New Project Veritas Video. Google Engineer goes public and whistle blows the truth behind google's intentions

New Project Veritas Video. Google Engineer goes public and whistle blows the truth behind google's intentions.

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Other urls found in this thread: blogspot/voxpopoli (Vox Popoli)

Link to video:


Don't like google? Don't use it. Simple as

What is a 'thesis statement?'

He is trying to obfuscate Google's crimes against humanity:

That's what we say about illegal migrants. If you don't like the current country you're in, go back and make your own better instead of calling everybody a racist.

Want Communism? Move to a Communist country. Simple as.

See that captcha at the top?

Bump. Don't let it get slid

Fb yt twitter google etc have a lot of Antifa activists on their payrolls, which means they have access to private info perfect for doxing their political opponents

My thought exact

weak attempt at derailing

It's more difficult than you can imagine.
Even if you start using LineageOS instead, most apps still rely on google notifications, location services, payments etc.
You can survive without Google, but you're definitely reducing the quality of life.

That's the double standard leftists successful established in the narrative.
Appeal to choice is valid unless the subject is "opressed" and belongs to a "protected class".
Then you're called an anti-semite, racist, homophobe, transphobe and what not.
The result: you have less to say in the society. This is a cultural power-shift. It's neither elected nor desired in any other way

That's because you're an NPC

Just like all the previous leaks and interviews, it won't make any difference.

What a faggot. This guy and the epstein dude sound gay as fuck. All that talking and didn't really say shit.

>congressional hearings
>any difference
It produces a basis for congress to take action. The more leaks the better

They have a monopoly and they abuse it

He'd probably argue that they don't have a monopoly because you can use alternative services even though Google de-facto controls the search market

Yea you are totally right user, just a big nothing burger like everything else, don't you want to take a big old nap?

I honestly wish I could fbi-chan I've been trying for literally 4 hours noe

For any doubters, this guy actually does work at Google, found him on LinkedIn and on Google's Github. Dude's fucking brave. Google usually fires whistle-blowers, and a Software Engineer at Google is essentially an end-game job for engineers unless you go management like VP.

sure but remove all google trackers of the internet

Weak attempt at being a jew:

balls of steel

>>It produces a basis for congress to take action. The more leaks the better

There have already been congressional hearings.
Nothing has changed.
And nothing will change.
Just as with the Snowden leaks.

The fact that Google didnt "silence" him shows that this "leak" wont change anything.
People who care about this already knew it, and people that dont will simply ignore it or call it fake

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Fuck you. I'm not sleepy posting. He just sounds like a faggot. All he said was a bunch of
>um, I don't know for sure
>anT, I can't prove anything
>anT, um, do I sound gay enough
I'm just sick of faggots. Faggots everywhere. Holy fuck.

((( Veritas ))) vs (((google))) .Choose wisely pol

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Bump what jewoogle is doing is unforgivable

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jesus christ
15 minute video
> uh....
> I, uh, think
>, y'know
> tech could maybe be biased toward CNN

the guy probably is a developer, but he talks like a 12 year old girl. There isnt anything new in this video. Just a guy who works at google telling us what we have already known for the past decade. It wouldve been nice, being a senior engineer, if he could have explained exactly how the search algorithms are manipulating search results. He doesnt

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>Fuck you. I'm not sleepy posting. He just sounds like a faggot. All he said was a bunch of
>>um, I don't know for sure
>>anT, I can't prove anything
>>anT, um, do I sound gay enough
>I'm just sick of faggots. Faggots everywhere. Holy fuck.
ha ha

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make your own thread or cut your dick and put it on your forehead

Yeah that's the point
This is something that pisses me off about these overgrown manchildren ranting about "big evil game publishers" or googles "monopoly" on youtube and social media. They expect the same quality they are used too without all the negatives of their opposition. It's like they are unable to compromise and sacrifice some of their welfare for freedom, but instead demand both at the same time.
Stop using everything which is powered by Google, even if you have to forgo social media and even Jow Forums. If you are not willing to do that then stop whining about them evil cooperations

Only thread of note. Bumping. Mueller isn't going to say shit that we dont already know

Ehhhh this one was kinda bad. Not really fair to call him a "whistleblower" when literally the first thing he said was "I don't have any proof BUT..."

Should probably remove this one from the PV catalog, it undermines their credibility when it's just a guy saying "I love Trump and I'm PRETTY SURE Google is up to no good (but not in my department)"

T. Jeff Googleberg

>Stop using everything which is powered by Google, even if you have to forgo social media and even Jow Forums. If you are not willing to do that then stop whining about them evil cooperations
That's not a fair response when those corporations can continue to influence your society and government and lobby for changes that can have severe detrimental harm to you and your family's way of life even if you avoid using their services yourself.

I could delete all my google services tomorrow, but google will still be convincing tens if not hundreds of millions of people worldwide to accept globalism and demographic replacement and trannyism.

Do you disagree? Explain why if so. This was a weak video compared to their usual fare.


The MSM needs to hang itself when a person with a video camera and youtube account can do a better job finding evidence and testimony than their multi-million dollar platforms can.

I'm currently de-Googling myself. Using my own domain for email. Using free software on my phone. Using a Dutch storage provider for my own files.
But as I earn my money online, I do rely on Google a lot financially. About 95% of my traffic comes from Google. So they literally decide how much I can earn. Or if I can earn anything at all. So my dependency on Google is very real. Which annoys me quite a bit.

And anyone who uses Google to rank knows the machines aren't fair. You need content to rank, but good content does not make you rank. So you have to adhere to their code and way of doing things to even be able to earn some money.

They decide what kind of content gets traffic (a website like Jow Forums could be 18+ and thus only rank if you specifically search for it). They decide that you might not be able to talk about weed or the red light district, even if you are into tourism. While some established parties can break all the rules and rank anyway. So they are basically the internet police.

When you use platforms owned by Google it goes even further, as the moderation seems to be biased against people with an ideology that deviates from the one that Google has. While due to their market position I do believe they have a responsibility towards small business (which youtubers basically are) and users who use their platform.

When it comes to the whistleblower. Even if you aren't in direct contact with certain projects, he's still an authority on AI, talks with the management so he knows what's being prioritized indoors, an expert on Google's policies and projects, on how an employee or project can influence the results. And he has a better view on what results actually mean than most people. Simply by the virtue of being an expert in that area who actually works at the company people talk about. Maybe calling him a whistleblower would be wrong. But he has a credible expert opinion.

That's a different topic.
I was talking about monetization, content creation etc. Do you really think Jim Steerling and the other cucks care about politics and the downfall of the west? What annoys me are these crybabies who want their cake and eat it too.

But yeah, Google et all can and probably does influence the opinions of millions. However, this isn't entirely the fault of google.
The majority will not question the popular narrative and go along with the flow. It's the population itself, not the cooperations which follow their demand, who allows and gives in these practices. Their successful propaganda is the result of decades-old indoctrination and subversion through, for example, the hippie movement or commie influence on academia. We already fell into the leftist dungeon and social media is just feeding us their shit.
Do you think googles business model would've worked in the 40s and 50s?

What I believe is going on is this. Imagine if you have two websites. Let's call them Jow Forums and reddit. One represents the republicans and is 18+. And the other is a democrat safe space and can often be found in the top results. That has a huge impact on what people get to read.

Nah, I think it would be better to regulate them into submission.

it's never promising when a MAN comes at you with 'i think that' 'as an engineer i feel that'
fuck your feelings faggot i wanted facts.

Ancient version of google:
>local megacorp owns all the food and water.
>makes you lick his donkeys asshole if you want to eat.
>one day my retard neighbor said 'durr, if you don like it, jus dun eat! I is jeanyus, huh?'


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This is the current senior google engineer saying that he thinks Google is headed in a dangerous direction and all you faggots can do is complain about how he talks like a typical limpwristed IT nerd and isn't saying anything new. This is a huge deal because of who is saying it, even if it's "nothing new." This is a guy with a secure, high profile, high paying job at Google putting himself in the crosshairs to say "yes, Google is fucked, tech is a problem, this is a bad direction for tech." 5000 faggots on Jow Forums can be ignored, this can't.

...Except by you faggots who are so stupid you can't appreciate what a big deal this is and are going all out to minimize it. I would call you shills if I wasn't sure it was just you guys being fucking stupid. You have no way of knowing if this is 100% of what O'Keefe's got from this guy either. He never releases everything at once. Project Veritas has slow dripped info from when they first got started.

>the word family offended doggo

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Welcome to Jow Forums. Enjoy your stay.



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Why should we care? This will turn out to be a huge nothing-burger, as per usual. Jow Forums will be talking about something else after 3 days, most likely epstein again or posting in another obvious slide thread.

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>Buys out your company and doesn't even rebrand just change to anti white policy and censorship.

Good goy.

Here is an idea how about instead of rolling over and getting ass fucked into 1984 we do something about and force the governments hand.

Funny how the libertarian types crawl out from under their BLACKED porn sponsored by Google Dorritos to tell whites to take whatever jewish degeneracy is present at the time.

Why didnt you make a not google in the 20 years it was around?


I use bing.

>Don't even bother trying to resist goy. I don't want to spend another shekel to bribe your polticians. Besides there are some people coming onto the scene and it's like they hate ME! Me Schlomo Goldstein the most trusted name in the US. Now I can't bribe these people. So please just put on your castration cages and let's not change things.

Jews are in Japan ow I see.

>For now we see through a mirror darkly.

What a fucking absurd reality, and yet I try to remember that though we seem steeped in this midden heap, corrupted by this filth, it in fact is but a facade that is endlessly spawning cracks.
As always, our true selves will be reborn from it, we're like the phoenix from the ashes of a decaying society.

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>don't want your kids seeing poz culture? don't have kids

4 chan is wasted on faggots like you.

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Damage control

The crackdown seems to have stopped. blogspot/voxpopoli (Vox Popoli)

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based and bingpilled

Makes you wonder where the money is actually going besides 'investigative journalists'.


Antitrust case successful against Microsoft for simply bundling IE with windows; yet....

> sells their own systems,
> from their own retailing,
> comprised of google designed hardware,
> running a google designed operating system,
> requiring a google account,
> to access a google controlled app store,
> to use a google browser,
> with internet standards highly influenced, possibly even determined by google,
> so that you can use google's search engine,
> to find exactly what you need on a google owned website; or another
> with CDN, libraries, DNS, and other internet infrastructure being served by google
> over your google internet connection
> that you pay for with google's financial services
> while being tracked and profiled at the same time by google,
> all while training highly advanced AI's owned by google for free....


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There is one there has been a couple.

They just created a monopoly and expanded into other services and now OPENLY try to censor you.

At what point does the government need to get involved for you? Do they have to put your kids in sex dungeons? To late then can't complain about Google owns all messaging services.


What has that to do with Google being bias?

I dont. Bing but end of the day anti trust will sort this out.

use duckduckgo

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A fucking leaf


Thread getting slid like hell

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Reminder: Might is right.
The only way things will change is if a bunch of the top brass at these tech companies end up dead.