Race traitors

why most men hate white girls if the white man was first fucking a nigger and an asian when white women were right for you.
Now you hate us (women), because a woman is more likely to be subjected to manipulations of the TV and mass media and school zombies.
What are you better than mudshark? you are fucking whipped narrow-minded whores who have 30 members to you.

I am a white girl with nationalistic political views, never betrayed my boyfriend. but my boyfriend betrayed me three times with asians whores.
so that you become dull hypocrites. you are the same as the mudsharks
you are no better than mudshark.
i dont give a fuck what do you say "a woman is the carrier of white genes, so she should not fuck a foreigner besides white".
The purity of the race has both sexes to keep both a woman and a man.

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So you fucked Niggers and now you regret it.

Stop the mind tricks and just be straight with guys and you might get a boyfriend

you're right. no one should do that. just keep looking for someone who will live up to the same standards you do.

never i fucked niggers, they are monkeys

Find a white nationalist guy

because the averege of white women are race traitors now and the averege white men are too weak to live without a women, so they come to asia to find a gf

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What is a white woman with niggers? Love? Pity? Self-immolation? Confession of pity for historic wrongs?


What is a white man with a nigger, Japanese, or Latina? A business transaction.

This is the difference. If white girls would stop that crazy shit, the incel question would not be at levels inspiring the identification of yet another manipulation of the definition of a minority....

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race traitors are white men. they the first fuck a nigger.
in past all was good. but white men gave power to kikes.
so, white men ure are race traitors, u the one who gave power to jews not White girls and now you abusing white girls?

me neither, they are indeed of the ape variation. Good on you then, most of us wouldnt hate you then. So what is the problem you have here exactly? You want us to call out male race traitors? Well you are one out of many...MANY which are shit. Given that we do not have access to someone like you quite often, and that we still seek quality, and that while it may be frowned upon, it is not as disgusting as with niggers, since asians have many civilization accomplishments.

Tits or gtfo memefag

about 80% or more of all men are shit, just as the women are. Even the second generation immigrants often adapt to the poisonous society and become like them.

what is it you are looking for exactly here, I dont quite get it.

im trying to say white men are mudsharks too

oildrillers we call them, coalburners/mudsharks are the female variation.

>but my boyfriend betrayed me three times with asians whores.
get a new bf retard

im here to say stop abuse white girls.
Not all of these bad girls are what you describe.
is it my fault that most men are omega?

i did, burger

my girl has brown skin and a 130 iq (10 points lower than mine)
Funny, these neanderthals like to brag about having the 3rd highest average IQ (behind chinks amd jews lmao) of a paltry 105.

lol ok,

now that thats settled, have a digital pat on the head


madonna has iq 150. it makes her a smart? u dumb burger.

>, the incel question would not be at levels inspiring the identification of yet another manipulation of the definition of a minority....
What the fuck does this even mean? The "incel question"? no normal person knows what the fuck you are talking about, take a break from the internet and get some fresh air, you might even get laid

140, actually.

and yes, it does.

IQ isn't the end all be all and is by no means a perfect metric but its generally a good indicator.

i mean
girls easier get manipulation by zombie tv or school programs.
women more emotional and use more emotion than brain.
women are dumber than a man

one monkey can think! wow!!! I wonder if all monkeys can do it too

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how burgers could have 10 if they are retarded in Geography and ignorant

White women who fuck niggers are not worth anybody’s time. Likewise, white men who fuck gook whores aren’t worth anybody’s time either.


thats the point though. you arent fucking an entire race, you are fucking an individual person.

Do you think, father being constrant, offspring will be brighter from 80 IQ Cleetus in Alabama, or a 130iq Afrikan Queen?

A white woman who has sex with a nigger or an arab must be sterilized

Please show flag ESL

whigger, a woman is a bearer
genes. your kids will never looks a white. fuck off troll

explain the graphic then? Russia is quite poor with other eastern european countries and they aren't dumb


>a woman on Jow Forums

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You picked the wrong, race traitor bf. I would never cheat on my beautiful wife.

muricans aren't dumb, just they don't care about the world, I mean. everything is made in america

White women age poorly and copulate with dogs

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why not?
girls cant to be a national socialist?

Deal with the nigger problem. No niggers, no miscegenation.

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what about muslims, kikes and non white spics?

they are.
i dont talk to alot .Some of them sound retarded or autism have


do you mean americans in Jow Forums? you know this place was made for relese all you rage that you can't relese in RL, right?

white men are zoophiles, fuck niggers aka gorillas lol

nice meme flag Rabbi

>I'm a white girl
But you're not a virgin so who cares, damaged goods?

i mean in real life not 4 chan lulz
oh wait in 4 chan random and soc a lot of betas men

you're too soft. they deserve a painful death

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do you have travel into The US? do you know how are people there?

my ex bf were a first. so, i believed we marry but he didnt wont it. who the fuck ure judge me if u fucked asian trash, fake japenese

>women are dumber than a man
no, they are however, on average, less intelligent than men.
However they are on average have better intuition than men do.
men are women are compliments to eachother, its not a pissing contest you incel

Tits or GTFO, cat lady.

This fucking white cuck Wray of the FBI needs to get two shots to the back of the head and ruled a suicide.

Openly stating most terror arrests this year are because of MUH WHITE SUPREMACY, whites male are still 29% of this country muslim males are less than .5% why don't you take a statistics class you deep state enabling faggot.

Or maybe bring up how 6% of the population commits 60% of all violent crime in the U.S.

But oh no! you will never say that so you can keep getting Good Goy pats on the head from your kike overlords.

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My ESL radar is telling me she's either Slav or indian

>51 posts
>only one tits or gtfo
tits or gtfo roastie

i wont travel to USA, there a lot of niggas and spics. i fear to get rape plus usa is a shit. they have big tax and shittie obama care

>they aren't dumb.
Thanks to their large numbers of Ashkenazim

as like women who betrays loyalty must be put into a death sentence, men must charge the same destiny.

fuck polygamic

>better intuition
So they have better meme shit?
I bet you actually believe that "women's intuition" is a real thing.

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use pornhub, fucking pervert.
you are not my bf . why i should show to u my boob, guy without national

well, all depends in what part of the country you are. avoid niggers and spic is easy if you have enough money~

im not a pajeet lulz
try harder koalafucker

funny, can you tell what am I?

USA has a lot of niggas. Are u recomend visit me redneck village ?

Asian or some European country

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I used to live in irvine time ago, I just saw asians and whites so, it's was comfy until I leave the city

:) you make me smile a bit

lmao, dumb aussie. whom am i? a trap for u or what. i cant made a proof. im not at home but im a girl.

in thailand i have seen a lot old pedos with ugly thai girls and?
i bet u fucked some an asian whore and worship on her chink cunt which smells like a dead fish

>I can't give you proof I swear I'm telling the truth

look buddy, usually girls don't use Jow Forums so the few girls who could probably exist on this site will never say they are females.

this place are full with men without gf.

Lmao, no way you are a girl. Girls don't think about the future. You're a larp

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hahahaha! I just fucked my ex gf and it was in 2013 so no.

also no, I'm not asian, I'm a white man who lives into a country who is just half white

Listen here baby gurl. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

>mfw thinking of you hurting

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its not my fault in 4 chan a lot betas and omegas lulz
you can think what do u want , i dont give a fuck

a faggot

i could do proof but no a pen and paper.

why are you so mad buddy? you miss him? I miss her, don't worry

stop larping dave

ufff trolling by whiggers. let me guess u love to listen rap like typical an american racist rolf

i dont miss none lmao im not crying for guys like you did for ur ex gf because ure beta guy.

post without pen and paper then

no you can't women will typically follow the views of whatever man happens to be fucking them at that point at least publicly and then vote liberal anyway

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Last man words chosen very specifically, political views of women are always shallow and fleeting ( if they are even are capable of forming their own) will always chose assimilation with ZOG over honor and their people.

also oP is an Obvious faggot to all DESPERATE ANONS

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why are you so triggered?

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This is boring. If you're not gonna show your Vag Badge, or your milkers move along.

Listen if you are an actual girl, which still in extreme doubt, don't mention it at all. It will improve the site for all of us

Hello boys,

I am a baste Aryan female, teehee. Why aren't you stupid degenerates as baste as me?

Serious answers only!!

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Put on your SS outfit and post tits. Thanks.

>I'm a white girl
kikes aren't white

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idgaf, im out.
seems , Jow Forums guys never seen a pussy lulz
i wrote what i want , so time out

die by aids with ur sralin.

Just haven't seen yours, you should change that.

You stupid go-- I mean, boys, will never be good enough for me
*Black gurl snaps*

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Why does she sound great? She admits to being sexually inferior to Asian girls.

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This user gets it.

You don't come on 4ch for serious discussion. You come here for the memes, happenings and occasional lolcow.
P.s. Sub to Wife With a Purpose

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