do north african should be considered as arabs?
North African
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There are a lot of arabs there but also aboriginal blacks and even whites.
Arabs = semites
North Africans = hamites
depends... In Portugal we never addressed the Ummayyads as arabs but moors but we still made the distinction between moors and arabs.
That's not exactly right, you can't generalize like that because the people have been moving for thousands of years. Many Arabs are Hamites and many North Africans are Semites in modern days and even in ancient times.
The Moors cover a broader range of people than just Arabs in its modern context. Moors were a different people.
At the time they invaded the peninsula I don't think we Europeans made a big deal about the distinction. The dudes in Iberia and North Africa were Moors period. Back in the Holy Land they were the Saracens. Not sure if we equated them but we didn't call them the same.
Because they were different people. The word Moor has been repurposed in modern times for political reasons. If you called an Arab a Moor back then he might try to cut your head off depending on his background.
I think the only consideration for anywhere in that region should be whether to nuke it or gas it.
Oh I don't doubt you. But I'm speaking from a cultural viewpoint. In Portugal, we always addressed them as such, our whole early medieval history up to the point we established ourselves as a country has been literally FUCK THE MOORS FUCK THE SPANISH FUCK THE MOORS FUCK THE SPANISH.
And we called them Moors up to centuries later every time we tried to get a foothold in North Africa.
they're mudslims, which is enough for me to hate them
Also nice memeflag Shlomo
Isn't it too windy and open to gas?
north africa has a hefty arabian influence. think of it like hellenization after alexander the great
all africans are niggers
Nah they’re just filth that’s all
No they're not and genetic studies have proven this.
>genetics studies has proven that basically 1 billion people are _____
Never go full retard.
Go see for yourself, retard. Look up any north african country.
So tell me, what is a North African?
You mean, they aren't?
I think that any of the areas both conquered by Islamic raiders in the 6th Century conquests, and inhabited indefinitely wherein the national character of the inhabitants, as well as their cultural identities, were permanently altered or affected in profoundly religious, linguistic, and in terms of values, laws, and art, that these people are now Arabic. Speaking Arabic, engaging in Arabic belief systems, and values, and wearing the same or nearly the same clothing, and their regard for women and marriage: these all culminate in the statement, "North Africans are Arabs." a factual statement.