Nogs are literally roaming the streets, humiliating and bullying your cops
The absolute state of america
It was just a prank Frenchie calm your tits
Stfu bootlicker
What city is this? Seattle?
Based black men.
White cops shouldn't be in Harlem.
new york city
cucked by niggers toplel
How much cuckold porn do you watch per week, approximately?
I know that the global average is 0, but the United States of America truly are a particular case, to the extent that americans really love watching sexual videos of african males fucking, or even breeding white females
>Land of the free home of the brave
should've shot them
Oh he feels sooo cocky at the moment.
But those cops know that area.
Those cops know exactly who that guy is, who that guys mamma is.
In a week when he is by himself, he will get arrested for possession.
His mother will get a bunch of parking violation tickets.
My first thought. Just shoot the nigger and make an example of him. At the very least club him in the head a few times.
Our cops shoot a hell of a lot more niggers than yours do, frog.
Why isn’t this assault on a police officer?
Why dont they start shooting?
Because you have a hell of a lot more niggers than we do lmao
Faggot mayor told them not to.
Not if you count Mudslimes (and we do).
The American experiment failed and the only logical next phase will be authoritarian rule. The question is which side will have the balls to act first?
Ok so if i try to pour a bucket of acid over a cop they wont find out its not water until its too late?
our cops never tried to surrender to terrorists
>breathes in
In the city of Béziers that becomes very interesting. (Ménard)
Jesus Christ, fucking cope. It’s honestly kind of sad how the thought of my country sends you into a teeming rage.
Thanks, you just made me sick
Living the American Dream i see. hahahahhaha BETA AF
antifa pls go
Context matters. It was a 100+ that day cops got drenched. Its a New York thing to have water fights on hot days like this theres other videos of people getting drenched because its a summer tradition.
Also theres a search warrant now out for those nogs.
Hahahahah imagine having these cucks as your law enforcement.
The USA is lost.
I'm with you, shoot them.
I agree, don't know what the fuck they put in that water.
It is legally assault and battery, and needs to be treated as such, but can't because libtards.
Just reminder that most nonwhite country in europe is still 80% white. US is around 60% while many mestizos and hispanics is counted as white. thats how much of a subhumans amerishits are.
>fails mouvement des gilets jaunes
>lets shitskins burn down Notre-Dame
>a couple of cops get water on them who will return to serve justice
Do us a favor and spend less time eating croissants more time helping white men.
Make up your mind Europe do you love cops and hate niggers or do you love niggers and hate copes.
It's a lose-lose situation for cops.
>do nothing = get made fun of for being weak
>arrest them = AYO DAS RACCIST
You can them smiling, not all cops have something up their asses all day and are ready to let loose on a nigger. These cops were obviously not giving a shit for 1. The cops were smiling and for 2. Throwing water on someone would be considered assault within America.
EU cucks know nothing and lack any IQ to understand this. Get back to letting Mohammad pound your wife.
This wouldn't happen if those guys were state troopers.
this cope lol XD
this webm is a crime against humanity
I definitely lack any IQ to understand why you let black men insert their penises into your wife
All the Americans in this thread defending the niggers... lmao
Yeah they keep telling me that but I haven't seen a black person in almost a year. I don't think you understand that they aren't allowed to leave the city. Not because of a law (unless you consider the laws of nature), but because they literally can't provide for themselves without the assistance of the leftist machine.
>meanwhile me and my gun rights
Pic very related, at least we can keep ourselves safe from them without the need for police intervention. Not that I have or ever will call the police.. because it's about the least American thing you can do.
>confused with defending black people and hating cops
Nope. We hate them both equally. Cops actually stand a chance though.
please nuke america already
Cops protect the niggers and spics.
They deserve everything they get.
>Yeah they keep telling me that but I haven't seen a black person in almost a year.
are you like demented? you think that people in europe who live outside of cities are seeing niggers?
Bad relation between cops and blacks is actually a good thing right?So we both get the cops humiliated and they hate blacks so it is good
>but I haven't seen a black person in almost a year
bruh I have never seen a nigger where I live
Cops are allowed to assault anybody who runs at them because they carry a pistol. They are being really nice by not retaliating here, with pepper spray or a baton.
Those niggers should be shot.
>should've shot them
Found the zombie apocalypse first response team guy. You like how a man in uniform bends you over, don't you?
We're still being raided, remember?
>admits he has tons of black people too
>claims it's an American issue
Wow you're literally insulting the USA while saying you have the same issue. Except the difference is the USA actually has something going for it as opposed to *squints* *checks flag* that place.
"a-at least we got guns, right?"
>Why dont they start shooting?
Because he wasn't white. Niggers are almost on sacred cow level here
>where I live
Literally where?
>our israeli police would NEVER take shit from anyone, all you eurofags are cucked xD
That looks tasty, if you can pass it through your left ventricle...
The rest of the world really is obsessed with the USA, and Americans do not give a single fuck about any other country.
lol here's an traditional algonquin recipe that's been passed down through generations. my family makes this for every thanksgiving
>Americans do not give a single fuck about any other country
except african ones tho, they seem to like them very much
We don't need the police, in order to not take shit from anyone.
wtf i love niggers now
In a 99% white country
Perhaps a concept you can't quite understand
Bro why do you have these saved on your computer
Must be easy to stay white when you have nothing to offer. If only USA could remain so useless but I digress.
That looks revolting.
>he doesn't enjoy witnessing the wonder that is american cuisine
I agree, the USA are very useful indeed, to Israel
I'd rather be "useless" that have raging niggers in my country killing people every day
I would love to live in a gated community
And your government's not?
Its going to end very well for them too
You wont like it when Americans go back to the way they were and should be
You think your oppressed now ? you think your a “victim” of racism and inequality and hatred now?
Boy you on easy street rn you aint seen shit keep pushin ur luck nigger
America wont tolerate it much longer
>Asian cops
I do admire how creatively disgusting these are, I'll admit that
At least you have Dalmatians, whose brains are too big for their tiny heads and cause aggression issues. Probably as inbred as you.
And you're useful to the USA which makes you useful to Isreal too, congratulations for winning the participation trophy. Sorry the universe doesn't revolve around your shitty country. At this point you're embarrassing yourselves with how unimportant you are. Besides if we didn't help the Jews then you'd really have no reason to complain about the USA and we can't have that.
It's, uh...innovation!'s what it is...
Digits of based policing
Dump moar, these are hilarious
ok, i have a few
Squirt squirt you are dead officer lelelele
Only in the ghettos dipshit. I swear you fucking euros think that every country has the same layout as yours.
Hahah are you actually complaining that we have aggressive dogs when pitbulls originate from the US and UK
The American experiment succeeded astoundingly well. The problem is that the fine balance created by our founding fathers is being undermined by corporate interests and political parties that refuse to operate within the lines.
I fear the only thing that will return us back to our former self is revolution and I don't know how well that would go against a well armed government.
Oh well, I'm old and will be dead before the shit hits the fan I reckon.
What the fuck
No I'm saying that upon a quick google search of your pathetic country all that came up was a dumbass breed of dog. How can you miss the point entirely? Oh because you're retarded. Let's have a look at what a quick Google search does for my country:
>pic related
Teehee. Bang bang, bang bang bang. Dispatch this is unit 53 we have shots fired.
Walks up to skull. BANG BANG BANG BANG. put ur hands behind ur head put ur hands behind ur head. Bang bang bang. Curb stop, mace, take, baton
BANG BANG BANG taze,mace,taze, curb stomp.
So this is a cheeseburger, saturated in melted butter, made by a "chef" who's about to have a major coronary event.