission going away slowly? MGTOW n others?

Christcuckery is a jewish invented religion meant impose weakness on non-jews. That's why christcuckery bans usury-banking for christcucks but still somehow works their ass off to allow jews to lend money to christcucks. It's a slave system.

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woman = ?

Not necessarily. More men have fallen victim to it through the sin of pride and more men will as time goes on, but those who haven't fallen victim to it and those who have recognised it and pulled out are becoming more vocal, more proactive, and inevitably we will become more violent.

"inordinate self-love is the cause of every sin (1,77) ... the root of pride is found to consist in man not being, in some way, subject to God and His rule." - Thomas Aquinas.
The very well-meant shit teachers teach kids at school such as "believe in yourself" leads to such delusions.
Peak individualism is the yardstick of pride. If there's only me, myself and I to think about, why would I help others or defend them?

They get you triggered, cry about anti-semitism and flee to Asia and Oceania (fleeing without an excuse would be suspicious), destroying your countries in the mean time.

>his language doesn't have grammatical gender

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>Peak individualism is the yardstick of pride. If there's only me, myself and I to think about, why would I help others or defend them?

Yes and how do you keep being not corrupted when everyone around you behaves like that, its hard isnt it.

Yes, the end goal of all of this is making everyone equally weak and stupid. But not your corporate and political overlords, you should trust them because they're smarter than you goy.

What this latinx said.


He's right though. If you have nothing to be proud of, you shouldn't have pride.

This was done ages ago already.